DUO Brewing LLC Reviews

DUO Dubalite Abbey Ale
Raisin, brown sugar, spicy sweet belgian yeast, a little toast, definite sugar. Pours dark brown, thin off white head. Flavors of dark fruit, brown sugars, spicy fruit yeast notes, a little peppery/solventy alcohol. Lingering sweet spicy finish. Raisins and brown sugar.
Friday, June 21, 2013

DUO Barrel Aged Poles Apart Milk Stout
Oh yeah, rare barrel aged offering. Boom. Nose of milk chocolate, roasted malts, bourbon essence and barrel wood notes, some brown sugar and cocoa powder. Pours dark brown, almost black, thin tan head. Flavors of bourbon up front, cocoa, milk chocolatey sweetness, wood notes. Smooth with some barrel notes lingering. Nice balanced beer.
Thursday, February 28, 2013

DUO Chockablock
Serving: four ounce sampler from tap at Beer Junction. (The version I sampled was Rye Whiskey Barrel Aged Scotch Ale.) Aroma: cask wood. Appearance: no head (perhaps because it was a sampler). Hazy, dark-amber body. Taste: sweet, whiskey-like, initial flavor and lightly bitter, woody finish with long duration. Palate: medium body, watery texture and flat carbonation. Overall: unique. I would like to try this again.
Saturday, January 19, 2013

DUO Chockablock
Tacoma Craft Brewers Festival - Tacoma, WA
Very tasty scotch ale. Big malt forward flavors with a light hops balance. This was a great new beer by this brewer.

Monday, October 1, 2012

DUO Poles Apart Milk Stout
A: Poured nearly black with good carbonation presenting a nice brown 1/2 cap with bubbles and light lacing S: Immediate milk chocolate, roastiness and a bit of creamy sweetness T: Immediate roastiness but not as heavy as a RIS or traditional stout coupled w/ a nice milky/creamy sweet presence, light milk cocoa presence M: Medium to full body. I was looking for a slight amount of heartiness to it but the body was good, sweet, tasty and enough to keep my smile and sweet tooth happy. O: Good. Easy to drink, not overly sweet, booze was on target for the style. I am guesstimating about 6%. DUO nailed this.
Saturday, April 28, 2012