Clos de la Montagne Reviews

Clos de la Montagne Pomme Sur Lie Cuvée Réserve
Pours bright gold with long legs. Piles of cedar. Lightly sweet. Booze wine and apple syrup. Not thick but has a very pleasant body. Surprisingly dry finish. Very stylish and fun to drink. Aged very well could have been more refined.
Monday, March 20, 2006

Clos de la Montagne Pomme Sur Lie Cuvée Réserve
7-year-old bottle:

The Lure:
In this still, vinous cider stands a proud oak menhir. Some legwork on the glass from the obvious stout apple sweetness to come.

The Festivities:
Distinguished vinosity and delicate apple sweetness greet noble oakiness. Strong flavors are nicely balanced within the tranquil body.

Incantations to the forest nymphs have proven successful!

Monday, April 18, 2005

Clos de la Montagne Le Maceron
(750ml bottle) Pours an average apple juice coloured body. Nose is mildly sweet like ice cider yet it has far more spice and alcohol in the nose. Flavour of sweet ice cider yet a strong burn and mild Southern Comfort note. Fairly viscous and clean, yet too harsh on the throat. Good.
Thursday, October 28, 2004

Clos de la Montagne Pomme Sur Lie Cuvée Réserve
Clear pinkish pale amber.Big oak nose, very vinous, grapes are more obvious than apples. Sharp drying out finish with astringent vinous finish, a bit too much for my taste, it doesn’t have so much apple flavor or definitely not fresh apples anyway and seems a bit uni-dimensional toward cork and oak barrel flavors. Well hidden alcohol. Medium body, still, slightly sticky. Oak Juice!
Saturday, September 11, 2004

Clos de la Montagne La Pomme sur Lie
Mulled apple aroma. Orange-gold coloured and quite still. Very alcoholic, soured baked apple flavour. Decent viscosity. Nice legs. Alcohol dominates. Drinks like a very dry strong white wine. Perhaps a bit too strong. Bottle (at Vices et Versa).
Saturday, June 12, 2004

Clos de la Montagne La Pomme sur Lie
(Bottle) Sampled at Vies et Versa in Montreal. Deep amber body with a light viscosity. Rubbing alcohol in the nose along with super-sweet apples. Sweet and - as my French friends say, l’alcool au bout! Deathy white wine finish.
Wednesday, June 9, 2004