Bières Du Sud Reviews

L'Aigle Rouge Bière Blonde
Bottle from Brune Rousse Houblon, Nice. Copper with a thin head. Has pale malts and yeasts in both aroma and taste, that linger in the palate.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016

L'Aigle Rouge Bière Blonde
Bottle 33 cl. Pours clear amber with a small white head. Aromas of malt and yeast. Flavours of malt, yeast and grass. Some metallic notes. Minimal carbonation, medium to small bitterness.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

L'Aigle Rouge Bière Blonde
Short to no white head. Light Cereals and hops aromas. Clear amber body. No or lacking carbonation. The malt taste is not pleasant. Lacks bitterness also. ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone
Monday, August 11, 2014

Do you do you bière du gendarme
Short Head with cereals aromas. Clear yellow body. Taste is rich and warm. Lacks hops and bitterness.
Sunday, August 10, 2014

L'Aigle Rouge Bière Blonde
33cl bottle from Brune Rousse Houblon in Nice, France. Pours a clear, rich golden colored body with a finger-width, frothy, off-white head that dissipates slowly and leaves a nice lacing. Aroma is pretty phenolic up front before a nice bready malt comes in with a bit of a pie crust sweetness. Touches of grass and fruit in there. Flavor is similar. Not as phenolic, but there are still some phenols. Pleasant, lightly sweetened, bready malt backing with that slight pie crust flavor. Touches of grass and fruit before this finishes clean, soft, and very lightly bitter before leaving a medium length aftertaste. Medium, soft body and a somewhat creamy, moderate carbonation. Overall, a pretty decent blonde. The malt backing is very smooth and I like the slight pie crust note it gives off. The phenols settle down after a few minutes, but were never too big of a problem. Nice beer.
Thursday, May 23, 2013

L'Aigle Rouge Cerise
25cl bottle from Brune Rousse Houblon in Nice, France. Pours a deep ruby colored body with a slight purple hue. Finger-width, creamy and frothy, purple-pink head that dissipates slowly and leaves a nice lacing throughout. Aroma is fresh, sweeter cherries with just a touch of tartness and a hint of bready, lightly sweetened malts. Flavor is similar. Fresh cherries with a nice sweetness and just a hint of tartness. Lightly sweetened malts in the background before this finishes clean and slightly sweet before leaving a medium length aftertaste. Light, smooth body and a soft, moderate carbonation. Overall, a straightforward, but really enjoyable fruit beer. Nice cherry flavors without ever getting too sweet. Good beer.
Thursday, May 23, 2013