Bonnema Brewing Company Reviews

Bonnema Red Kroeker Ale
Bottle from Richard. Reddish colored pour, no head. Smell is malty and sweet. Taste is similar, with no real body or much of anything here. Pretty bland actually. Probably not something I would want to get again.
Sunday, October 15, 2006

Bonnema Red Kroeker Ale
12 oz. bottle via trade with IrishBoy - Pours a clear amber color with a small off white head which faded quickly. Light spotty lacing. Has a light caramel malt aroma and flavor. Medium body. Worth a try. Thanks Richard.
Monday, October 2, 2006

Bonnema Pozo Pale Ale
Thanks to Richard for this rare ass beer! Pours out a yellowish orange color without a head. Smell is hoppy and grassy with a little sweet malts. Taste is similar, refreshing and very easy to consume. It was gone before I knew it. Thanks!
Friday, September 22, 2006

Bonnema Pozo Pale Ale
Another rarity from IrishBoy - Pours a golden color with a thin off white head. Has a very light grassy hop aroma with some light caramel malt. Flavor is lightly sweet and smooth. Light to medium body. Nothing fancy, but a decent beer. Thanks Richard.
Thursday, September 14, 2006

Bonnema Red Kroeker Ale
Thanks again to IrishBoy for sending this my way. A very nice dark red body with a very thin lacing of white head. Nice aroma, sweet... almost milky-like, hops and malt with a light fruit presence. Taste of caramel, some light hops... maybe some chocolate powder, very interesting. Slightly sweet and smooth ending, not offensive at all, subtle.
Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Bonnema Pozo Pale Ale
Thanks to IrishBoy for sending this brew out to me. A nice dark golden body, slightly cloudy with a thin white head. A light and sweet aroma, caramel and hops are present. Taste is light and delicate, sweet hops with some light honey malts. A very pleasent beer.
Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Bonnema Pozo Pale Ale
Body is amber with a very thin light head. Aroma is centennial hops, with a bit of caramel and honey, light pleasant aroma. Taste is a sweet hoppiness which is much like the aroma but a little sweeter which fades into a light hop bitterness. Palate is normal.
Friday, September 1, 2006

Bonnema Red Kroeker Ale
(yet another free bottle from irishboy...thanks!)clear amber with not much head.caramel and bananas dominate the aroma.flavor is a strange mix of bananas,chocolate,metal,and tobacco.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Bonnema Red Kroeker Ale
Caramel, with hazelnut, and malt in the aroma. Taste is nutty with caramel, not a lot of depth to it by any means, but it’s not bad. Much more like a brown rather then a red, or bitter.
Monday, August 28, 2006

Bonnema Pozo Pale Ale
(BOTTLE FROM IRISHBOY)clear bronze body with a small white head.aroma was of citrus hops and caramel malts.flavor boasted much of the same.this is a nice solid pale ale.
Monday, August 28, 2006

Bonnema Red Kroeker Ale
Bottle from Albertsons supermarket in Atascadero, CA; Nose is bitter, not hoppy with some spice notes; Rusty colored with a tiny beige head; flavor shows spicy and some bitterness, with the flavor of an oily fat added that i’ve never seen in beer before. I can see where the first rater wanted to compare it to beef, it might have a light beef bullion note, but not a major flavor. Unique beer taste!
Monday, August 21, 2006

Bonnema Pozo Pale Ale
Bottle from Albertsons supermarket in Atascadero, CA; Nose of hops and a little malt; light amber color with a small white head; flavor of caramel malt with some hops and a mildly bitter hop finish.
Monday, August 21, 2006

Bonnema Mudhole Porter
Dark and very rich, creamy head, with a roasty hint in the finish, not a bitter porter, very enjoyable I would recomend
Monday, January 19, 2004

Bonnema Red Kroeker Ale
I see why this beer was awarded 1st place gold medal in Sacramento Ca. 2003
Monday, January 19, 2004

Bonnema Pozo Pale Ale
This beer was clean and refreshing, left a very nice after taste. Highly recomend
Monday, January 19, 2004

Bonnema Pozo Pale Ale
Pours a golden color with a nice white head. The aromaand flavor was mildy hoppy, with a nice malty sweet background. Bubbly feel made this a great thirst quencher.
Tuesday, May 13, 2003

Bonnema Red Kroeker Ale
My second beer of the night with an odd aroma. I swear it smells and tastes like spiced beef. Nice mild bitter tones to this beer, and a crisp dry finish. The beef flavor kinda ruined the experience for me though. The color was a pretty red color.
Saturday, December 14, 2002

Bonnema Pozo Pale Ale
deep honey colour, nice head, mild hop aroma, fresh, smooth, bitter aftertaste, well-structured
Tuesday, March 20, 2001