Privatkelterei van Nahmen Reviews

Van Nahmen Cidre Trocken
“van Nahmen Apfelcidre 4 %“, Flasche von Edeka, Berlin. (Die Angabe “trocken“ findet sich nirgends auf der Flasche, nur durch den Alkoholgehalt unterscheiden sich die beiden Varianten.) - Blaßgelb, klar. - Matter, zuckersüßer Duft nach Supermarktäpfeln und Vanillezucker, schwache ranzig-herbe Note. - Im Geschmack ebenso künstlich apfelig-zuckersüß, süße Birne, mit etwas Zitronensaft abgerundet. Gut karbonisiert, leicht und frisch. Nur milde, gefällige Herbe. - Harmloses Erfrischungsgetränk ohne die ausgeprägten säuerlichen, herben und kellerigen Aromen, die einen echten Apfelwein ausmachen. Eher Limonade als Wein. (24.7.2020.)
Friday, July 24, 2020

Van Nahmen Cidre Mild
750 ml bottle. Clear champagne coloured, no head. Light honey, ripe apples, lemon, some marzipan. Fruity sweetness, slightly dry. Light bodied, watery texture, fizzy carbonated, light dry finish.
Sunday, May 17, 2020

Van Nahmen Cidre Mild
75cl bottle. A clear pale yellow colour, white fast deminishing head. Aroma of sulfur, sweet apples. Taste of intense sweet apples, sulfur, sugar, high carbonation.
Saturday, January 4, 2020

Van Nahmen Cidre Trocken
750 ml bottle. Unclear light golden. Ripe apples, apple pie, wood, dry white wine, honey, elderflower. Fruity dry sourness. Medium bodied, oily watery texture, fizzy carbonated, dry finish. Very good and so refreshing!
Sunday, August 18, 2019

Van Nahmen Cidre Trocken
[Munich 2018] Thanks to Jonas! 750 ml. bottle sampled. Pale golden, white head. Nose is sweet white grape, quite fruity, apple. Nice more basic sweet apple, sugar, white grape, lively, low dry, touch candy, neat.
Saturday, November 17, 2018

Van Nahmen Cidre Trocken
Bottle. Pale white wine colored, fine sparkly. Dry applecore, light Marzipan. Medium body, chewy sparkly, apple, pear champagne praline notes, dry mineral, light chalk, a hint ginger candy. Refreshing, nice.
Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Van Nahmen Cidre Trocken
Bottle. Now I am curious about this, considering this Cidery makes an absolutely fantastic alcohol-free apple&quince cider. Clear Riesling color with white head that goes down quickly. Aroma is super juicy ripe apples, very fresh and intense. Taste is juicy apples, almost candy, candied ginger, mineralic finish. Fizzy carbonation. Good one, and quite unusual in its apple character.
Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Van Nahmen Cidre Trocken
Bottle from Haus Österreich. Pours clear pale yellow with a bubbly foam. Aroma is green apples, peel, fermented apple indeed - Green throughout. Body is light, crisp and refreshing. Quite tart and appl-y sour, with a rather low flavour profile. Palate is dry and sour with more green apples. Not in perfect balance, but still enjoyable and refreshing.
Friday, May 4, 2018

Van Nahmen Cidre Trocken
Sweetish fruity beginning. Nice refreshing, deep with lots of fruity apples. Nice.
Saturday, October 7, 2017

Van Nahmen Cidre Trocken
Bottle shared with Erzengel! A clear pale golden colour, small white head. Aroma of sweet apples, sugar, apple juice. Taste of sweet mild ripe apples, sugar, juice, medium carbonation.
Saturday, October 7, 2017

Van Nahmen Cidre Trocken
light sour apple aroma,pale, clear, minimal head, light sweetness, lightly sour, light body, oily feel, fizzy, lively, long finish,
Friday, July 7, 2017

Van Nahmen Cidre Trocken
Just a cider, nothing more. Good, just nice. Yellow coloured and clear. Diminishing white head.
Friday, July 7, 2017

Van Nahmen Cidre Trocken
Bottle fom a Dusseldorf supermarket. Pours blond and sparkling. Sweet apple aroma and flavour. A little sherbet too. Very refreshing and pleasant.
Sunday, June 4, 2017

Van Nahmen Cidre Mild
Bottle fom a supermarket in Dusseldorf. Pours golden. Sweet desert apple aroma. The taste is very sweet with a little sharp bakd apple. High carbonation. OK.
Saturday, June 3, 2017

Van Nahmen Cidre Mild

750 ml crown-cap bottle bought at Alarcon V’s booth in Spot, Sheung Shui.

