Bush Pilot Brewing Company Reviews

Bush Pilot Norseman
Muddy brown color. Big dried apricot, brown sugar, plums and dried raisins. Boozy, toffee, fairly sweet, the nose continues on the palate. Boozy boozy finish. Sweet. Good complexity, but carbonation is off.
Sunday, December 22, 2019

Bush Pilot Pengo Pally
Not sure what Arctic Herbs I was supposed to pick up on this beer, but this was just a really solid saison.
Monday, February 25, 2019

Bush Pilot Pengo Pally
Bottled. Hazy yellow body, small white head. The aroma is very soapy. The taste has a lot of perfume too.
Sunday, February 17, 2019

Bush Pilot Stormy Monday

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Bush Pilot Stormy Monday

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Bush Pilot Pengo Pally
Light, fresh, slightly bitter aroma, but not reflected in the taste. A perfect hot summer day beer.
Friday, August 3, 2018

Bush Pilot Pengo Pally

Monday, June 18, 2018

Bush Pilot Pengo Pally

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Bush Pilot Pengo Pally
Good saison overall. The arctic herb thing doesn't really do much for me. Nice floral and perfumy nose, bright citrus and grass notes, light black pepper. Pours a golden straw, light haze in the body, thick, fluffy white head, some lacing rings. Crisp, clean and dry finish with mild bitterness and a bit of astringency. Herbacious, floral and citrussy with a nice punch of hoppiness.
Monday, February 19, 2018

Bush Pilot Pengo Pally

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Bush Pilot Pengo Pally
22oz bomber, ~2 years old, shared by AdamC on 7/8/17.
Small ring of white head tops a clear, bronze-gold body with lighter hay hues.
Floral/herbal notes from light Sacch acidity and mild phenols are somewhat muted by light biscuit and honey from the malt and there’s not a whole lot of saison character, or really beer character, for that matter, but it’s clean enough and shows no alcohol.
In the mouth it’s a bit too sweet, with loose, low carbonation not helping to clear the sugars and preventing the finish from being more crisp than it could. Still a bit adjunct-forward, though the "arctic herbs" aren’t bad. Just rather vegetal/floral and spicy. It sort of replaces the lack of actual saison character, in some way, but the honey-drenched malts are a bit too dominant on the slightly sluggish finish. Lightly fruity esters, little/no bitterness and not very saison-like, though nothing bad going on here.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Bush Pilot Stormy Monday
Pours a small coating of frothy head and has a murky dark brown appearance, with some ruby highlights. Aromas of caramel, nutty malts, cocoa, coffee and spices. Flavours are most dry fruit types, like raisins, figs and plums. Some notes of caramel, resin and spice hops. Some very light hints of maple. Alcohol is fairly noticeable. So many flavours going on here, some ingredients hard to distinguish. Molasses in the finish. Puckering and warming sensation. Really good barleywine that doesn’t try to hide its high abv. Extremely flavourful! Its only downfall may be the price tag.
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Bush Pilot Pengo Pally
750 ml bottle. Hazy golden colour, thick white head. Sweetish fruity aroma with earthy and herbal hoppy notes. The taste is sweetish malty, with citrus notes and a spicy finish. Tasty.
Monday, August 7, 2017

Bush Pilot Pengo Pally
750ml bottle. Cloudy yellow pour, with a big white head. Aroma is very herbal, and lemony. Notes of tea, and freshly cut grass. Notes of bog myrtle, hints of earthy peat and somemlight juniper. Mouth feel is soft, same for the carb. Finish is lightly bitter, some yeasty flavours, more herbs and grasses, hints of resinous hops.
Thursday, July 27, 2017

Bush Pilot Pengo Pally
22 oz bottle shared by AdamChandler, about a 2 years old. Where is this brewery from?? What town? Pale grain aroma, a herbal garden. Maybe honey. The flavor is mostly herbal, some orange peel, very clean malt / grain bill. Crisp palate, light body. Decent.
Saturday, July 8, 2017

Bush Pilot Pengo Pally
75CL, nice clarity golden orange. 1 finger white head. Smells like an orange earthy well hopped pepper beer. Great mouthfeel. really soft. pepper middle flavor, oranges, oak. crispy pepper finish.
Saturday, July 8, 2017

