Pivzavod AO Hamovniki Reviews

Hamovnicheskoe Pivo

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Hamovnicheskoe Pivo
Piwo jak piwo komercyjne, poziom Polskich, moze mniej gazowane. Zero chmielu, goryczki, piana opada szybciej niz sie wytworzy
Friday, October 21, 2016

Zhigulevskoe (Moscow)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Zhigulevskoe (Moscow)
500ml bottle from Shropshire. Vintage 1989. Zhigul Beer - Zhigulevskoye Pivo. Very flat. Hops have turned into peppery cardboard. Clean malt. Quite a savoury beer. Neutral palate. A drinkable and fairly interesting drop, though the dusty, cardboardy hops get a bit annoying. Sugary Russian tea. gets uglier the more you drink.
Friday, August 29, 2008

Zhigulevskoe (Moscow)
Wow. It took me three tries to find this beer. I guess I should have started at the top.

Bottle. Pours clear light gold with a fading white head. Sweet aroma, a little grainy, some corn, and floral hops. Medium body, light carbonation. Some biscuit in the taste, almost like a Pils, if not for the herbal quality. and some metal in the finish

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Zhigulevskoe (Moscow)
Pee yellow with a giant yeasty white head. Aroma of yeast and grain. Flavor was very strong of grain. Yeast and malt permeated the experience. The palate is hit hard with these flavors and of carbonation. The alcohol content was too low to help the flavors. The experience is very similar to drinking Grolsch. This is definitely worth a try.
Friday, February 15, 2008

Zhigulevskoe (Moscow)
Pours a disturbingly unnatural glowing golden color, and remains cloudy for far too long. Tastes like Lemon Pledge, with yeast. Perhaps this is what they used to embalm Lenin. Fortunately, this flavor disappears when served with hearty (i.e. Russian) food. Not very good at all. [16.9 oz. bottle, BevMo]
Monday, May 14, 2007

Zhigulevskoe (Moscow)
Bottle: Pours a lighter yellow, golden color with a large white, bubbly head. A few large bubbles periodically drifted to the top. Nose is malty and grainy, taste is very typical of the pale lager style with some malt sweet/mustiness and grainy notes. Light metallic presence.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Zhigulevskoe (Moscow)
Pale straw/gold colour, with pale malt aroma and some fairly dirty fusels and an acrid metallic character. Herbal hop flavour and more dirty chemically grossness. There is a bit of mintiness in the hop profile but this is mostly Russian nastiness. Makes the Schlitz I had last night seem like champagne by comparison.
Saturday, March 24, 2007

Hamovnicheskoe Pivo
Pours a one finger white head that fades to a thin layer leaving a good lace. Almost clear, light amber color. Light carbonation and light-medium bodied. Sweet honey nose. Starts sweet honey like, not cloying, more hops at finish; wierd rusty water aftertaste. $1.89 for a 500ml bottle from Lina’s Beverages Painesville, OH.
Sunday, October 22, 2006

Honey Graham Coloring with White Bubbly RIng. Sweet Malt and Grainy Aroma. Corny, Heavy Sweet Malt Taste..Dry Stale Corn Aftertaste. Salted Pork is a Pretty Good Description.
Monday, December 12, 2005

Yellow color with no head. Aroma strikes me as something like dried and salted pork. Metallic tang on the taste with generally stale ingredients. Blah.
Saturday, December 3, 2005

From the bottle, pours a cloudy pale golden with a non-existent head. Smells a bit fruity, maybe some cherries. Tastes kinda bad. Malty, some stale cherries. Aftertaste just keeps getting worse. Bleh.
Sunday, October 23, 2005

very clear and fizzy- looks like gingerale poured just out of the bottle. but the fizzing dies down quickly and then its still and flat. no head at all. little aroma. mild hops. taste the slighest watered down hops and old sour apples. thin. blah!
Sunday, October 23, 2005

THis bottled brew poured a small sized head of white colored frothy medium sized mostly lasting bubbles that left behind a softly carbonated transparent starw yelloow colored body and a very good lacing. The aroma was doughy malty and contained a mild sweaty sock note. The mouth feel was tingly slightly vinous and its flavor was malty with a slighly astringent malt hop character. The flavor was strangely foo and must much to my liking.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Bottle. Small white head that mostly diminished, sparse lacing, fine-small sized bubbles, carbonated, hazy, and straw yellow hue. Malty aroma. Tastes gross. Drainpour.
Saturday, June 25, 2005

Zhigulevskoe (Moscow)
Pale golden straw with slight head. Moderately cloudy with low carb. Aroma is bland with a fair amount of dimethylsulfide, sweet malt and a touch of hops. Flavor is sweet and somewhat unbalanced- borderline cloying. Finish is bland and watery.
Saturday, March 19, 2005

