Golden Horn Brewing (Fermentation Lounge) Reviews

Golden Horn Ruby Red Grapefruit Saison
Draft available again for summer 2014. Cloudy orange pour with a nice head of tight, white bubbles with streaky lacing. Aroma is mostly wheat and yeast with a little sweet fruit. Great earthy and spicy saison flavor that finishes with a pithy, grapefruit bitterness. Well made and great summer beer. No clue this was 8+ ABV.
Saturday, May 24, 2014

Golden Horn Black Lagoon Imperial Porter
10/18/13. On tap at Fermentation Lounge - was nice to see some old buddies! Deep black pour with a small tan head that sticks and laces well. Mild chocolate in the aroma, caramel, a hint of ashiness, and touches of mild fruitiness round it out. Surprisingly light flavor, mild chalkiness, hints of fruitiness again, on top of chocolate, coffee, and mild char/ash. Not bad at all!
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Golden Horn Spiced Pumpkin Ale
From old notes. Pours a hazy copper with off-white head that leaves moderate lacing. Aroma is like a curried pumpkin pie, nutmeg, clove, ginger, earthy spice. Taste follows with hints of vanilla and cinnamon, and a vegetal ending. Not bad.
Friday, August 9, 2013

Golden Horn Black Lagoon Imperial Porter
Pruney, black olive, vinegar aroma. Great bomber and label, green wax seal; inky black, dense khaki head. Lots of hard floaties at the bottom. Bottle conditioned. Sweet, tangy, moderate roast, light astringency. Oily body, sweet finish. Great benefit for Wakulla Springs...
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Golden Horn Black Lagoon Imperial Porter
Tallahassee, Fl - 22 oz bomber - on premise at Fermentation Lounge at their grand premier of this beer. Inky black pour, sticky khaki colored head, some floaties sticking around the bottom of the bottle. Slight vinegary aroma upon opening and pouring, but improves as it settles to present a topsoil-like earthy bouquet. Flavor is pretty solid with some bittersweet chocolate notes, some olive oil notes, a touch of black earthy topsoil and some back end creosote. Thick sticky mouthfeel, Good job in the first bottling - looking forward to more!
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Golden Horn Tripel Honey

Monday, December 10, 2012

Golden Horn Spiced Cracked Common
Deep amber pour with a frothy tan head. Aroma of orange juice, coriander, white pepper, sweet malts and corn grains. Up front flavor of slightly acidic orange juice, corn grains, bread malts and some spice coming through in the end. Medium bodied and better than the base beer.
Friday, October 12, 2012

Golden Horn Cracked Common
Deep amber pour with a frothy tan head. Subtle aroma of sweet malts, corn graininess, with light spices. Flavor is lightly sweet bread, buttery corn and some pepper. Medium bodied and a quick finish.
Friday, October 12, 2012

Golden Horn Butternut Squash Brown Ale
Pours a clear brown color with a thin white head. Aroma of roasted butternut squash, nutty malts and earthy hops. Flavor is roasted butternut squash, light chocolate, almonds, and chewy malts with a earthy hop finish on the back end. Pretty tasty Fall style beer.
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Golden Horn Butternut Squash Brown Ale
Tallahassee, Fl - on tap at the Cider Lounge - adjacent to Fermentation Lounge. Murky dark brown pour, off-white head, nice lacing. Nutty aroma with some ripening vegetable notes. Flavor has some dates, a hint of chocolate, some mealy vegetable-like notes - that I can equate to butternut squash since I know that that is what is in it. The wet hopped version was pretty much the same with a hint of mint in the back end. Chewy mouthfeel. Good to see them brewing again.
Friday, September 28, 2012