Cream-soda golden colour; Less than one quarter finger head with residual soapy white foam which fades in 10 seconds; Poor sticky lacing with very fizzy carbonation; Fragrant sweet and tart aroma of apple juice, with strong yoghurt tartness, strong apple flesh, apple soda, sugar, wood barrel, faint sandalwood and light tannic; Medium sweet taste of apple juice, with moderate yoghurt tartness, strong apple flesh, very strong carbo, sugar and light wood barrel; Close to light body. Thin but slightly slick palate; Mouth feel is essentially sweet apple juice, with a thicker body and (surprisingly) drier the than Cidre Trocken. Less yoghurt tartness but the real apple taste is much stronger with some nice oxidized flesh. Booze is very light with very light barrel. Easy!... Quite dry after taste. Sweet and fruity to mouth.

Comments: Despite being more a juice than a cider, this 2% Mild has better and thicker body, more apple flesh taste and nice dryness than the watery 4% Trocken. An easy companion to meals, it’s just as good as most low-booze French sweet ciders. Fairly nice!

Friday, July 22, 2016

Van Nahmen Cidre Trocken

750 ml crown-cap bottle bought at Alarcon V’s booth in Spot, Sheung Shui.

Pale cream-soda golden colour; One quarter finger head with soapy white foam which fades in 15 seconds; Poor sticky lacing with very fizzy carbonation; Very sweet aroma of apple juice, with moderate yoghurt tartness, apple soda, wood barrel and light tannic; Close to medium sweet taste of apple wine, with strong yoghurt tartness, oxidized apple, very strong carbo, club soda, shades of sandalwood, light wood barrel quite strong tannin; Light body. Watery palate; Mouth feel is sweet apple wine then comes with a sharp and very tart yoghurt taste. Very watery and soda-ish to the tongue but you can feel the real hidden apple winey character with underlying oxidized flesh. Some thind sandalwood from the barrel. Pretty astringent tannin ending. Interesting!... Slightly dry after taste. Sweet and slightly winey to mouth.

Comments: This one is sweet, tart and watery in equal dosage, adding up to give a light fruit wine taste which is quite tasty, not all that strong nor dry but impressive. If they can put out a smaller volume and less expensive version of 500ml or 330ml bottles it would be most welcome. Nice!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Van Nahmen Cidre Trocken
Trocken apfeliger Antrunk. Leichte angenehme Süße, starke Karbonisierung. Rund aromatisch, leider nicht ganz vollmundig. Dennoch gefällt der Cider, süffig und erfrischend. 6/10/10/10/8/10
Sunday, May 22, 2016

Van Nahmen Cidre Mild
Süß apfeliger Antrunk, der aber nicht künstlich wirkt. Starke Karbonisierung, rund. Die Apfelnoten bleiben bis in den Nachgeschmack konstant. Nett und erfrischend. 6/8/11/9/10/9
Saturday, May 21, 2016

Van Nahmen Cidre Mild
Fruchtig-herbe Nase. Herb-apfeliger Antrunk, fruchtig, süßlich, aber nicht zu tief. Nette frische Tannine, aber mild-weich. Süßliche Apfelsaftnote, aber er kommt in Tiefe & Komplexität nicht an seine französischen Konkurrenten heran.
Friday, March 6, 2015

Van Nahmen Cidre Trocken
It’s beautiful yellow golden and the aroma has notes of oven baked apples, sweet fresh apples and a hint of wood. The flavor has a refreshing apple tartness - but also sweetness and the notes are apples both sweet and sour and again a hint of wood and vanilla. A nice one!
Monday, February 2, 2015

Van Nahmen Cidre Trocken
75cl bottle from Berlin Bier Shop. Pours clear gold, sparkling. Sweet fruity aroma, taste is very sweet, fruity eating apples, a touch of sherbet, apple skins, verging more towards a clear apple taste than overly sugary. Very drinkable with light alcohol. Interesting and a nice introduction to German cider.
Sunday, July 6, 2014

Van Nahmen Cidre Trocken

Bottle 750ml. corked.

Clear light yellow color with a average to large, frothy, good lacing, mostly diminishing, white head. Aroma is moderate apple, sweet apples, earthy apples, wood, vanilla, light earthy. Flavour is moderate to light heavy sweet with a long duration, apple, swet apple, light tart apples, vanilla notes. Body is medium, texture is watery, carbonation is soft - light fizzy. [20131229]

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Van Nahmen Cidre Mild
It’s pale golden with an aroma of baked apple, syrup and apple pulp. The flavor is sweet, very sweet with mild notes of apple, syrup, baked apples and the finish is slightly dry. Easy to drink, but a bit on the sweet side....
Friday, January 17, 2014

