Jobbers Canyon Restaurant & Brewery Reviews

Jobbers Canyon Belgian Blonde

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Jobbers Canyon Fatty Flynn Stout
On tap at Brewpub. Black with off-white nitro head. Very toasty aroma. Palate is dry and smooth. Flavor is of roasted malts, with chocolate and coffee notes. Very drinkable but unremarkable.
Sunday, December 23, 2007

Jobbers Canyon Fatty Flynn Stout
On tap at the brewpub, Spring ’06. Clear mahogany red with a nitro two finger brown head. Aroma of roasted malts, then coffee, then bitter chocolate, and lastly some grain. Flavor added a little raisins, otherwise the same as the aroma with moderate bitterness. Finished with a little earth and chalk. Low carbonation with a thin and watery body.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Jobbers Canyon Docs Brown Ale
On tap at the brewpub, Spring ’06. Clear Orange brown with a two finger yellow beige head. Aroma of chocolate and toasted malts, grain, and some leather. Aroma adds some brown sugar, otherwise the same as the aroma. Light to medium body with moderate carbonation. This is probably one of their better offerings consistently on tap.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Jobbers Canyon 416 IPA
On tap at the brewpub, Spring ’06. Clear yellow amber with a 1 1/2 finger eggshell head. Aroma of pine, grapefruit, and a bit of perfume. Flavor is more perfumey, then pine, with a chalky finish. Minimal caramel noted. highly carbonated with a medium body. Fair.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Jobbers Canyon H F Bock
On tap at the brewpub, Spring ’06. Clear orange with a small light beige head. Aroma of unsweetened chocolate, roasted malts, and apples. Taste is the same--the flavors do not meld well at all. Bitter chalky finish. Highly carbonated with a light body. Meh, not very good.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Jobbers Canyon Stanleys Tip Top Pale Ale
On tap at the brewpub, Spring ’06. Clear amber yellow with a one finger eggshell head. Aroma of pine, light citrus, and caramel malts. Pine is the same throughout as the aroma, moderate bitterness, finishes biscuity. High carbonation, light to medium bodied. Not too bad of an offering.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Jobbers Canyon Underworld Anna Wheat
On tap at the brewpub, Spring ’06. Hazy pale straw with a one finger fading creamy white head. Aroma of lightly worn gym sock and some grain. Flavor continues to be grainy with some light citrus and a cormy wheaty finish. Highly carbonated with a light body. A fair offering.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Jobbers Canyon Belgian Blonde
Golden raisin and brandy notes in aroma, almost Chardonnay-like. Perfect golden color, just-right amount of head. Hint of orange and coriander, but heavy alcohol bite. Moderate mouthfeel, alcohol level makes it somewhat thin.
Monday, October 1, 2007

Jobbers Canyon Belgian Blonde
Date: 07/16/2006
Mode: Growler
Source: Tasting

Appearance: clear dark yellow, whispy white head, touch of lace,
Aroma: sweet malt aroma with nice spices and a touch of light fruits,
Flavor: flavor has lots of hot alcohol, bitter spice character,

Aroma: 6/10; Appearance: 7/10; Flavor: 4/10; Palate: 5/10; Overall: 9/20
Rating: 2.6/5.0
Drinkability: 6/10
Score: *4

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Jobbers Canyon H F Bock
(Draft) Pours a clear copper body with a spare off-white head. Aroma of caramel and nuts. Flavor of caramel, nuts, and toasted malt.
Friday, August 3, 2007

Jobbers Canyon Belgian Wit
a cloudy golden color; tingly on the tongue. lemony orange flavor. A traditional wit, with less of the yeast esters than I expected. a refreshing selection, free of error and with a creative palate.
Monday, June 25, 2007

