Roosevelt Brewing Company & Public House Reviews

Roosevelt Amarena Cherry Wheat
Sampled September 2014
The beer arrives from the tap with a hazy blonde color. It is topped by a thin, pale, off-white colored head head. The beer is tart smelling, a touch floral, and it has an earthy cherry skin aroma to it after it warms up a bit.

The beer tastes lightly tart up front and has a grassy grain character to it. It is refreshing and light on the palate with some prickly carbonation. There is a hint of floral cherry character to the flavor, and a touch of funkiness even; the latter is very light but there does seem to be a touch of mustiness.

Not bad, the light tartness really helps to make this beer interesting enough to drink.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Roosevelt Portales Pale Ale
Sampled September 2014
A steady pour from the growler produces a 1/4-finger thick, tan colored head that quickly disappears. The beer is a red stained, dark amber color that shows a brilliantly clear, copper hue when held up to the light. The aroma has a light fruitiness to it, a bit of tartness, some caramelized character, and surprising lack of hop character. There is a touch of citrusy hop character, but almost more nutty leaning caramel malts, sweet tea like crystal malts, and a sweet, whole grain cracker like character.

The beer has a watered down citrus juice character to it, and this is joined by a nutty, caramelized grain character that leans towards sweet tea, and sweet brown grain crackers, and even a touch of a metallic note. The body is fairly light, though has a light viscosity to it.

This is like a pale ale from the early 90s that didn’t want to be anywhere close to the hop character of Sierra Nevada. Not bad, but a bit of a dud for my particular tastebuds; it really needs a lot more hop character, at the least, and perhaps a dialing back of the crystal malt character.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Roosevelt Wagon Wheel Wheat
Sampled September 2014
A vigorous pour from the growler produces a one-finger thick, pale tan colored head. the beer is a rich golden / pale amber color that shows a brilliantly clear, pale, yellow-golden hue when held up to the light. The aroma has a grassy / straw like wheat grain character to it up front, it finishes with a bit more of a wholesome dried hay and pale-grain cracker like note. There is a touch of apple like fruit character, and maybe a hint of tin like metallic character that adds a touch of something to round out what is a fairly subtle and simple nose.

The beer has a sweetness to it, though still remains somewhat light bodied; honey like malt notes, with a bit of floral character, The finish has a light tartness to it, a suggestion of Meyer lemon, a light herbal / metallic note, though really it is the sweetness & honey character that lingers.

A pretty straight forward, grain focused American Wheat beer; for my personal taste it could really use some other balancing flavors. It is a touch too sweet, and some aggressive hop flavors would be right up my ally, but that would be a completely different beer from what they were trying to make.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Roosevelt Eleanor's Blonde
Sampled September 2014
A vigorous pour from the growler produces a 1/2-finger thick, pale tan colored head that disappears somewhat quickly. The beer is a solid amber color that shows brilliantly clear, light amber hue when held up to the light. The aroma has a grassy, dry, slightly tart pale malt character to it that picks up a touch of dried hay, and maybe a hint of pale cracker if you really dig for it.

The beer is pretty light bodied, fairly dry, though it has a soft caramelized and whole grain character that picks up a soft sweetness after the first sip. There is a lightly tart edge to this beer, it is faint and could just be a product of a lightly citrus hop character, and perhaps a touch of a metallic note here. The bitterness here is quite light, but there does seem to be some citrus zest leaning hop flavors as well.

A bit dark for a blonde, and a bit too caramelized, but it is not a bad entry beer; so from that point it serves its purpose. The brewery lists this beer consisting of "British two row malt, belgian pilsner malt, and a hint of wheat", there is no way those malts alone produces this color beer, unless it was deeply caramelized in the boil, or has been seriously oxidized along the way.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Roosevelt Golden Lager
Sampled September 2014
A steady pour into my teku glass produces a 1/2 finger thick, pale tan colored head. The beer is a bright, light amber color that shows a mostly clear, rich gold hue when held up to the light. The aroma smells of hay, a bit of grassy hop character, it has a nice wholesome pale grain character to it, as well as a touch of hop spice to it. Overall the aroma is fairly light, but is also pretty pleasant.

Some carbonic character and the hops give this a light bite to the beer up front, this continues through to the finish, but it is softened a bit by a touch of malt sweetness in the finish and some bready / cracker like malt notes in the middle; the malt character has a touch of a caramelized edge to it. The hop character provides some spiciness to this beer and perhaps a hint of currant like fruit character. The body is fairly light, but has a certain chewiness to it that keeps this beer interesting.

This is quite a bit better than I was expecting. It really has a nice balance to it, and the flavors are clean and bright.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Roosevelt Clovis Point IPA
Sampled September 2014
A steady pour from the growler produces a half finger thick, light tan colored head. The beer is a rich amber color that shows a copper tinged, amber hue when held up to the light. The aroma smells oddly fruity, quite estery, with lots of pear, some plum, and even some raisin notes that dominate the aroma profile. Very little hop character seems to be present, though there is perhaps a citrusy hop character that accentuates the fermentation driven fruit character. The malt does come through though, with caramelized grain notes that lean towards sweet tea, a bit of caramelized nuttiness, and a bit of whole grain cracker.

Sweet malty notes up front are balanced by a green, astringent, and bitter hop finish. There is some hop flavor here too with a grapefruit zest like citrus character that melds with the up front caramelized malt character that leaves lingering notes of sweet tea, some nutty whole grain notes, and a bit of straw / hay like grassy grain character. The fruitiness from the nose is much reduced in the flavor, but it still is here with berry like notes, some pear, and some cider like notes all of which support the bit of citrus hop character that is here. The body of this beer certainly has some texture and heft to it from the residual, caramelized focused, malt character.

This beer is described by the brewer as a West Coast style IPA, and, in my opinion, has quite missed the mark by a wide margin. There is way too much of a crystal malt focus in this beer that really muddles the hop notes and provides a bit more body than I like to see in an IPA. Additionally the hop character is way, way, way too muted in the aroma. While the flavor is aggressively hopped, it focuses more on bitterness, and a raw hop astringency, rather than bright hop flavors that West Coast IPAs are known for.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Roosevelt Golden Lager
Solid local brew lager. Taste is a bit weak but extremely smooth and nice finish. Pour is great with a nice head.
Saturday, June 20, 2015

Roosevelt Golden Lager
Tap at brewery pours dark golden yellow with a small soapy white head that was gone very quick. Nose is malty lightly grainy some cereal. Nice lager yeast quality. Flavors are lightly sweet slight tartness grains and some nice grass notes. Long finish of lite lingering sweetness and some grains. Decent lager here.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Roosevelt Wild Cherry Stout
Tap at brewpub pours dark almost black with a small off white head and no lacing. Nose is toasty roasted lite sourness and char. Flavors are mostly chocolate roast lite sourness and some chile heat. Finish has faint burnt and roasty notes with lingering green chile earthy flavors. This isn’t a bad brew. Unique and novel. Body is thin but fine fir the abv. Decent
Wednesday, June 18, 2014