Van Nahmen Cidre Trocken
Bottle @ Johns, Århus newyear tasting. Pours clear yellow with a white head. Aroma of fruit, tart ripe apples. Flavor is little sour, ripe apples, light wood. Thin to medium body, lively carbonation. 291213
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Van Nahmen Cidre Trocken
Dark yellow colour. Moderate apple aroma. Modetate aple flavor. Dry. Average finsh. Oily palate.
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Van Nahmen Cidre Trocken
Bottle, 4%. Clear golden with small white head. Aroma is apples, fruit and a little sulfur. Flavour is apples, fruit, little sugar, medium sweet and a little acid.
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Van Nahmen Cidre Trocken
Bottle @ Aarhus tasting. Clear pale yellow with a small off-white head. Aroma is sweet, apple and apple juice. Flavor is quite sweet and light acidic. Light dry and light acidic finish. 291213
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Van Nahmen Cidre Trocken
75 cL bottle. Pours clear and golden yellow with a small white head. Aroma is apple juice. Citric, dry and crisp apple peel. Lingering fruity, smooth apple finish.
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Van Nahmen Cidre Trocken
Bottle. Medium head with medium duration. Color is pale yellow. Aroma and taste are rich apples, fruits and is nice and sour.
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Van Nahmen Cidre Mild
Bottle. Dark yellow colour. moderate apple aroma. Dry moderate nice apple flavor. Average finish. Oily palate. NIce cider.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Van Nahmen Cidre Mild
Bottle shared with McTapps. More of a very sweet and filtered apple juice. Still quite drinkable but after drinking one glass you´ll even haven more thirst. Taste is alright but sweetish.
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Van Nahmen Cidre Mild
Bottle. Deep clear golden colour with no head at all and smooth body. Taste of sweet ripe red apples. It tastes very natural and you won’t notice any alcohol at all. Little bit too sweet.
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Van Nahmen Cidre Trocken
Bottle shared with McTapps. Quite sweetish cider which becomes better and better with the evening.
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Van Nahmen Cidre Trocken
(Bottle from local posh Edeka) Very light yellow-golden with low head and medium body for the looks. Taste of ripe red apples combined with unripe pears. Light hints of peaches as well. Nice cider but too sweet for a "brut" one.
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Van Nahmen Cidre Trocken
Bottle:Golden, clear, delicate sweetish (!) aroma of ripe apples with a tinge of vanilla; light to moderate sourish-sweetish flavour, light bodied; gets slightly drier towards - again - sourish-sweetish finish. Alcohol is hardly detectable, tastes more like a decent apple-juice than a cider and is way too sweet for a "brut" cider...
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Van Nahmen Cidre Mild
Bottle at DSG 2011. Pale golden colour with a white head. Aroma issourness, apple. flavour is sweet, sourness, apple. Ordinary cider.
Monday, January 30, 2012

Van Nahmen Cidre Mild
Bottle @ Danish Summer Gathering, Ulfborg 2011. Pale yellow with lamost zero head. Sour apple aroma and flavour.
Monday, January 2, 2012

Van Nahmen Cidre Mild

Bottle 750ml. @ The Danish Summer Gathering, TFODRBSG11.

Clear light to medium yellow colour with a small small, fizzy, fair lacing, fully diminishing, white head. Aroma is moderate to light heavy apple, dry apple, apple fruity. Flavour is moderate to light heavy sweet with a long duration, dry apple, apple peel, apple porridge. Body is medium, texture is oily, carbonation is flat. [20110820]

Monday, October 10, 2011

Van Nahmen Cidre Mild
Botella. Deep golden. Very apple pleasant aroma, sweet, Good mouthfeel. Very apple fruity sweet flavour very plesant indeed.
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Van Nahmen Cidre Mild
Bottle@TFODRBSG11.Pours pale yellow with a tiny white head.Aroma of apples.Flavor of ap0ple juice.Medium to thin body, average carbonation.Boring cider.
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Van Nahmen Cidre Mild
Bottle, 75cl corked. A pale, yellow cider, quite flat. The aroma has mostly sweetish apples, some autumn-orchard hints. Dried flavor, with a pleasant apple sourness. Long finish. Medium body, lighlty sour. A bit on the sweet side, but quite nice and easy drinking. 110820
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Van Nahmen Cidre Mild
Bottle 750ml @ TFODRBSG11, Ulfborg
Pours almost clear as water with a white head. Aroma has notes of sweet and light sour apples. Taste is light sweet and light sour with a dry finish. Body is light, texture is thin, carbonation is soft.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Van Nahmen Cidre Mild
Pale yellow with a small white head. Strong aroma of ripe apple, pear and wood. Sweet fruity apple flavour with a slightly tart note.
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Van Nahmen Cidre Mild
Bottle @ FOneFan. Clear pale golden with small white head. Flavour is apples, little acid, sweet and sugar.
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Van Nahmen Cidre Mild
Bottle @ Danish Summer Gathering, Ulfborg 2011. Pours clear pale yellow with a small white frothy head. Tart and dusty apples. Some pear. Cheap feel.
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Van Nahmen Cidre Mild
Bottle @ fonefan tasting. Small head with medium duration. Color is pale yellow. Aroma and taste are sweet apples and sugary notes.
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Van Nahmen Cidre Mild
Yellow coloured and clear. Has a white head, fully diminishing. Nice aroma of soft apples and other fruits, moderate adic too. Flavor is moderate sweet and moderate acidic. Dry texture and soft carbonation
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Van Nahmen Cidre Mild
nice appel aroma,golden, clear, light sweetness, medium body, creamy, lively, fizzy, nice long appel finish.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011