Golden Horn Date Brown Ale
Nice - my first Ferm rate - good to have actual local brews. Dark brown pour w/ thin tan head and good retention. Dark malt and brown sugar aroma. Tastes are the expected brown sugar, dark fruit, chocolate mix. Nice and smooth - I’m not a big brown fan - so grain of salt here: drinkable enough.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Golden Horn Date Brown Ale
Tallahassee, Fl - on tap at Fermentation. Murky dark brown pour - light off-white colored head. Nice sweet aroma - some dates and nuts.Chewy flavor, nice underlying chocolate throughout, raisins and dates percolate throughout. Nuttiness in the back end. Thick enough mouthfeel. Solid.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Golden Horn Spiced Persimmon Ale
Tallahassee, Fl - on tap at Fermentation. Murky dark brown pour, light off-white head. Pleasant aroma - hints of autumn-like spices. Flavor is decidedly sweet and edges to a pumpkin-like beer. Having never tasted a persimmon to my recent recollection - the closest I can equate it to is spiced pumpkin. Pick up some nutmeg, cinnamon and pumpkin pie spice. Mouthfeel has a nice dash of spritz. Decently solid.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Golden Horn Date Brown Ale
First to rate. 12/5/11. On tap at the release. Brown pour with a small khaki head that fades to a ring. Dark fruity aroma that reminds a bit of prunes and brown sugar with a touch of alcohol in there as well. Really laid back flavor of milk chocolate with a little bit of lingering dark fruitiness... the flavor is not as forward as the aroma, but is unoffensive. Not bad.
Monday, December 5, 2011

Golden Horn Spiced Persimmon Ale
First to rate! 12/5/11. On tap at the release. Amber pour with a small khaki head that fades to a ring and laces a bit. Mildly sweet aroma with definite spice presence... I’m thinking cinnamon, nutmeg, etc. There’s a sweet fruity presence as well that methinks is the persimmons (I tried some earlier to test). Sweet slightly fruity flavor as well that I can say I’d identify as persimmon, but maybe not if I hadn’t just eaten one. There is a lingering spice presence as well, a touch drying in the mouth, that reminds of cinnamon and nutmeg and goes well with the fruity sweetness. Not too shabby!
Monday, December 5, 2011

Golden Horn Chipotle Ale
Pours a slightly hazy amber with a bubbly khaki colored head. Nose is pickled jalepenos, habenero, with underlying malt sweetness. Flavor up front grainy malt then a nice amount of spicy jalepenos. Not overbearing spiciness and good balance. 
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Golden Horn Chipotle Ale
Tallahassee, Fl - on tap at Fermentation Lounge. Dark orange pour, light white head. Aroma is very apparent with strong pepper notes, some freshly plowed dirt. Flavor is fresh and pungent. Chipotle peppers make their presence known right up front - not a throat burner like some of these tend to be. Nice manageable pepper hotness blends in nicely with a smoky back end. Mouthfeel is thick enough. Overall, pretty decent rendition of the style.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Golden Horn Imperial Oatmeal Chocolate Stout
Tallahassee, Fl. - on tap at Fermentation Lounge. Dark gray fading to black pour with a nice khaki colored head that leaves plenty of lacing. Wisps of chocolate in the aroma, some hints of grain. Flavor is full-bodied and delicious. Flavor presents some chocolate, coffee. marshmallows, they are all in there and melded together well - some licorice notes in the back end. Nice lacticity to boot. Thick, creamy mouthfeel. Overall a solid Imperial Stout.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Golden Horn Chipotle Ale
First to rate! 11/16/11. On tap at the release. Cloudy amber pour with a small khaki head that cuts to a ring but lasts and laces a teensy bit. Really nice chipotle aroma actually - smokey, peppery, slightly vegetal - without being overwhelmingly spicy. Nice chipotle flavor as well - peppery, smokey, a bit vegetal, and maybe slightly sweet, but I’m digging it. Nice!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Golden Horn Imperial Oatmeal Chocolate Stout
11/16/11. On tap. Looks like an opaque black pour, maybe dark brown under the light, with a small brown head that fades to a ring but sticks and laces a little bit. Rich dark chocolate aroma - like dark chocolate syrup - with a bit of sourness, coffee, and even a touch of alcohol. Rich chocolate flavor as well - dark, dusty, and creamy - with a bit of coffee, plenty of roasted malts, and a bit of sourness. Definitely chocolate. Velvety, silky mouthfeel, though maybe a bit thin. Not too shabby.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Golden Horn Imperial Oatmeal Chocolate Stout
Pours black with a small tan head. Nose is sweet oats, chocolate, and roasted malts. Flavor is bitter chocolate, rich oatmeal and some coffee. Lacking a finish. A bit thin for a imperial stout.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Golden Horn Braggot
Tallahassee, Fl - on tap at Fermentation Lounge. Dark copper pour, sticky off-white head, nice lacing. Aroma of dates, honey and some overripe white grapes. Flavor is full-bodied and wholesome. Pick up some of the same honey and date accents found in the aroma with a bit of scuppernong grape flavor making its way into the back end. Some kids sweetened cereal makes its presence known in the back end. Nice thick mouthfeel. Pleasantly surprised.
Monday, November 7, 2011