Bush Pilot Stormy Monday
June 28, 2013 - with blankboy, gregclow, jercraigs & mabel - 750ml waxed bottle shared by gregclow. Hazy reddish amber with a smallish lasting creamy/bubbly beige/tan head (4-). Aroma is alcohol, light cinnamon and while there’s not much oak this has that calvados sweet booziness to it for sure - very nice (8+). Taste follows - alcohol, yeast, tons of spice, less barrel (8-). Average body, a little astringent, weak carbonation, boozy/spicy finish - loved it, great stuff.
Sunday, May 7, 2017

Bush Pilot Stormy Monday
A reddish copper barleywine with a thin mocha head. In aroma, sweet fruity caramel malt with light butterscotch, light cinnamon, OK. In mouth, a nice sweet fruity caramel malt with light vinous notes, light cinnamon notes, alcohol warmth, bourbon barrel, pleasant. Bottle at Chuck and April’s Cellar Tasting.
Saturday, April 29, 2017

Bush Pilot Pengo Pally
Bottle from the LCBO. Hazy pale gold under a one finger white head that fades gradually. Nose is honey, grass, some floral notes, light citrus, light yeast, some funk and a touch of spice. Light+ honey sweetness with an herbal spice and a moderate tartness. Mouth is medium slick with prickly carbonation and a tart finish. Enjoyable. 8/3+/7+/4/16
Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Bush Pilot Pengo Pally
Bottled, from Urban Fresh, Ottawa. Cloudy deep golden, small head. Distinct herbal aroma. Mid sweet with medium body and rounded, spritzy mouthfeel. Light milky tartness, citrus and bread. Mildly herbal. Mid bitter finish.
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Bush Pilot Norseman
Sampled from 750ml bomber and shared by Guerde. Pours a semi-clear golden copper amber colored brew with an average sized off-white head that slowly dissipates and leaves behind some excellent lacing. Aroma of brown sugar, roasted nuts, caramel malt, orange zest and a touch of powdered malt. Taste is full bodied, with flavors of raisin, brown sugar, mild brandy, apple and some orange zest. Finish is semi-sweet and a little boozy, followed by a powdery brown sugar aftertaste. Light oxidation but still enjoyable.
Friday, January 13, 2017

Bush Pilot Stormy Monday
Bottle, thanks for sharing! Pours a hazy deep amber with a white head that dissipates to the edges quickly. Aroma has sweet grains, light fruits and a decent amount of toffee. Flavor has toffee, light fruits, earthy sweet grains and a bit of cinnamon.
Saturday, January 7, 2017

Bush Pilot Stormy Monday
Toffee and raisin nose. Dark amber pour with a slight head. Toffee and just fine, some odd dark fruit in the finish.
Saturday, January 7, 2017

Bush Pilot Stormy Monday
Bottle. Thanks to whoever brought this! Deep amber with a small head. Nose of plum, plenty of spice. Mild vanilla. Flavor is spicy and rich. Earthy sassafras. Vanilla. Pepper. Plum tart. Sweet cereal. Full body, oily.
Saturday, January 7, 2017

Bush Pilot Norseman
Bottle shared by Andy. Amber color. Sweet, brown sugar. Very heavy palate, alcohol is actually pretty well hidden. I a! Sadly not getting the Armagna.
Saturday, January 7, 2017

Bush Pilot Norseman
Bottle pour. Thanks to whoever shared this! Deep gold with a small head. Nose is rich and sweet. Nutty caramelised apple. Fruit preserve. Some boozy malevolence. Flavor is hot and sweet. Raisin bread. Some hot orange. Boost. Some toasted cereal. Full and oily. Rich.
Saturday, January 7, 2017

Bush Pilot Norseman
Bottle, thanks for sharing! Pours a clear copper amber with a white head that dissipates edges. Aroma has lots of sweet grains, bread and a bit of cognac underlying. Flavor has a combination of sweet bread and cognac with some earthy sweet grains backing.
Saturday, January 7, 2017

Bush Pilot Norseman
Light tan caramel color with a slight headZ super malty and boozy but melded together really well. Toffee delicious!
Saturday, January 7, 2017

Bush Pilot Norseman
Bomber shared at tasting. Caramel golden pour. Super sweet boozy aroma. Taste pretty much follows, hot but tasty too. Great stuff.
Saturday, January 7, 2017

Bush Pilot Norseman
Bomber. Slightly murky orange pour with a minor head. Sweet caramel and boozy nose. Taste is rich and boozy. Toffee. Excellent!
Saturday, January 7, 2017

Bush Pilot Norseman
Pours a murky light brown color. Aroma is dried fruit and booze. Very sweet taste with heavy booze, definitely some more fruit in there. Hints of wood as well. Thick texture almost like a syrup.
Friday, December 2, 2016