Hamovnicheskoe Pivo
Slightly hazy straw color with small particles floating arund along with a lot of other nasty black stringy dead yeast colonies. Carbonation is very low especially for the style. Head is low and dissipates fast. Aroma is sweet with malt with a slight stale smell. Flavor is sweet with almost no hop detection. Finish is also lacking hops. The only thing good about this beer is that it is exceptionally smooth- probably due to the low carbonation. I drank about 1/3rd then dumped it becuase I couldnt get over all the floaties.
Saturday, March 19, 2005

Zhigulevskoe (Moscow)
Hazy light golden with a small white head. Aroma is of licorice,anise. Sweet malt flavor,licorice and medicinal character.
Thursday, March 17, 2005

Llight golden in color with a small white head,large loose bubbles that quickly disapate. Starts bitter and finishes swee6t and vegetable-like.
Thursday, March 17, 2005

Zolotaya Pena
light golden with a small white head,large loose bubbles that quickly disapate. Sweet malt aroma with a licorice flavor. I did not enjoy this one bit.
Thursday, March 17, 2005

Hamovnicheskoe Pivo
Straw in color,small white head with large loose bubbles that quickly disapates. Aroma of vegetables,bitter flavor,spicy and licorice.
Thursday, March 17, 2005

Hamovnicheskoe Pivo
Clear yellow with a thin large bubbled-white head, particles float in the beer some of which look more like stubble than yeast. Cooked vegatables in the aroma with a tad of burnt rubber. Long chemical taste. I’m going to pour this out now.
Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Zhigulevskoe (Moscow)
16.9 0z bottle, label full of Russian characters and a painting depicting the lovely Moscow architecture. There have been a boatload of East European beers showing up on our shelves, presumably to satisfy the tastes of our large and passionate East European community. Do they like this stuff? Sickly pale, yellowish color, tiny, tiny head, and an aroma of absolutely nothing at all. A little fresh and a tiny touch of citrus, I admit. But on the palate, it is strictly punishing! Sharp and bitter, without a whiff of any flavor. Harsh and horrible, flat and flavorless, lacking anything that one might enjoy in a beer. I’ve been told that this is quite the beer of choice in Russia, and again I have to wonder if these hardy folks can actually find pleasure in this sad, foul, sour, and plainly awful beer? Can’t the Russian people do better? Then I walk into my local liquor store and watch the garbage Americans take home with them. It’s a small world after all.
Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Transparent, faded yellow appearance, blessed with a big white head that fizzles down with a quickness. Aroma: nothing, discounting the corn. Taste: vapid, vacant, flinty, flakey, absent of all of the things any beer should be endowed with, lacking body, flavor, malt, hops, equipped merely with that sad corn character. Save your sheckles, folks, this is just a big bottle of nothing at all!
Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Bottle, tastes like the other beers that this brewey makes. Fizzy, sweet, odd chemical taste. Yum. Not.
Sunday, August 15, 2004

Zolotaya Pena
Bottle, cloudy light orange with a thin large bubbled white head. Corn-like aroma, with some sweetness. Dry ending. Watery weak mouthfeel. The best part about this beer was when I finished it and didn’t have to drink it anymore.
Sunday, August 15, 2004

Zhigulevskoe (Moscow)
Bottle, Cloudy yellow with a thin white head. Spicy almost licorice aroma, thin bodied, watery mouthfeel, starts and ends sweet.
Sunday, August 15, 2004

Hamovnicheskoe Pivo
I had this beer many years ago at one time when I was only giving ratings to the beers but was too lazy and stupid to write down my thoughts. I will update this as soon as I get my hands on this beer again.
Friday, May 14, 2004

Zolotaya Pena
Good straw color,small foamy white head that managed to stay around for awhile.The aroma was malty and fairly fruity berryish but hard to describe exactly what berry it could be,I guess blueberry is what i'm coming up with.The taste was very diffrent,yah there was a fruit presence But again what kind is hard to put a finger on,it also is coming off as sort of tangy or sourish.Light malt flavor with an after taste that is fruity and very faint hops.It's a fairly smooth and watery brew with a unique flavor but over all nothing special.I wouldn't get in a twist trying to find this brew other then for a one time trial.
Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Hamovnicheskoe Pivo
Small white head, ok retention. Clear gold color, nice lace. Malty sweet nose. Light/medium body.Malty, grainy flavors, some oxydation. Finish is dry with a hint of hop spiceyness. Not a bad roosky beer. Hate to disagree(with the majority) but its no worse than a bud.
Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Nice golden color,small head that faded quickly leaving nothing behind.The aroma is malty,faint fruit and a slight medicinal side to it as well.The taste was much the same but i started to detect corn,and a slight metallic taste.Little else showed up in the flavor with the exception that i could sort of detect a hop preasance.The finish was nothing special with the nasty metallic taste coming on and a slight bitterness from hops i assume but hard to say.This is not a very pleasant brew to drink,it's worth trying at least once but much more then that would be wasting money.
Monday, December 29, 2003