Jobbers Canyon Dubbel
Had this today on tap at the brewpub. The bartender and some signs in there said this was 7.6% ABV. Poured a cloudy reddish brown with no head--the 9 oz. snifter was filled to the rim. Aroma of Belgian yeast, roasted malts, the house yeast of most New Belgium brews (not bad in this case), light cinnamon, caramel, even some very light bubblegum (though not in a bad way, either). Flavor was fairly yeasty with some roasted malts, light ETOH warmth, green apples, light bubblegum again with a bit of grain, and a chocolatey light roasty finish. Moderate to high carbonation with a medium body. Overall pretty good. There were some yeasty streaks in the bottom of the glass once I finished it off, if anybody cares.
Saturday, April 7, 2007

Jobbers Canyon Porter
On tap at the brew pub. Pours a clear red with light brown highlights and a one finger head that fades to a beige film pretty quickly. Smells like a milk stout at first--lactose, milk chocolate, some roasted malts, and moist tobacco leaves. Flavor is roasted malts, either used motor oil or unflavored chap stick, lactose again, and plastic (though not the burnt plastic I often complain about in some other beers I’ve had). The finish was a lot chalkier and ashier than about any stout or porter I’ve had. Way too overcarbonated with a medium body. Flavor kinda sucked on this.
Saturday, April 7, 2007

Jobbers Canyon Docs Brown Ale
Big thanks goes out to SledgeJr for treating me to this (and one more) round! Poured a usual brown color for such an ale, nice thin head, although lacing was only average to weak. The aroma was sweet light chocolate and nuts. The flavor was malty sweet chocolate and nuts. Mouthfeel was moderate to thin for the style, but the sweetness kept it from feeling too light. A very simple take on the style, a little sweet, yet enjoyable. Much thanks to Todd!!!
Saturday, March 17, 2007

Jobbers Canyon Holiday Ale
on tap onsite. My favorite holiday beer this season! pretty dark amber color, with delicious nose - cinnamon, clove, orange that carries right into the flavor. Very drinkable; the malt to hop balance is like sunlight on the tongue. This is what a festive beer should be like!
Saturday, December 23, 2006

Jobbers Canyon Belgian Blonde
A slightly hazy orange beer with a white head. The aroma is sweet fruity - especially peaches comes thru. The flavor is sweet with notes of yeast, peaches, and alcohol, leading to a dry slightly woody end.
Monday, December 4, 2006

Jobbers Canyon Belgian Blonde
on draft. extremely well-done belgian beer. a lively pour which yields traditional yeast aroma as well as floral, spice, citrus, and orchard scents. The flavor continues from there, with waves of flavor following one after the other. the body supports the flavor, which continues long after the sip is through.
Saturday, November 25, 2006

Jobbers Canyon Belgian Wit
On tap at the brewpub. Pours deep gold with a thin white head. A completely clear and filtered beer apparently. Nothing wit about it. Served arctic cold. Strong up front orange flavor that leaves you fast. Quick finish. Faint toasted malt flavor at mid palate. Medium carbonation. No lacing at all. Fairly thin body. As it warms, a faint orange floral aroma emerges. Mild hop bittering toward the end of the beer. UPDATE 6/2007: On tap at the 2007 Nebraska Craft Brewer’s festival in Omaha. A cloudy and slightly orange colored beer with a medium white head. This is super orange flavored right now. A very nice summer beer.
Thursday, November 23, 2006

Jobbers Canyon Dunkelweizen
On tap at the brewpub. Served in a weizen glass. Dark brown with a thick beige head. The head is quite creamy with excellent lacing. Has a sweet biscuity malty flavor profile. A tough of chocolate raisins emerges, but only a touch. The wheaty backbone is big and solid. It produces a mild tartness at the end. A very good beer.
Thursday, November 23, 2006

Jobbers Canyon Pilsner
On tap at the brewpub. Pours bright clear pale yellow with a light head containing medium-sized bubbles. Clean crisp palate. Nice malt grain aroma and flavor of a pils. Excellent lacing rings are left behind in the glass. I found this to be a very refreshing and clean lager. Low carbonation. Finish has a very nice hop bitterness that nails the style. Lemon in fact. Very german tasting. This is a good pils.
Thursday, November 23, 2006

