Lan Cang River Beer Group Reviews

Lan Cang River Beer Group, Simao Lan Cang River 8P
外观 淡金色透明酒身 少量大颗粒白色泡沫消散快 香气 少量麦芽以及苦花香气 味道 酒花带来的微微苦味 麦芽味似乎没有 回味 微微酸味 其他无 口感 酒体轻薄 有水感 沙口感极弱 苦感 酒精感 无
Thursday, February 22, 2018

Lan Cang River 10P
(Big bottle, Beijing) Aroma: not much nose, hints of straw, grass, asphalt. Appearance: clear, clean, light yellow, decent carbonation, not much head. Taste: Typical rice based beer taste. Not much malt or body. Lightly astringent, some off bitterness. Palate: clean, sparkly, watery. Overall: a bit disappointing (was hoping it was better than the other chinese rice beers). Probably wouldn’t buy again, but should be refreshing if the beer is extra cold and it’s a hot summer day.
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Lan Cang River 12P
600ml bottle bought in Myanmar. Pours a hazy piss yellow with no head. Aroma is corn, stale bread, chemicals and straw. Taste is awful. Tastes like someone has mixed some chemicals together to try and recreate what beer tastes like. They failed.
Friday, October 17, 2014

Lan Cang River 11P
Well I can’t quite believe this.... 10 years ago to the day Oakes rated this. I just found an out of date can at the back of a shop that sells all sorts of imported Chinese food, drink etc in Nyaungshwe, Myanmar. Onto the beer... Pours a clear piss yellow with no head. Aroma is peculiar. Antiseptic wipes and chemicals. Texture is so ridiculously thin. Taste is very watery. A little wet corn but a lot of soap. Pretty awful. I managed 3 gulps.
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Lan Cang River 10P
Unbelievably carbonated. Drank it from a paper cup, which is what this beer deserves. One of very few people who have had the misfortune of drinking this beer. It might be impossible to stomach enough of this stuff get a buzz
Sunday, September 2, 2007

Lan Cang River 10P
Very pale yellow color with a thick white head and skunky aroma. Mild, slightly bitter flavor. Not very good at all.
Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Lan Cang River Dancing Wind
Almost inexistant white head, yellowish color. Smells like every other lager, but no skunky aroma, despite its green bottle. Skunkiness was in slightly in the flavor though, sour, carbonation flavor. Not good.
Monday, May 23, 2005

Lan Cang River Dancing Wind
Golden colour. Light, vaguely malty aroma. Grassy taste with a sour, heavy, slightly wet finish.
Wednesday, November 3, 2004

Lan Cang River Gold Tornado
Golden colour. Slightly earthy, slightly metallic aroma. Watery, slightly garbagey taste.
Wednesday, November 3, 2004

Lan Cang River 11P
Absolutely disgusting fake-ass caramel, super-sweet bullshit garbage from one of China’s most incompetent breweries. Not one ounce of brewing skill went into the creation of such a horribly flawed pile of craptastic bile. Tastes like a mix of Corona and Floris Chocolate. Steelback would be embarrassed to make this beer. Easily one of the world’s worst.
Saturday, October 16, 2004

Lan Cang River 10P
Light straw colour. Very grainy taste with a hint of higher alcohol and stinky grass (smelly like it was freshly uncovered in the spring melt and the dead grass has started to decompose). To their credit, they label the green bottle with "avoid light".
Saturday, October 16, 2004