Linganore Winecellars Reviews

Berrywine Medieval Mead
Bottle - pours yellow - nose and taste of honey, wax, dry beeswax - lighter medium bodied.
Thursday, September 28, 2017

Berrywine Medieval Mead
17-20 years old This has a very dark burnt gold with tints of orange. Nice legs. The nose is very sweet, quite boozy i get straight up honey comb and liquor booze on the nose. Taste is quite a bit of currant, cinnamon, peaches and rotten apples. Booze is still very intense. Super boozy with some caramel and apple. Interesting but the age hasn’t done too much
Friday, January 2, 2015

Berrywine Yemar Tej
Something old, thanks WillRun for sharing. With some very careful filtering and decanting, this looks like a beautiful bronze yellow. looks quite thin, no legs at all. The nose is a little bit of booze, old shoe polish, grape skins, grape jelly and mellowed honey. Taste is very akin to a lot of very old fortified wine or flat Lambiek. Shoe polish, basement funk/mold, old leather but you get the redeeming sweetness and floral notes that are actually pretty good. Not terrible considering its age
Friday, January 2, 2015

Berrywine Yemar Tej
Bottle from a visit to the winery sometime last century... Either 95 or 98. Pours ginger ale golden. Aroma is burnt caramel, honey, and an earthy spice. Flavor is honey up front, then dries out with musty earthy spice.
Friday, January 2, 2015

Berrywine Yemar Tej
Vintage is either 1995 or 1998 @ Willrunforbeer grand mead tasting. Aroma is sweet honey with a real odd herbal note, not sure if it is any type of oxidation. Store on its side and the cork still crack in two when Brian removed it.

The same off flavor in the nose is also found in the taste. Well... It is old as hell.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Berrywine Yemar Tej
Poured from bottle 11% abv and dates from 1994 or 98. Aroma is sweet honey with a musty aroma. Taste is dry with a funky aftertaste.
Friday, January 2, 2015

Berrywine Medieval Mead
Sampled at Willrunforbeer grand mead tasting. Supplied by Chalumeaux on this super old 1994 or 1998 vintage! Aroma has a sherry or Brandy type note due to the age.

Has an off tasting earth note with sweet flowers and lady’s perfume. Actually very drinkable for the age.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Berrywine Medieval Mead
9% abv on label. Chalameux supplied the 750 mL bottle - many thanks! To tumbler, it pours a young-oaken dark yellow. Only a few cork fragments managed to land in the liquid from when Brian transferred it - score! Aromas of caramel syrup/Smuckers Caramel Magic Shell, orange liqueur, horse blanket, and pressed flowers. Tastes much the same with the addition of vanilla extract, mashed pears, clover honey, and oxidation. Cinnamon and chai tea experienced briefly at swallow. Burns for half a second on its tumultuous finish. All things considered, this certainly will please someone out there. This really could have been an undrinkable mess, but surprisingly I found this mead, as old as it was (Chalameux says it couldn’t have been purchased later than 1994), to be quite decent.
Friday, January 2, 2015

Berrywine Medieval Mead
Bottle shared by Chalemeaux. Bottle says 9%. Easily 15-20 years old, and not really stored properly. Had to strain out pieces of dry cork. I was expecting the worst, but this is still drinkable. Caramel golden in color. Clear except for the cork bits I failed to remove. Aroma is honey, earthy, sherry. Medium sweet with honey, a touch of sherry, earth, a hint of cinnamon. The honey is the predominant flavor, with the earth and sherry notes balancing the sweetness. Not bad, really.
Friday, January 2, 2015

Berrywine Medieval Mead
Poured from bottle golden color. Aroma is slightly floral and taste is honey and mild flowery essence. Nice mouth feel with a little spice in the finish.
Friday, January 2, 2015

Berrywine Yemar Tej
Bottle at the DC Local Tasting. Clear golden yellow. Aromas of apples and honey. Tastes of apples, honey, white wine. Light body with a dry finish. Still carbonation.
Monday, August 18, 2014

Berrywine Yemar Tej
750ml bottle pours a clear, near amber gold with zero head. Nose has a bit of plastic, some spice, a little pear. Flavor is sweet, fruity, mild spice, a little candlewax, honey obviously. Finishes a bit hot and oily.
Monday, August 18, 2014

Berrywine Yemar Tej
Cool aroma with this. Apply, with some honey. Watery texture. Golden pour. Sweet finish. Some florals. Bottle thanks to someone at tasting.
Monday, August 18, 2014

Berrywine Yemar Tej
Honey and must nose. Very clear yellow. Musty honey, just as it smells. Smooth and balanced. Enjoyable.
Sunday, August 17, 2014

