Chestnut Farm Cider Reviews

Bennetts Dry Cider
As "Bennett’s Farmhouse" at the Seven Stars, Bristol 2/05/2011. Clear gold in colour with slight carbonation. Dryish apple fruit aroma with a touch of acidity and wood. Relatively easy drinking, with more juicy fruit, some tartness and a dryish finish. Enjoyable.
Monday, May 2, 2011

Bennetts Dry Cider
Ciderbacklog from way back in 2005. Draught@HBF2005. Pale golden colour, no head. Aroma is dry apples along with earth and some dry wood. Flavour is extremely dry apples with a sweet touch kicking in. balanced.
Friday, December 26, 2008

Bennetts Dry Cider
A Cloudy cider but has no bits, more apple in the aroma than in the taste. This was reasonably dry about 8 on a 1 - 12 scale. A good cider to start with and then try some others.
Thursday, May 20, 2004

Bennetts Dry Cider
Cloudy pale gold colour. Distinct farmyard aroma. Very dry and tannic, with just a hint of softer sweetness coming in at the end. No great fruit character. A typical scrumpy, but rather pleasant. Draught, London Drinker beer festival.
Saturday, March 20, 2004