Golden Horn Braggot
First to rate! 11/6/11. On tap at the release alongside a paired plate of Sweetgrass Dairy cheeses and the honey used in the braggot. Slightly hazy amber/orange pour with a small off-white head that fades and laces a little. Somewhat plain aroma, but I get hints of sweet, floral honey, graininess, and a bit of alcohol. Sweet flavor for sure, with hints of sweet honey, orange peel, alcohol, and a certain funkiness that reminds me of a Belgian beer. Not bad, but maybe a bit sweet and estery.
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Golden Horn Spiced Pumpkin Ale
Tallahassee, Fl - on tap at Fermentation, Dark copper pour, off-white head, decent lace. Artificial spicy aroma, hint of licorice. Flavor has some pumpkin spice notes, Christmas spice notes, a hint of ginger snap cookies. Improves as it warms,,,had my doubts at first. Thick enough mouthfeel.
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Golden Horn Pale Peach Ale
Tallahassee, Fl - on tap at Fermentation. Cloudy, medium orange pour, fluffy white head, nice lacing. Aroma of the syrup found in canned peaches. Flavor has some light citrus bitterness, hints of ripening vegetables, just a hint of fresh peaches in the back end. Thick enough mouthfeel - slightly stinging int the finish.
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Golden Horn Pale Peach Ale
First to rate! 10/26/11. On tap at the release. Local Georgia peaches? Aren’t we in Florida?! Hazy golden orange color that my wife described as melted popcorn butter, all under a frothy off-white head that cuts but laces a bit. Light peach aroma with a solid dose of cracker mixed with dank, earthy, almost biting hops. Even lighter peach flavor again with crackers and bread and lingering bitter, earthy hops. Lingers sweet with a touch of fresh earth. Not really my thing.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Golden Horn Spiced Pumpkin Ale
First to rate! 10/26/11. On tap at the release. Deep red, almost brown, pour with a nice tan head that cuts but lingers and laces a little bit. Spiced aroma of nutmeg and clove with a bit of leafy green savory herbs as well... I’m not good with herbs... maybe basil and something that reminds of mint. Somewhat sweet malty entry that changes to dry, herby, somewhat savory flavors. The lingering savory spices remind me of the aftertaste of herbed garlic bread or crackers. I’d never guess this was a pumpkin beer, but most pumpkin beers don’t taste like pumpkin anyway... what does pumpkin even taste like? This moreso reminds me of bread or crackers. There’s also a lingering sense of black licorice and it’s fizzy and somewhat overcarbonated.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Golden Horn Roggenweizen
Tallahassee, Fl - on tap at Fermentation Lounge. Aroma has an essence of bubble gum and scuppernong grapes. Appearance is cloudy, khaki colored with a bubbly white head that leaves a bit of lacing. Flavor is full-bodied, slightly boozy, with some bubble gum notes, cloves, some date like maltiness and just a hint of spiciness from the rye. Mouthfeel is a bit on the spritzy side. Refreshing.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Golden Horn Roggenweizen
First to rate (okay, PorterPounder drank it first but he doesn’t have a smartphone - hah!)! 10/5/11. On tap at the release. Hazy light orange pour with a small, creamy white head that sticks. Bold hefeweizen aroma with banana, phenolics, and a bit of tart spiciness that I’m assuming is the rye. Sweet banana flavor up front with a touch of tart orange peel, phenolics again, a bit of sweet cream, and lingering bready spiciness. Not bad!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Golden Horn Dunkel Rauchbier
Tallahassee, Fl - on tap at Fermentation. Dark brown pour, khaki colored head with some lacing. Aroma has some smoked meaty accents, but not overpowering, brief wisps of band-aids. Flavor is full bodied and rib sticking with some caramel sweetness, some smoked oyster saltiness and does not overwhelm you with the smokiness - a non-smoked beer lover would enjoy this without being intimidated. Thick enough mouthfeel. Overall, pretty solid.
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Golden Horn Dunkel Rauchbier