Jobbers Canyon Pilsner
Draft at the brewpub, 11/3/06: This was crystal clear and appeared flat, although the bodied carried OK. An extremely fruity brew, almost like a peach-infused beer, this was drinkable but not quite down the pilsner lane.
Sunday, November 5, 2006

Jobbers Canyon Oktoberfest
Draft at the brewpub, 11/2/06: An amber beer. Fruity with a hint of fruit ... apple? Almost tangerine. Tart and tangy, not a bad interpretation of a fest.
Sunday, November 5, 2006

Jobbers Canyon Kaisers Dunkelweizen
On tap at the brewpub, 11/2 and 11/3/06. A dark red brew. Cloying banana breadiness, sweet and raisiny, with the overlaying yeastiness. Sledge, go try it again! Good.
Sunday, November 5, 2006

Jobbers Canyon Belgian Blonde
RBSG 2006 - DC Grand Tasting Lineup Yellow, white head. Lots of lacing. Nose of spicy hop and yeast esters. Saisony light herb and pilsner malt, light carbonation and a sweet malty flavor. Very rich and creamy. Nice belgian notes. Sweet pineapple chutney, tasty, a bit hot though.
Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Jobbers Canyon 416 IPA
On tap at the brewpub. Hazy copper. Almost light brown. No head. Decent balance between sweet malt and citrus hop aroma. Candyish. Tastes like dish soap. Gack. Think on palate. Pretty awful.
Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Jobbers Canyon Stanleys Tip Top Pale Ale
On tap at the brewpub. Golden with a whitehead. Baked goods in the aroma. Smells sticky sweet. Not much hops. Fruity. Flavor starts very bready. Pilsbury orange cream cinnimon rolls. Not in a good way. Fruity. Okay bitterness. On the heavy side. Just not very good at all.
Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Jobbers Canyon Belgian Blonde
RBSG DC 2006: Clear pale straw colored body with a medium white head that lasts. The aroma is spice, pepper, corriander, yeast and pale grains. Taste is corriander, honey, grains, biscuit, spice, allspice, yeast, and pepper. Medium bodied, medium carbonated.
Friday, September 1, 2006

Jobbers Canyon Belgian Blonde
RBSG 06. Clear pale with white cover. The aroma is floral, herbal and peppery. The flavor is sweet, pepper and herbal. Medium body with a sticky texture.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Jobbers Canyon 416 IPA
On tap at the brewpub. Pours a dark gold with a slightly ivory colored head. The head has a good thickness and nice retention. The aroma is outstanding: floral, but mostly berries. I get raspberries and blackberries from this. Yum! The flavor is sweet, tart, then bitter. The finish is very quick and leaves a bit of pepper on the tongue. Has a medium to thin body. This is a delicious summer IPA for Nebraska’s triple digit temperature August. Overall, I’d have to say that the sweet and tartness is impressive considering the amount of hops used, but it is just too thin in body with too quick a finish for me.
Monday, August 7, 2006

Jobbers Canyon Belgian Blonde
From the RBSG growler which was labeled as a tripel. I guess that’s more accurate than Belgian blonde and Belgian strong ale. Almost clear, yellow in color. Very spicy nose, with some midlly sweet pears and acetone smells. Tastes quite hot, crisp, sickly thick and sweet, more acetone than is ever needed, too medicine-like overall, but drinkable.
Sunday, July 23, 2006

Jobbers Canyon Belgian Blonde
Growler at RBSG 2006. Clear gold. Nose is flowery, yeasty and very fruity with a faint aroma of honey. Taste is malty and sweet with more flowery notes, big Belgian yeast, spices, fruits and a touch of alcohol. Body is light -medium with minimal carbonation feel. Finishes with more yeast notes, big fruits flavors and flowers. Nice one!
Sunday, July 23, 2006