Bush Pilot Pengo Pally
Rating #2315 - 2016.01.22 - Bottle from CBI. Pours a golden yellow with a carbonated white foam that goes on for days Aroma is mild funk, mild herbal notes, citrus. Palate is actually quite sweet, lots of floral/basil/leafy notes, as well as a sticky sweetness. Mild sour note from the yeast. Not enough gumption in the funk for a real rippin’ saison, but this is certainly light, sweet, and crushable.
Sunday, November 27, 2016

Bush Pilot Norseman
Bottle. Murky mahogany pour without much head. Aroma is boozy and spicy, some caramel and toffee notes, plum, quite sweet. Taste is sweet up front, caramel and toffee, hints of dark fruit, wood, some spicy, peppery notes toward the end. Not exactly balanced, but really interesting and fairly tasty in smaller quantities.
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Bush Pilot Norseman
Dark brown body off white head not much retention or lacing. Aroma of sweet dried fruit and biscuits. Taste is quite sweet. Has a barley wine element to it. Rich and flavourful. Borders on cloying but I like it over all. Abv well masked
Friday, November 11, 2016

Bush Pilot Pengo Pally
Light yellow/orange body, white bubbly head, some soapy lacing. Sweet bready, yeasty aroma, some banana, dry citrus peel, herbs. Taste is sweet, grainy, belgiany, hints of pepper, yeast. It’s actually quite a nice saison.
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Bush Pilot Pengo Pally
Bottle. Cloudy peach-coloured pour with a small white head. Aroma is quite fruity, some melon, citrus zest and yeast. Taste is also fruity, yeasty, a little earthy. There’s also something else here, I suppose the spices. I’ve had inuit tea in the past and this is definitely similar - hinting at a candy sweetness combined with herbal and floral notes. Really interesting, and pretty tasty.
Friday, September 23, 2016

Bush Pilot Stormy Monday
750ml brown bottle. 10.3% abv on the label. Best before Nov 2021. Amber colour, cloudy. Not bad looking in the glass - a small beige head that recedes into a clingy ring, some good lacing. Nose has fruitcake, orange, spice, very fruity and very christmasy. Taste has caramel, brown sugar, pureed apples, dark fruit, chocolate, spice. Late alcohol, fruity touches and some bitterness. Texture is a bit too thin for my liking. A lot going on here, and I think I’m missing a lot in my notes. Overall I would say this is an interesting brew but this large bottle would have been best shared, as this is a bit too much for me. Rating #3300.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Bush Pilot Pengo Pally
750 ml bottle from LCBO. Pours a murky dull golden colour with average white head. Aroma is sweet and fruity with white peach, other tree fruit, honeyed grains, interesting spiciness and bubblegum. Flavour is also fairly sweet with tropical fruits, prominent herbal/spicy note, grains, bubblegum and yeasty character. Soft carbonation. Nice one.
Saturday, June 4, 2016

Bush Pilot Pengo Pally
Nice amber pour with a head that is a bit too active for my tastes, but it does settle down with some patience. The nose is tickled with a wide assortment of light aromas, none of them dominant, including, honeyed grains, belgian yeasts, white fruits, and something slightly flowery, maybe the advertised arctic herbs. Taste is zesty and crisp, but with a breadiness to it as well. Hard one to pigeon hole, and while on the surface it is just another Saison, there is more going on here than the norm. A very enjoyable large bottle of beer to consume. Glad I bought it.
Friday, June 3, 2016

Bush Pilot Pengo Pally
Pours foggy light gold with a moderate white top. Aroma is loads of floral and herbal notes, light yeast and straw grains. Taste is a nice carbonation and body, soft and velvet mouthfeel. Floral hops with light and delicate herbal notes. Not sure what they are, I’ll go with the "arctic herbs" on the bottle. Everything blends well together to make it very enjoyable.
Friday, April 15, 2016

Bush Pilot Norseman
Pours with minimal head and orange body, heavy aroma of fusels and coriander and orange zest and cloying sweetness oh my. Flavour is this huge caramel bomb with a vague hint of armagnac and sugar. I haven’t had an armagnac in years but remember well what they’s tastes like and this has hints of that but is otherwise a huge cloying sugar bomb. Nonetheless the alcohol does not really overpower, it’s the sweetness that does. Maybe a bottle as a dinner digestif to be shared would be a good idea. This is not even sipping beer, this is dessert wine beer. That’s a new one, another category for RateBeer?
Saturday, March 26, 2016