First to rate! 10/1/11. On tap at the release! Dark brown pour with a nice creamy tan head that lasts and laces a bit. Nice smokey aroma - subtle smoke, a bit of salty bacon, and lingering caramel and chocolate underneath. Nice flavor as well - starts smokey and savory and transitions into sweet caramel malts, chocolate, and bitter roasted malts. Smoke lingers pleasantly on the palette. Medium rich body with plenty of carbonation. Nice brew!
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Golden Horn Tripel Honey
Tallahassee, Fl - Fermentation Lounge on tap....in10 oz wine glasses (pet peeve). Dark golden pour, murky appearance. Slightly white head with light lacing. Aroma is sweet with some honey accents, a hint of bubblegum and a dollop of yeast. Flavor has a delectable underlying honey essence to it. Hints of gumdrops, candi sugar and yeast round out the flavor profile. Nice spritzy mouthfeel. Overall, refreshing and tasty.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Golden Horn Coffee Porter
Tallahassee, Fl - on tap at the Fermentation Lounge in a 10 oz wine glass.....(pet peeve). Dark brown pour, khaki colored head, nice lacing. Brief aroma of fresh brewed coffee, some roasted notes. Flavor has some upfront forward chocolate notes, a hint of day old chocolate and some earthiness in the back end. Thick enough mouthfeel.Solid effort from the good folks at Fermentation.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Golden Horn Tripel Honey
First to rate! 8/31/11. On tap at the release. Hazy orange pour with a small off-white head that sticks. Phenolics in the aroma with definite yeast character and nice fruity esters. Nice estery flavor with a lingering dry kick that hints at honey character. This honey serves to lighten it up a bit as well, making this probably highish ABV brew surprisingly drinkable.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Golden Horn Coffee Porter
First to rate! 8/31/11. On tap at the release. Dark brown pour, almost black, with ruby edges under the light, all under a small ring of tan head. Definite coffee, dark roast, aroma with touches of milk chocolate and a bit of seltzer and butterscotch. Sweeter milk chocolate flavor with definite roasted coffee in there, lingers dry and roasty with a touch of peanuts as well. Probably their best one to date!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Golden Horn Amaretto Porter
Tallahassee, Fl. - Fermentation Lounge - on tap. Dark brown pour, nice khaki colored head that leave a nice coat of lacing - odd accumulation of yeast at the bottom of the glass. Aroma is sweet and reminds me of biscotti cookies, hint of sweet liqueur as well. Flavor has an underlying sweetness with hints of bottom shelf amaretto, some butterscotch, some nuttiness, but it is just a little bit "off". Mouthfeel is thick enough. Overall though, the best of Golden Horn’s to date outside of the Grapefruit Saison.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Golden Horn Watermelon Wheat
Tallahassee, Fl - on tap at Fermentation lounge. Murky dark orange pour, slight head that dissipates quickly. Aroma is slightly artificial and reminds me of rubber bands, hints of banana redeem it just a tad. The watermelon is very present in the flavor and is quite refreshing. Pick up some brief clove notes as well. Decently thick mouthfeel for a summer refresher.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Golden Horn Amaretto Porter
First to rate! 8/10/11. On tap at the release in a mini wine glass. Dark brown pour, not opaque, with ruby around the edges and a fluffy, creamy tan head that cuts in half but sticks and laces a bit. With time a goofy layer of trippy sediment forms on the bottom of the glass... I can’t describe it exactly, but it’s nuts. Rich sweet aroma with butterscotch, amaretto, burnt caramel, and a hint of roasted coffee at the end. Sweet butterscotch and burnt caramel in the flavor, as well as definite amaretto, and there’s lingering chocolate and roast. In the end it tastes very much like melted chocolate ice cream. A bit sweet, but I’d say it’s their best yet
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Golden Horn Watermelon Wheat