Jobbers Canyon Belgian Blonde
Sampled at RBSG06. Clear light golden color with a thin white head. Aroma and flavor of sweet spice.
Monday, July 17, 2006

Jobbers Canyon Belgian Blonde
great big white fluffy head, huge yeast and spice aroma.body was a pale golden color, slightly cloudy. a very sweet flavor, lots of yeast and bread flavor. smooth finish, not as dry as other of this variety. a solid belgian, nice sweet aftertatse.
Saturday, July 15, 2006

Jobbers Canyon Belgian Blonde
Draft at the brewpub, 6/27/06: shiny yellow with a nice firm but thin white head. Nice fluffy banana-ish aroam; likewise in the flaovr, with a tangy, gummy feel to it. very smooth for a10% ABV! Quite good. Best I’ve had at J.C.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Jobbers Canyon H F Bock
Draft at the brewpub, 6/27/06: Rosy red with a pillowy head that subsided quickly. Sweet apple-corny aroma. Ultra-sugary texture, almost like corn syrup. Toasted caramel finish. Too sweet for my palate without any substance behidn it.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Jobbers Canyon Belgian Blonde
On tap at the 2006 Nebraska Craft Brewers tasting. Pours rich golden in color with a creamy thick white head. An intense cascade of bubbles moves upward. This brew has some crazy fruity aromas and even a bit of cotton candy. The taste is a full, full sweet flavor of apples and apricots. The medicinal backdraft is quite impressive to this beer. It think it is masterful. Has a whopping 10% abv. This is Dean’s masterpiece so far at Jobber’s. The mouth is a gauze-pack of thickness. The thick reams of lacing band the top of the glass. has an esophageal burn that lingers and sloughs the epithelium. Bubble gum! The only mistake might be a slight astringency to the finish, but this is hardly noticeable. This is a sweet beer, but the sweetness is barely pronounced due to the amalgam of other flavors. I think this would be a better fit if described as a Tripel.
Saturday, June 24, 2006

Jobbers Canyon H F Bock
On tap at the brewpub. Pours a dark amber to light brown. Has a thin to no head, but a trace of whiteness to the head. Medium carbonation. Has a roasted aroma with a bit of brown sugar or molasses. maybe a bit of chocolate. The flavor is serious chocolate and cherries. Tastes a lot like the O’Fallon Cherry Chocolate beer. Has a tart, drying hop finish.
Saturday, June 24, 2006

Jobbers Canyon ESB
On tap at the brewpub. Pours a burnt orange color with a medium off-white head. Residual lacing is decorative. Most pronounced observation is the giant carbonation bubbles fizzling toward the top of the glass from an unlimited number of nucleation sites. Has a fruity berry-like aroma. Upon tasting it, there’s a quick sweetness, followed by a hop tartness. Has no significant bitterness to the aftertaste. medium in body. Not an outstanding beer, but no mistakes.
Friday, May 5, 2006

Jobbers Canyon Ryans Irish Red
On tap at the brewpub. Pours a reddish rich amber with a strong white head. Remarkably beautiful lacing remains on the glass. Minimal aroma (too cold), but I can pick out a slight roasty maltiness with a kiss of the hops. Flavor is deliciously rich and malty with a thick body for a "red" beer. Smooth and nicely balanced. I usually dislike this style of beer, but this one was particularly good.
Thursday, March 23, 2006

Jobbers Canyon English Pale Ale
On tap at the brewpub. Pours a dark golden color that deceptively looks amber until you hold it to the afternoon sun. A very thin white head subsides quickly from this mildly carbonated ale. Served way too cold, but if you allow it to come to room temperature, you will enjoy a mild floral aroma. Flavor brings an initial sweetness, followed by a strong flavor of tea, then finishes with a mouth dryness that does not seem possible from this medium level of hops. If you drink this cold, you won’t like it. If you warm it up, you will be pleasantly surprised by the solid style entry.
Thursday, March 23, 2006

