Old Mill Craft Brewery (Merry Family Winery) Reviews

Merry Family Bourbon Aged Apple
Poured from a bottle into a small wine sampling glass at the brewery. Pours a just barely cloudy pale gold with no head. Plenty of oak and vanilla sit atop sweet apples, with some grape-like notes, as well. Medium-bodied, close to full, with no carbonation and a coating, sweet, lightly vinous mouthfeel that finishes dry. This is a nice aging overall. The little bit I had of the wine is more of a draw than the beer here.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Old Mill Irish Stout
Draft at the brewery/winery, served in a sampler. Pours a clear, slightly browned amber color with a small off-white head. There’s some apple or grape fruitiness going on in here, which is all wrong. Earth, tannins - no roast or caramel to be found, at least on the surface. Light-bodied, with low carbonation. We thought it was either a bad or really old keg. Just not right. Barely better than a CIB beer.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Old Mill Black Lager
Draft in a sampler at the brewery/winery. Pours a clear darkish orange with a small off-white head. This has more smokiness than I’d expected, with smoked wood, burnt brown sugar, a little chocolate and caramel, and some earth. Light-bodied, with a smoky mouthfeel and low to moderate carbonation. DIdn’t really strike me as on style - shwarzbier=black lager - but it wound up being the most enjoyable beer offering here.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Old Mill Imperial Ale
Draft sample at the winery/brewery. Pours a clear golden orange color with a small eggshell white head. Notes of toasted sugar, toffee, overripe citrus, and lightly burnt straw. Medium-bodied, with a sweet, malty mouthfeel and medium carbonation. It’s both all over the place and doesn’t have a lot that stands out. I don’t know, not really my thing.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Merry Family Bourbon Aged Apple
Taste from a bottle at the winery, thanks to phaleslu for sharing. Mostly clear golden color. Nice apple, oaky white wine, and a touch of bourbon vanilla in the nose. Bigger body, more thicker fuller mouthfeel, kind of creamy texture, lightly dry finish. Moderate sweet taste, nice light bit of alcohol warmth. Some baked apple aromas in the flavor, good oakiness. Really tasty, pleasant stuff.
Friday, December 5, 2014

Old Mill Irish Stout
~4oz on tap at the brewery. Clear dark red / brown color. Thin ring of off-white head. Ugh, something is way off with the flavor on first sip. Dark fruit, some tannic, kinda tart.. Tastes infected to me, the keg has gone bad.... I guess the Irish Stout is not a big seller at this place. Grapes, dark vinegar in the flavor. Medium body. Kind of slick. Lighter, kind of rougher carbonation. Moderate sweet taste, kind of tart. Gotta be a bad keg...
Friday, December 5, 2014

Old Mill Black Lager
~4oz on tap at the brewery. Clear red orange color, thin ring of off-white head. Pretty smokey in the nose, some nice woody smoke aromas. Medium body. Smooth, kind of crisp, lighter carbonation, with a good smokey aftertaste. Lightly slick. Moderate sweet taste, light to moderate bitter. Solid smokey black lager. The smoke taste lingers, pretty pleasant. Some caramel and dark fruit notes, aside from that.
Friday, December 5, 2014

Old Mill Imperial Ale
~4oz on tap at the brewery. Clear orange amber color. Thin off-white head. Dots and bits of lace. Medium body. Smooth, kind of crisp, light carbonation. Kind of slick. Caramel and toasty, with a hint of rindy bruised ripe orange. Moderate sweet taste, kind of tangy, light bitter. Alright... Kind of predominantly caramely malty.
Friday, December 5, 2014