Compass Creek Steakhouse & Brewing Company Reviews

Compass Creek Amber 66
This was listed at the brewpub as an amber and its a pretty big interpretation. Light malt aroma, very dark color. Lots of malt, fruity but also with a dry biscuity and chocolaty character. Nice hop bitterness in the finish which is somewhat subdued by the malt.
Saturday, November 2, 2002

Compass Creek Pale Ale
Cloudy. Sweet fruity, floral nose. Flavor has plenty of hops, some orangey sweetness and a fine balancing malt. I was pretty impressed with the beers here after reading bad comments at pubcrawler.
Saturday, November 2, 2002

Compass Creek Black Balled Stout
Fruity malt and roastiness very well defined in both flavor and aroma. Nice chocolaty coffee nuances and a well rounded hop citric bitterness make this a first rate stout. Slight sourness just spoils a little in the aftertaste, but doesn''t take away the enjoyment.
Saturday, November 2, 2002

Compass Creek Pale Ale
This beer was bad. It was heavily oxidized. I could hardly finish my glass without wretching. It appeared okay with a hazy light amber body and a nice creamy looking head. I guess I should have sampled this before I bought a growler of it. Harsh cardboard taste dominated this beer's flavor. It was truly a disturbing experience. There were some hops in the background but they didn't do a thing for flavor. This was wretched.
Wednesday, September 4, 2002

Compass Creek Black Balled Stout
Black body with a nice off-white head atop it. Toasted coffee notes in the nose. Chocolate and cocoa on the tongue with a bitterness that is noticable on the sides of the tongue. Some bittersweetness toward the back of the tongue that leaves a bit of dryness. Tasty brew.
Wednesday, September 4, 2002