Mystic Brewing Company Reviews

Mystic Brewing Honey Creme Ale
I really enjoy cream ales and find the style to be underappreciated. Granted, they are similar to American Standards, but usually with more of a hoppy presence that I find very drinkable. Mystic Brewing's offering is very good. Darkish yellow in the glass with a faint smell of hops and grain, it comes across as a very drinkable beer.
Friday, August 22, 2003

Mystic Brewing IPA
Cloudy amber; slightly fruity aroma, fading into a mix of centennials and tobacco (the latter may have been atmospheric). Lots of C hops. Some pale bready malts underneath. Generally good.
Monday, July 28, 2003

Mystic Brewing Porter
Coffee aroma and coffee flavor (but of the General Foods International instant variety). Simple, simple, simple...but is it beer? Where's the porter underneath? I couldn't taste it...
Thursday, July 17, 2003

Mystic Brewing Honey Creme Ale
Frosty lemon appearance and a faint hoppy aroma. More well-balanced than their alt, and it finishes nicely (mild and sweet), but in truth there's not a lot going on here...
Thursday, July 17, 2003

Mystic Brewing Amber Altbier
Decent aroma (at first, but it faded rapidly)- clean and hoppy. But the taste is sour in a completely off-putting way. This beer is far too harsh and abrupt...quite unpleasant to drink!
Thursday, July 17, 2003

Mystic Brewing Porter
On tap @ Mystic, Kalamazoo. A passable porter initially, with substantive and relatively real roastiness, escaping the artificiality and honeyed saccharineness of the other beers - nice aroma, appropriately thinnish body, fades poorly at the end.
Thursday, July 17, 2003

Mystic Brewing Amber Altbier
On tap @ Mystic, Kalamazoo. Holy cow, this was bad! Sweet aroma, smells like the Honey Creme Ale tastes but more artificial and stronger. Murky brown and heavy in the glass. The farthest thing from crisp, like souring honey mixed with saccharine. Yuck.
Thursday, July 17, 2003

Mystic Brewing Honey Creme Ale
On tap @ Mystic, Kalamazoo. This brewpub is in the middle of a strip mall and not the easiest to find. This beer has a crisp and slightly sweet and sour nose, very fresh. Taste has a fresh, biting, fleeting bitterness that is quickly replaced by a honeyed sweetness (they make lots of mead here). Lightweight and easy to drink.
Thursday, July 17, 2003