Hamovnicheskoe Pivo
light in body and color. Taste was mildly sweet at first and finsihed with a very light hoppy note. Hops seemed to be a mix of floral notes and bitter notes
Monday, December 15, 2003

Zhigulevskoe (Moscow)
transparent golden colour, fine head, floral aroma, too much carbonation, full-bodied, unpleasant dry and metallic finish
Monday, December 8, 2003

Something about this aftertaste bothered me. Its much like i just drank some beer, yet my mouth felt like it just lost its sense of pleasure from it.
Friday, October 31, 2003

Very little aroma on this rather bland beer. Poor after taste with piss coloration. Will not be drinking again. Still better than Bud though.
Friday, October 31, 2003

Pleasant pepper-and-dough aroma with some fruitiness. Honey gold, two fingers of white head in a stein, lightly hazy, lousy label with a mean-looking gorilla-lion. Tinny, moderately sweet, potato-starchy and a little alcohol burn. Surprising at 5.3% ABV. Finish is metallic, but short, and improves as the beer warms.
Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Zolotaya Pena
Floral, chemical prune aroma, like something rotting in a field of flowers. Standard gold with pithy white head. Lousy label, looks like 70's Celtics socks. Vegetable brothy, somewhat metallic, lightly sweet and tart. Badly hopped. If it were February, and I was stranded in Siberia, and I was out of vodka, I might buy another.
Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Zolotaya Pena
This had quite a hoppy flavor. I'm not accustomed to foreign beers that are this hoppy. Not great, but maybe worth a try.
Monday, September 8, 2003

Looks like a 500 ml botle of specimen - thick, cloudy and no head whatsoever. Very faint floral aroma - but more of a sweaty sock twang to it than anything else. Metallic mouthfeel. No real flavor to this at all - difficult to classify this as a beer at all - has no qualities of a beer whatsoever. Tastes like weak club soda. Avoid at all costs. Not a drainpour as it is not putrid or rancid - just absolutely nothing going on here.
Sunday, August 31, 2003

Zolotaya Pena
Upon opening, has a wet paper bag aroma - not pleasant. Soapy, white head with clingy lacing. Very light golden in appearance - almost see though. Alcohol is the the prominent flavor. A cloyingly sweet boiled corn flavor is also prominent. This beer is not.....good. Difficult to finish the whole 500 ml - reminds me of a low-alcohol malt liquor.
Saturday, August 30, 2003

Zhigulevskoe (Moscow)
Another sour corn-beer. Quite thin with some short bitter flavour. An ok international standard lager.
Monday, August 18, 2003

Hamovnicheskoe Pivo
Light amber with a frothy head. Toffee-ish aroma. Very short, but bitter, flavour.
Sunday, August 17, 2003

Hamovnicheskoe Pivo
Light amber color. Flat body. Some hensfood aroma. Watery with a "light czech" hoppy feel. Bitter tone without beeing pleasantly bitter the way a beer should feel. Long, stale and papery finish.
Thursday, August 7, 2003

Zhigulevskoe (Moscow)
Golden. Some hens food aroma mixed with some perfume and spice. Watery flavor with notes of hops, perfume and spice.
Saturday, August 2, 2003

Zhigulevskoe (Moscow)
Frothy head, fading away quickly. Nasty apple and vinegar aroma. Hoppy flavor, just a bit herbal. Apple, mustard and vanilla. Much better taste as I expected.
Sunday, July 13, 2003

Zhigulevskoe (Moscow)
The aroma is slightly malty. The color is a slightly hazy light yellow and it has a beutiful head. The flavor is a weird sweet and sour flavor turning bitter - a nice bitterness at first, but then that gets weird too. Is this what you call a "skunky" beer? I wonder what ingredients has been used - the result is not very pleasant.
Wednesday, July 9, 2003

Zolotaya Pena
Thin head which does not last long. Dissipates into a chunky unappealing foam. Smells like buttery mashed potatoes to me. Who knows. Color is yellow/gold with very little carbonation. Flavor is a little weak and watery with some malt. Finish is a little sour but goes down easy. Not a very good pilsner.
Thursday, July 3, 2003

Hamovnicheskoe Pivo
Simply put, this beer is just plain horrendous. Far worse than Budweiser, it it truly disgusting. In a word - medicinal. Horribly medicinal, like some strong cough syrup you might take if you had a hacking, phlegmy cough. Or like an herbal lozenge. One suspects that this beer could be used to clean drains.
Thursday, June 12, 2003

Zhigulevskoe (Moscow)
It is interesting that a Zhiguli is also a make of car in the FSU. It is just as impressive with its dull cardboardy texture, doubtful exhaust controls and poor performance in hot weather. Eta Piva atleechna? Nyet, nyet , nyet!
Wednesday, May 28, 2003