Puddicombe Cider Company Reviews


Puddicombe Sir Isaac's Premium Peach Cider
This was the absolute worst tasting beverage I have ever had in my mouth. It tasted terrible. Avoid at all costs.
Monday, March 20, 2017


Puddicombe Sir Isaac's Premium Pear Cider
Canette de 473 ml achetée à la LCBO (Casselman, ONT) au coût de 2,85$. Arôme: Légère odeur de poire. Apparence: La couleur est paille avec une très faible densité de bulle. Saveur: Léger goût de poire et de pomme verte. Durée moyenne de l’arrière goût. Palette: Le corps est moyen avec une texture légèrement huileuse. Moyenne effervescence en bouche. Légère présence de poire en arrière goût. (Rating #7145)
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Puddicombe Sir Isaac's Premium Peach Cider
Cloudy orange pour, no head. Sweet peaches, with some distinct vinegar aromas. Incredibly sour, but some nice sweet peach flavours at the same time. Not sure of the sourness is because of an infection, cause it’s still peasant and not bad. But wow this is sour.
Saturday, March 26, 2016

Puddicombe Sir Isaac's Premium Peach Cider

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Puddicombe Sir Isaac's Premium Pear Cider
[5220-20130412] 500mL can. Floral apple skunky aroma. Clear, pale yellow white body with a quick bubbly white head. Apple juicy sweet skins flavour. Medium body. Not good. (4/2/4/2/8) 2.0
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Puddicombe Sir Isaac's Premium Pear Cider
A pale blonde Perry with light bubbling. In aroma, a mineral laden mix of pears and apples, not bad. In mouth, a nice sweet mineral water like Perry with light musty, not bad. LCBO.
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Puddicombe Sir Isaac's Premium Pear Cider
Can. Nearly colourless, just a faint champagne tint, with medium carbonation. Aroma is lightly spicy oxidized pear. The palate starts off with lightly spicy cooked pears but then ends with a corn syrup sweetness that I cannot stand. This was like a downhill sleigh ride into a pile of dog shit, starting nice but ending badly.
Monday, December 2, 2013

Puddicombe Sir Isaac's Premium Pear Cider
pours slightly hazy extra pale yellow with a small white cap. subtle pears and crisp green apples, shy yeast, faint fruitiness, gladly no perfume. moderate carbonation, light body - watery, dry and very lightly acidic finish. ok.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Puddicombe Sir Isaac's Premium Pear Cider
Not a fan. Aroma can be skunky. Can from the LCBO. Sir Isaac deserves a better brew in his name. Pear is barely noticeable. There are worse things to drink on a hot day, but Sir Perry is a better choice for pear
Friday, June 14, 2013

Puddicombe Sir Isaac's Premium Pear Cider
Can at the lcbo. Super pale yellow, looks like bud light, no head. Tart/sour pear/apple aroma. The flavor is more of the same, leaning towards the tart. Cant really distinguish the pear, taste alot like a cider. Pleasant, and unoffensive. A good summer patio quaff.
Monday, May 6, 2013

Radek Kliber
Puddicombe Sir Isaac's Premium Pear Cider
Can 473 ml
Aroma wet cloth , sugars , ripe sweet pear. Simple, plain.
Appearance very pale with slight gold on it. Minimal to no top.
Flavor and Palate : medium bodied. Sweeter with pear feel. Milder carbonation thank average. Slight hint of vanilla on sugary biscuit like plain.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Puddicombe Sir Isaac's Premium Pear Cider
Can [473ml] shared with HogTownHarry, JoeMcPhee, Radek, jercraigs & mabel -- c/o j&m. Pours a very, very, very pale yellow with a spare diminishing bubbly white head. Aroma: Bleargh. Peas, garbage, sugar, pears maybe -- it’s just not good. Flavour’s better but it’s watery and dull. Light bodied. Not good at all.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Puddicombe Sir Isaac's Premium Pear Cider
2013-04-12. Crisp very pale yellow body, headless. 2+ Aroma is odd, alcohol, musty touches, odd. Mildew? Flavour is super mild, modestly fruity, whispers of pear if you look for it. Light palate. Tastes much better than it smells. Pretty watery, dilute. Can from the LCBO

"Did I just put out death?!?"