Jobbers Canyon Stanleys Tip Top Pale Ale
On draft at the brewpub, 3/11/06: This is an orange beer with a red tinge and absolutely zero head. It gives off no discernable aroma. I think it has a really bad soapy taste. Me no likey. Think I’ll stick to Upstream.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Jobbers Canyon Docs Brown Ale
On draft at the brewpub, 3/11/06: Yep it’s brown. Small, almost sticky head. Almost no aroma and almost no flavor. It’s clean and smooth and any mere mortal, casual beer drinker could pound these. It’s almost good.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Jobbers Canyon Amber
On draft at the brewpub, 3/11/06: Reddish-orange, thin foam. Light malty aroma. This has an odd tart-sour tone with maybe a hint of granny apple? Pretty boring.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Jobbers Canyon Amber
On tap at the brewpub. Pours, well, amber. Has a medium white head. I particularly liked the aroma- very malty and rich with a little bit of toasted caramel smell. The carbonation is medium, but the hop character is present, making this a good drinker, but not for the BMC crowd. Very nice middle of the road beer. Clean with no mistakes.
Thursday, February 23, 2006

Jobbers Canyon Dubbel
1/30/06 on draft at the brewpub: Served in a tulip glass, a bit cold. Rusty orange with no head. Sugar-raisin aroma. Mellow sugar-malt flavors with a middle of the road bitterness. Hint of butterscotch.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Jobbers Canyon Golden Ale
1/30/06, on draft at the brewpub: Very still bronze-gold. No activity at all, nor any head. Very clean with almost no bitterness whatsover. Just a smooth grain flavored beer. Pretty boring for me, but I’m sure it will sell well..
Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Jobbers Canyon Fatty Flynn Stout
1/31/06, draft at the brewpub. This was my first visit and this was my second beer of the three I tried. Compared to the other two, this was the only passable offering. I found this to have a nice curb appeal; pitch black with a thin but firm tan head. The aroma was an inviting espresso. The flavor was of lightly bittered coffee. It has a relatively creamy consistency but was slightly thin-bodied.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Jobbers Canyon Dubbel
On tap at the brewpub. Served in a brandy snifter. Unfortunately, this is served ice-cold like all the other beers here. The cruel temperature is the only thing that I have bad to say about this winner from brewer Dean Dobmeier. The ale pours an opaque caramel color with a faint white head- similar to a liquid Goetze caramel candy in a glass. Looks like a glass of the Muddy Mississippi River. The aroma and taste is very Belgian. I’d like to see a little better head retention, but it it is incredibly cold and at least this way you get better measure in the tiny brandy glass. The yeasty aroma is heavy...real heavy. But then again, this is a liquid yeast bomb of a beer to drink. Has a slight burnt aroma as well. Maybe a little bit of a canned meat aroma. No, wait a minute- definitely the familiar aroma of Mop-n-Glow floor wax. My point is, this is a complex smelling beer. Fun stuff. Notably, I don’t get raisins or plums out of this. The mouthfeel is a little buttery and the ketones are slightly present, but not obnoxious. The mouth is coated with the complex esters of the yeast. If you have an hour to kill at Jobbers, order a glass of this and wait for the aromas and flavors to emerge. Otherwise, I’m afraid you will miss this amalgam of sensations due to the icebox serving temp.
Saturday, January 28, 2006

Jobbers Canyon Golden Ale
On tap at the brewpub. Indeed, it pours gold in color, but a hazy gold, chill haze perhaps? Has a minimal white head. The aroma is interesting, maybe the best part: slightly citrus of sour green apples, pears. The flavor has a bit of a medicinal taste making me wonder if Dean is using a belgian yeast in this. There are green apple flavors and straw flavors to this. I find it to have a surprisingly rich malty palate for its appearance. Finishes crisp, but then a little hop reminder creeps back at you on the tongue with a little tart tingle at the end. This is by far and away a well-made "light" beer and should not be dismissed, but appreciated for its complexities. The beers keep getting better and better at this infant brewpub.
Saturday, January 28, 2006