Bush Pilot Pengo Pally
750 ml bottle. Slightly cloudy gold pour, tall frothy white head that d8ssapates to thin cap, one or two spots of lace. Estery spicy aroma, coriander, yeast. Taste starts of much the same, moves into more of a herbal middle and finishes sweet with some alcohol coming through here and there. light to medium body, prickly carbonation. Nice saison apart from some of the sweetness / alcohol in the finish.
Friday, March 25, 2016

Bush Pilot Stormy Monday
O.k. so definite-ley-nate-dogg-ly not retired, and the bottle reads 10.3 percent alc. Pours with pure brown mud and little head, harsh and nasty in the appearance departyamento. The aroma is like unfinished shoe polish, lots of sugar and leather and coriander of all things. The flavour is a sourt motor oil affair with hints of caramel, cherry, coriander orange zest. Not quite nasty but rather challenging. Still, quite a memorable brew and big points for no nasty alcohol hints in spite of the huge abv.
Sunday, March 20, 2016

Bush Pilot Pengo Pally
Has a huuge foamy head of good solidity and heavily carbonated foggy body of yellow, kinda reminds me of that gin that also uses arctic herbs. Aroma is yeasty, soft Belgian strong ale notes. Flavour is dry grain, sharp cereals. Very malty, no indication they used herbs but nonetheless highly drinkable.
Saturday, March 19, 2016

Bush Pilot Pengo Pally
Pale yellow pour with a thin white head. Slightly tart nose with a bit of leafy, herbal aroma and a touch of spice as well as some light tartness. There’s a bit of wheatiness and some nice fruit on the back. Lovely really.
Thursday, March 17, 2016

Bush Pilot Stormy Monday

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Bush Pilot Stormy Monday
From notes. Enjoyed at the 3rd Annual Barleywine Tasting at Travis’s house on February 20. 750 mL bottle. The pour is a deeper amber color with a small, dense off white colored heat that falls down very slowly, leaving a couple random spots of lace. The aroma is very interesting. Not necessarily in the best way. There is a light caramel maltiness happening, backed up by a bit of sugariness. The really off thing is the huge spiciness. I mean, damn. It dominates the nose. The Calvados offers a little bit of an interesting finish to go with some light apple hints, but it’s just really strange. The flavor is the same way. The level of spice is incredibly intense. There is a little fruitiness but it just goes back to a light malt and the strong spice. There is a little booze on the finish. The mouth feel is decently thick, with a softer, more bubbly carbonation and a lingeringly spicy aftertaste. It’s really unique, but this one just isn’t for me I don’t think.
Saturday, February 27, 2016

Bush Pilot Stormy Monday
750ml bottle. Muddy brown in colour with no head, very light patchy lacing but nothing much. The aroma is very alcoholic, quite sweet, lots of dark fruits, brown sugar and some spice. The flavour is very sweet, lots of cinnamon, LOTS of alcohol, anise and other spices. Hot mouthfeel, thin body, mild carbonation. Finishes long, very warm and sweet. Not sure I see the point of this really. Your first beer is a barrel aged barley wine?? That’s some crazy shit. This is all over the place.
Sunday, February 21, 2016

Bush Pilot Pengo Pally
Kind of a let down considering how great the other brews I have tasted have been. has a tea and citrus aroma and is a bit sweeter than expected but is bitter and leafy greens with tea and a bit of kitchen spice. interesting brew but hard for me to finish a bottle by myself.
Sunday, February 14, 2016

Bush Pilot Stormy Monday
(750ml bottle at nearly 3 years age) Pours slightly murky dark reddish brown with a small whitish ring. Aroma is dark toffee and caramel malts, rich and sugary, lots of candied apple, brandy, a whole melange of spicebox notes, oak, dried dark fruit. Taste is unsurprisingly sweet, again a few layers of toffee, caramel, apple and darker fruits, fairly high but blended load of spices all the way through, orange peel. A Calvados warmth to the middle and finish, apple and spirit and somewhat tannic oak. Finish is semi-sweet, light oak tannins, basically no hop bitterness. Very slight remaining alcohol, touches of oxidation creeping in. Medium bodied, quite light carbonation. Never had it fresh, but it seems to have become fairly well-integrated in its older age. Probably more ingredients than are really necessary since everything spice-wise becomes a bit of a jumble but the outcome was surprisingly drinkable.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016