"poo in Barcelona is much better."

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Puddicombe Sir Isaac's Premium Pear Cider
Pale straw. Fairly damp dank aroma. Dirty diaper and phenolic with a plasticy aroma. A bit sweet and candyish but mercifully unlike the aroma. Meh
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Puddicombe Sir Isaac's Premium Pear Cider
16oz can c/o jercraigs share with blankboy, radek, mabel, joemcphee .... incredibly pale yellow, slightly bubbly, no head or lacing. Stinky aroma - sugar, pear and poopy diapers; taste is just dull - unripe pear, sugar, a little plonk. Think, lightly acidic, a bit harsh - didn’t hate the ..... taste.
Friday, April 12, 2013

Puddicombe Sir Isaac's Premium Pear Cider
473 ml can from LCBO. Pours a clear, ultra pale golden colour with a small, quickly-disappearing white head. Aroma is sweet, slightly tart pear. Flavour is sweet, juicy pear with a light sourness. Quite sweet but decent.
Friday, January 18, 2013

Puddicombe Sir Isaac's Premium Pear Cider
Can: Poured a super pale yellow color perry with a bubbly like carbonation. Aroma of fresh pear with average residual sugar notes. Body is a bit light with probably quite a bit of filtration. Taste is dominated simply by fresh pear juice with light residual sugar notes. Definitely not the most complex thought quite refreshing and enjoyable.
Friday, December 28, 2012

Puddicombe Sir Isaac's Premium Pear Cider
Can from the LCBO, I was given this to try. From what I know, there is no added glucose/fructose. Only the sugars from the pears are used, which is good. I first noticed that there was a real lack of big carbonation, and not much head. The cider pours nearly clear, with a slight off white pink/orange colour almost like white wine. Upon tasting it I first noted that this was not as sweet/sour as sour as some other ciders I have tried. In fact it was a very light taste, with a faint bitter bite to it, followed by some faint peach notes. Overall this was an extremely light cider. I could probably drink a few of these, even though my pancreas would kill me for it!
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Puddicombe Sir Isaac's Premium Pear Cider
Can from the LCBO. Clear and sparkling greenish-gold body with a small and quick head. Aroma of sweet pear juice with a warm edge. Flavour follows the aroma’s lead with prominent sweet pear, along with a faint mustiness, and a bit of tart apple in the finish. Spritzy body that helps cut the mild alcohol bite in the finish. Too sweet for a session, but not bad if you stick to one.
Saturday, December 15, 2012

Puddicombe Sir Isaac's Premium Pear Cider
Pour’s all this head that super fast disaper’s with the carbination bouncing out of the glass. Smell from the distance when I cracked the can was nasty but closer smelled fine. Smell in glass is kinda juicy,cidery sugar pear and or apple smell. Taste starts kinda cidery but that wetness disaperess and yer left with a sweet and sourish afterteast a bite, and the drink kinda taste more apple mabye then pear and like a kinda weird sugary juicy cider. BTW it’s basiclly just juice with alcohol. Not sure how much I like or don;t like this. Weird newer product. 5/10
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Puddicombe Sir Isaac's Premium Pear Cider
Can, pours a light yellow, aroma is very peary also some apple like cider notes. The flavour is pretty smooth. Lots of flavour in there. Pears come through well. This is one of the sweetest perry or ciders I have had. Don’t think I could finish more then 1 in a night
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Puddicombe Sir Isaac's Premium Pear Cider
473ml can from the LCBO. clear light green, fizzy on the pour but only lightly carbonated. light pear and sulphite nose. light fruity flavour, sulphites biting on the off dry finish. 6.5% abv and easy to drink.
Sunday, October 21, 2012