Mashjuga Beverage Co. Reviews

Wicked Pissa IPA
Picked this one up because of the name. I mean why not? When in Rome? or I guess the South Shore. Poured from the bottle with a dark golden color and a bubbly white head. Aroma is caramel malt with a light hoppy aroma. Not a whole lot though. A good amount of bitterness, but it doesn’t have a lot of the fruity hops that have become popular lately. Overall not bad and a pretty solid middle of the road IPA.
Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Wicked Pissa IPA
Pours a hazy dark golden color with a white head that quickly dissipates. Aroma is of lighter hops, malts, slight citrus and some dough. Lighter palate. Flavors are the same. Typical American Pale Ale here. Always good to help out the little guys.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Wicked Pissa IPA
Pours a four finger cream head that fades very slowly leaving an excellent lace. Hazy amber color. Medium carbonation and medium bodied. Floral hoppy nose. Flavor is piney hops, malts are hidden. One redeeming quality of this beer is that they donate a dollar to breast cancer awareness. $3.49 for a 22oz bottle from Chase Street Market & Deli Plymouth, NH.
Friday, November 28, 2014

Wicked Pissa IPA
Pours a very hazy deep golden color with a white head which lingers a bit......aroma is earthy, malt sweetness.....taste is bittered malt with no flavor hops, light medium mouthfeel, nothing but bitterness in the end. Not very complex, adequate but not inspiring.
Sunday, September 7, 2014

Wicked Pissa IPA

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Wicked Pissa IPA
Unbalanced. I love IPAs and hops. However this IPA is unbalanced. Not enough malt body to balance the bitterness. And not enough hop nose. Falls far short in hop aroma.
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Wicked Pissa IPA
Rcvd in trade. This is exceptionally hard for me to review as I just lost a friend to breast cancer this past week and I realize this beer was made to fight breast cancer. Oh fuck, anyways, here goes, of what I can do. The appearance is a slightly hazy golden brown colored body with a half fingered white foamy head that dies to a film coating the top of the body. Adequate lacing graces the sides of the glass. The smell has more caramel malty notes coming through on the nose than bitter hops as expected, however, I do get some piney notes slightly. The taste is mainly bitter but not necessarily through the hops as it seems to be bitter for the sake of being bitter. There’s a decent bitter yet malty aftertaste and dry finish. The palate sits on a medium sort of body with a not as sessionable aspect as I had hoped for an AIPA. Carbonation is good for an AIPA. Overall, pretty good AIPA that I think I could have again as long as I don’t meet anyone that is dieing of breast cancer. Disclaimer: this was a bad past week for me as I just had a friend die of breast cancer, yeah well, she’s in a better place.
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Wicked Pissa IPA
From the special Breast Cancer Awareness bottle with proceeds to benefit Susan G. Koman for the cure. The pour is medium amber with an olive tone if held to the light right. Modest off-white head. The aroma begins quickly with caramel biscuiit malts and quickly evolves into a earthy and mildly floral scent. Smells like a milder IPA. Taste like one too with nothing explosive in the mouth but suitable to enjoy. The beer itself is above average but I’ll give it a 5 out of 5 for the cause.
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Wicked Pissa IPA
Sampled @ Mass Brewers Fest. Poured light orange with an off white head. Bits and pieces of lace. Pine resin hop aroma. Hoppy flavor, albeit, kind of light. Not much malt. Medium bodied. Ok IPA, but nothing to go out of your way for.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wicked Pissa IPA
Pours a hazy amber with a medium off white head. Aroma has caramely malts...earthy hops. Flavor follows suit...a bit too much caramely sweetness...earthy hops turn to resinous pine. Mouthfeel is medium and silky with a dry earthy/resinous finish.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Wicked Pissa IPA
Clear amber color with ivory head. Dry caramel, earthy, tea leaf aromas. Medium body. Lightly sweet caramel flavors with bitter tea leaf, pine hoppage----almost decent
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Wicked Pissa IPA
Nice. Finding the balance in something seemingly unbalanced is quite fun. Huge syrupy apricot with a nice herbaceous follow up. This reminds me of what I love in the extremes of the IPA category. All of the malt, tons of hops but without the wallop.
Friday, May 31, 2013

Wicked Pissa IPA
Bomber from Half Time. Pours hazy amber gold with a slight white head. Aroma is floral/fruity/citrus/earthy. Med + body. Flavor has light caramel, but that’s hardly noticeable. There’s floral/fruit /earth in the hop flavor. And some vanilla? Finishes heading towards sweet, but then the hops pop up and save the day. Certainly not a NW flavor, despite all those NW hops, yet resin is coming out in the finish. There’s some serious complexity in this ale. Really tasty.
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Wicked Pissa IPA

Monday, November 19, 2012

Wicked Pissa IPA
Bottle courtesy of chriso. Sunset orange pour. Smells old, caramel malt dominated, orange marmalade notes. Old hops, caramel malts. Not so great
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Wicked Pissa IPA

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wicked Pissa IPA
22oz Bottle. Quiet, light hop aroma. This tastes rather thin to me, paired with an unbalanced sharp bitterness. Really lacking a lot of hop flavor up front and the maltiness is minimal. Kind of a subpar example, unfortunately. It’s clean and drinkable, but needs some tweaking.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wicked Pissa IPA
Bomber from Julio’s. Pours a medium golden with a white head. Totally awesome this is not. More like average at best. It is drinkable and being from the Boston area I love the name but it seems more of a gimmick beer to me. Prefer the focus to be more on brewing than marketing so this is a one time purchase for this beer drinker.
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Wicked Pissa IPA
22 oz bottle from Julio’s. A medium golden brew with a lovely frothy off-white head. Very good looking brew. Big spice-floral aromas. Flavor is lightly sweet, slightly nutty with big layers of bitter-floral hops. Very muddled though. "Very hoppy" - but not very refined. Long bitter and sticky finish.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Wicked Pissa IPA
Pours deep gold into a shaker. Off-white conglomerate head with good retention recedes leaving trailing sheets. Sour butterscotch and stale resin aromas...uh oh....Soft with sweet butterscotch...that’s all folks.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012