First to rate! 8/10/11. On tap at the release in a mini wine glass with a piece of watermelon on the side. Hazy orange/golden pour, I think with a touch of pink, but it’s hard to tell as it’s a bit dim inside. There’s a nice fluffy white head that fades to a ring fast and just barely laces. Definite watermelon aroma but it has to compete a bit with some banana, bubblegum, clove, and other spices. There’s also a definite rubber/balloon aroma as well. Sweet watermelon and bubblegum flavor with a touch of tangy wheat, definite banana, lingering spice, and a hint of vanilla. Not bad, but it’s hard to get over that balloon aroma every time I bring up the glass.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Golden Horn Extra Special Brown
Tallahassee, Fl - release party at Fermentation Lounge, on tap. Dark brown pour, murky, off-white head. Aroma is pretty much neutral, perhaps some grainy notes. Flavor has some accents of dates, a bit of chocolaty sweetness and a back end nuttiness. Medium-thick body. Overall, decent.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Golden Horn Cerveza Lima
Tallahassee, Fl - on tap at the release party at Fermentation. Light golden pour, white head, slightly murky. Aroma is somewhat neutral with a hint of honey. Flavor has some lime accents, a trace of honey, a brief buttery finish. Body is light, but refreshing to say the least. A nice summer refresher.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Golden Horn Extra Special Brown
First to rate! 7/20/11. On tap in a wine glass at the brewery release! Clouded deep brown pour with ruby hints and a nice tan head that cuts to a film but sticks and laces a little bit. The aroma seems pretty "on" for an English beer... a touch tart, some jammy grapes, green apples, seltzer water,earthiness, and a hint of alcohol. However, I find myself craving more chocolate and roast. Blame the American in me. The flavor delivers on the aroma with a touch of tartness, grapes, juuuuust a dash of vinegar, green apples, earthy British malts, and more. And hurray, there’s a bit more of a chocolate and roasty touch going on beneath that as well. As it warms and I finish the glass, an element of salt/smoke presents itself as well. Pretty tasty for the style(s) and nice to drink.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Golden Horn Cerveza Lima
First to rate! 7/20/11. On tap at the brewery release! Slightly hazy golden pour with a nice fluffy white head that cuts to a small layer but sticks and laces a bit. Light aroma with pale malts in the aroma (a grainy aspect), cream, definite honey, and just a touch of lime. Light, definitely drinkable flavor with cream and pale malts again. The honey flavor comes through a teensy bit, as well as the lime, but it seems to serve moreso to dry out the flavor and lighten the body a bit. The lingering aftertaste hints more at lime and lingering pale malts with a touch of chalkiness. The mouthfeel is light and well carbonated but leaves a touch of chalky coating in the mouth as well. All in all, not too bad for what it is.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Golden Horn Ruby Red Grapefruit Saison
Tallahassee, Fl - on tap - first day available at Fermentation Lounge in Tallahassee. Kind of a red banner day in Tallahassee - first time there has been rateable beer in Tallahassee since Buckhead closed down in 2003. Dark orange, slightly murky pour with a sticky white head that leaves plenty of lacing. Aroma is fresh and fragrant with some lemony accents and a hint of sweet spiciness. Initial impression of the flavor is that of white grapes, with a back end of bitter grapefruit. Some back end spices shake it up a bit with some hints of saffron and grains of paradise. Mouthfeel has just the right amount of spiciness. Overall, very solid and refreshing.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Golden Horn Ruby Red Grapefruit Saison
First to rate! First ever rating for this new Tallahassee brewery! 7/6/11. On tap in a wine glass at Fermentation Lounge. Very hazy dark orange pour, almost a light orange tan, with a very small white ring of head (almost no head at all) with no lacing to be seen. Mild aroma of tart citrus fruit, not necessarily grapefruit intense, with big fruity esters, banana, and yeast that borders on hefe qualities with accented citrus fruits. Sweet entry with orange peel and a bit of grapefruit in there. A tad meaty with lingering orange peel and Belgian yeast. A decent starting brew from the new brewery in town, but if I were handed this beer I would possibly guess this is more of a wit than a saison. Cheers to the new little brewery in town!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011