Pinnacle Brewing Co. (aka Groggs) Reviews

Groggs Viennese Lager
On tap at Groggs
Cloudy dark golden with a small off-white head, good lacing. Aroma of toasted malts and caramel. Taste of mild malts, caramel, yeast and citrus
Clean, crisp

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Groggs Pale Ale
On tap at Groggs
Cloudy amber with a medium sized off-white head, good lacing. Aroma of caramel, malts and bready. Taste is malty, caramel, bready and citrus

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Groggs Pale Ale
On tap, at Grogg’s in Helper/Price. Pours a medium amber color with a white head. Decent head retention with a mild hop aroma. Not much of a sharp attack, but a smooth drinking ale with a semi-sweet finish and a mild aftertaste. A decent Utah microbrew.
Monday, February 14, 2011

Groggs Apricot Wheat
A good follow-up for Pinnacle’s Raspberry Wheat. This one is more balanced, less sweet with the same sort of thin wheat body. But with less initial sweetness, there was a less sticky finish. Good beer for fans of wheatbeers.
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Groggs Raspberry Wheat
This beer has a nice aroma, full lively CO2 head and pink appearance, and a sweet attack. The body is a bit weaker, and leaves me wanting some more wheat characters and malt to balance the initial sweetness. Nice mouthfeel, with a bit of a sticky finish, again something I think that would be improved by a bigger body. A good first-beer choice in the area.
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Groggs Porter
On tap at Groggs brewpub in Helper, Utah. My 600th rating, and why not choose a rare and local Utah beer. Pours a dark brown body with a nice thick beige head. The aroma was full of roasted chocolate and some coffee. The taste was quite nice; a good chocolate presence, some coffee, a bit of dark fruits, and a light malt that was too sweet for this beer. But overall, I enjoyed this one. They must have changed the brew significantly.
Saturday, July 12, 2008

Groggs Pale Ale
On tap at the brewpub in Utah. Pours a clear amber with a white head. The aroma and taste were similar; a sweet and smooth malt, some very light hops, no bitterness, and overall, like a weak amber ale. Drinkable for sure. Just not a stand out beer.
Saturday, July 12, 2008

Groggs Raspberry Wheat
On tap at the brewpub. Pours a hazy orange with a thick white head. The aroma is mostly sweet sugars and wheat. The taste was quite surprising; tons of very sweet raspberry, and I mean very sweet. Some wheat and malt too, but man this was full of berry sweetness, kinda artificial, but not too bad either, Drinkable.
Saturday, July 12, 2008

Groggs Pale Ale
[Colorado Road Trip – 2006] This was a light colored straw yellow with a hint of hops in the nose. This was a grain build of rice and very little good malts. The hops did not exist and I felt I was drinking a bad lite beer. They need to get a new contract brewer.
Saturday, September 30, 2006

Groggs Amber Ale
[Colorado Road Trip – 2006] A nice brew t was a light amber color with a nice malt build and the hops where a tad light. This was a better beer to drink at this place. They need to reevaluate there contract brewing.
Saturday, September 30, 2006

Groggs Raspberry Wheat
[Colorado Road Trip – 2006] A hazy deep amber colored brew. This was a unfiltered Wheat beer with a tad of raspberry flavoring added. The fruit flavor was so subtle that it was hard to get on the flavor scale. This was a poor attempt at making a good fruit beer. Needs more fruit and the wheat profile was off by a mile.
Saturday, September 30, 2006

Groggs Porter
[Colorado Road Trip – 2006] Dark in Color with a light porter aroma this had a nice flavor but was missing that umph that would make it a good porter almost felt like it was watered down. Needs ore grains and better storage.
Saturday, September 30, 2006

Groggs Apricot Wheat
Light nose, musty. Thin, light carbonation, very watery. Light fruit and wheat flavots, with not so much apricots as just "allpurposefruitflavor" - has a nice sour nose of fabric and peaches, which is nice.
Sunday, August 1, 2004

Groggs Raspberry Wheat
Orange, typical nose of sweet raspberry syrup, candy-like. Thin, watery, light semi-sweet fruit flavors... some honey even. It’s bad when the raspberry wheat is one of the better offerings.
Sunday, August 1, 2004

Groggs Porter
More milky and putrid maple/licorice aroma... really bad stuff here. Difficult to drink... how can they brew it this bad? No flavors whatsoever resembling a porter, buttery maple and astringent licrorice... ugh. Nose of sweaty boot.
Sunday, August 1, 2004

Groggs Pale Ale
Copper and clear. Lots of fizzy white lacing... flavor is grainy and mineraly... fizzy palate, light flavors of grain and gravel. Nose is a putrid weed/compost/vegetable concoction... not to be too harsh, but this is one of the worst beers I’ve ever tasted.
Sunday, August 1, 2004

Groggs Amber Ale
Dark orange, sour grain, bad and sharp maple syrup... seriously it tastes like maples syrup that was squeezed from some macabe maple compost pile. Some black licorice... with a lingering licorice finish that is not one bit enjoyable. Nose is the worst part, with a rotting wood and wet dog aroma.
Sunday, August 1, 2004

Groggs Amber Ale
Dark amber color with a good milky head. Smooth, velvety. Odd bittering agents, but it's OK.
Thursday, July 3, 2003

Groggs Pale Ale
Yellow-orange, thin head, and a peachy aroma. Sweet flavor for a pale. Very smooth. Eh ...
Thursday, July 3, 2003