Berrywine Yemar Tej
Wine bottle shaped. Poured a clear yellow color with no head at all. Aroma is a sweet character with a touch of honey, some light smoke? Flavor was nice smooth honey notes. Tasty.
Saturday, August 16, 2014

Berrywine Medieval Mead
Pours golden. Flavor is simple, honey with light botanicals. Flavor is mildly sweet honey with a light floral character. Medium in body and smooth. Simple.
Monday, March 10, 2014

Berrywine Medieval Mead
Bottle sample at the source. This seemed to be a high volume operation, and this mead is produced for Rennaissance Fairs. Clear golden yellow color. Aroma of flowers and honey. Taste is sweet flowers. Plain.
Monday, October 7, 2013

Berrywine Yemar Tej
Bottle sample at the source, courtesy of staff, thanks! Clear golden color. Aroma of light spice and honey. Taste is piced and herbal, very sweet. Not my cup of tea, but then again, i haven’t really met a tej I’ve liked, so I’m probably not a good judge of these.
Saturday, October 5, 2013

Berrywine Medieval Mead
Bottle from Beachbum - thanks. Color is a deep golden honey with no head. Aroma is very sweet and completely honey based. Ever so slight florals. I half expected this to taste just like pure honey, but the nose is soft and sweet before a lighter, dry floral backbone. Still finishes sweet, but not sugary. Some fruity notes in the end that fade out in the tail. Mild in intensity.
Monday, July 19, 2010

Berrywine Medieval Mead
Appearance: Pours out a clear, flat, darkened yellow body. Smell: A nose akin to smelling a tray of honey-based confectioneries and wax lips. Taste: Falls a bit flat on the palate. There’s a starting sweet honey flavor, then, in come some medicinal alcohol tones, a touch of apple, and a handful of wax lips. Mouthfeel: Medium-plus body. Drinkability: Wasn’t diggin’ this one.
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Berrywine Medieval Mead
Clear, pale gold color. Sweet aroma of honey. Taste is like a bad white wine. Not drinkable or enjoyable.
Monday, May 18, 2009

Berrywine Medieval Mead
2006 bottle. Very light golden color - still, no legs to speak of. Aroma has some pleasant floral-honey in the nose with light berries. Flavor has a light honey character with some flowers and light fruit. A bit of heat left over as well. Not bad, just a bit thin. I should try heating this one up a bit.
Sunday, March 9, 2008

Berrywine Medieval Mead
750 ml clear glass corked bottle. From my cellar. 2002 on cork. Six years old then, at least. Poured out a clear golden yellow color, with some slight dregs in the bottom of the bottle. Aromas are of fresh pears, McIntosh apples, slight sulfur. Flavors are of sweet summer fruits, mostly pears & apples. Slick mouthfeel, sweet flavors throughout. My first mead rating, & I’m not disappointed.
Saturday, January 26, 2008

Berrywine Medieval Mead
Date: 11/24/2007
Mode: Bottle
Source: Tasting

clear gold, layers but not legs, hot honey aroma with a sweet fruity character, sweet honey flavor, sweetness quickly dries out to almost a light bitterness, touch of fruity character,

Aroma: 6/10; Appearance: 6/10; Flavor: 6/10; Palate: 6/10; Overall: 10/20
Rating: 2.8/5.0
Drinkability: 6/10
Score: *4

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Berrywine Medieval Mead
Fruity along with a possible bit of diacetyl (although I couldn’t quite tell if it where just a strange fruitiness from the honey. I’m not sold on that bit.) Sweet, a little grapey.
Monday, November 26, 2007

Berrywine Medieval Mead
(750 ml bottle (2005) from <A HREF= target=blank>Wells Discount Liquors) More sourish than honeyish...Pours clear and quite pale golden. Still. Aroma is sourish along with something off, kind of plasticy. Mouthfeel light, thinnish, fairly sticky feeling finish and aftertaste. Bits of sloppy "legs". Flavor is a bit sourish and somewhat yeasty. Bit of a cough syrup quality. Sweetens a bit as it warms but difficult to pick out a honey flavor. Not too good.
Monday, January 1, 2007

Berrywine Medieval Mead
Okay, so I’m on vacation and all I find is bmc so jokingly while pickeled I ask, "got any Mead" to which the girl at the bar says "yup keep it here just for gram" This was my first mead and I don’t know much about it, so I’ll say what I know. Aroma was a nice honey smell. Served in a wine glass, pale golden. Flavor was fruit and honey. Palate was light and clean. Overall good since I’m not familiar at all with mead.
Saturday, September 10, 2005

Berrywine Medieval Mead
Aroma is pure honey, with no yeast or alcohol. Pale gold and crystal clear. Flavor is honey upfront, but with some nice fruit notes, particularly apple. Fades into a pleasant honey and fig aftertaste. Light to medium bodied.
Monday, August 25, 2003