Hausbrauerei Löscher Reviews

Flamberger Pale Ale
It is an ale and it is pale. But pale ale…. Hazed golden pour and a fine head Moderate intensity in the aroma Moderate sweet and a moderate bitterness Mellow carbonation level Malty, herbal, fruity and mild bready flavor [On tap at Cheers in Graz, Austria] Brewery #2603
Friday, March 8, 2024

Flamberger Hausbier
From tap at Cheers, Graz: Hazy pale golden color, white head. Aroma is light citrus acid, yeasty. Flavor is yeasty, light grainy, shy grassy hops. Some off-notes in aroma, not sure from tap or from brewery. Easy drinkable but nothing special.
Monday, February 4, 2019

Lendbier Pils
getrunken im Sommer 2017 Das "Cheers" ist eine kleine Bier-Bar im Zentrum von Graz, das unter anderem sein eigenes Bier braut. Vermutlich mit der Brauanlage des Lend-Bräus, einer alten Hausbrauerei, die es aber nicht mehr gibt -also ist ein Namensstreit ausgeschlossen. Das Bier selbst hat mich jetzt nicht besonders vom Hocker gehaut. Es lässt sich gut (massenweise) trinken, ist aber sonst ein bisschen langweilig.Ich habe mir lieber ein Craftbier aus der Umgebung bestellt. Bier brauen können andere besser.
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Flamberger Schwarzbier
Auch dieses Bier halte ich für ein Experiment, das der Braumeister, der sonst nur Brauanlagen für andere installiert, es einmal probieren wollte. Aber es ist ganz gut und hat alles, das ich mir von einem Schwarzbier erwarte. Angenehme Malzigkeit und leichte Hopfigkeit, wobei man aber sicher mehr herausholen könnte.
Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Flamberger Pils
Das Pils ist auch gut gelungen, wenn es aber an heutige Maßstäbe von deutschen Craft-Pils nicht herankommt. Es lässt sich angenehm trinken und ist ein guter Durstlöscher.
Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Flamberger Medium
Ich weiß nicht warum, aber dieses Bier hatte uns sehr gut geschmeckt. Trotz des leicht verringerten Alkohol- und Kaloriengehalt ein durchaus süffiges und vollmundiges Bier.
Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Flamberger Kürbis
Ich weiß bis heute nicht, warum man Kürbisbier braut. Meiner Meinung passt das überhaupt nicht zusammen. Aber der Blick nach Amerika zeigt, dass sie sich doch einiger Beliebtheit erfreuen. DIe Steiermark ist für ihre Kürbisse bekannt und daher lag es recht nahe, ein solches Bier zu brauen. Für Freunde von Kürbisbieren konnte dieses Bier schon interessant sein, aber aromentechnisch war es eher fade. Auch dieses Bier habe ich schon vor einigen Jahren verkostet und stütze mich auf Aufzeichnungen. Daher weiß ich nicht, ob es es überhaupt noch gibt.
Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Flamberger Holunderbier
Vom süßen Geschmack her würde man einen Radler erwarten, aber vom Alkoholgehalt her, geht es dann doch Richtung Fruchtbier. Ein weiteres Flambergerbier, das nicht sonderlich durchdacht scheint und offenbar einfach nur gebraut wurde um es zu versuchen. Da ich mein Bier bereits 2012 getrunken habe, weiß ich auch gar nicht, ob es überhaupt noch produziert wird.
Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Flamberger Hefeweizen
Bei diesem Bier hat man das Gefühl, dass es einfach nur gebraut wurde, um auch einmal ein Weizenbier zu versuchen und dann gleich weiterverkaufen zu können. Kann man schon trinken, schmeckt aber nicht besonders.
Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Flamberger Hausbier
Als ich gemeinsam mit meinem Verkoster-Kollegen Moretum im Jahre 2013 eine Kiste Flamberger-Bier mit allen möglichen Sorten getrunken habe (als Bier-WG-EInstand), habe ich gedacht, dass ich nie wieder etwas von der kleinen Brauerei hören würde und sie bald von der Bildfläche verschwinden würde (das war noch vor dem Craftbeer-Boom der letzten Jahre). Und im Sommer 2017 entdecke ich es auf einmal wieder in einem Bierlokal in Graz. Da zeigt sich, dass kleine Handwerksbrauereien durchaus lebensfähig sind - auch wenn dieses Bier nicht allzu besonders schmeckt(e).
Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Flamberger Dinkelbier
Wie bei vielen Dinkelbieren kommt auch hier ein Geschmack nach Schwarzbrot durch. Der passt aber ganz gut zu den bierigen Aromen, auch wenn die Hopfigkeit nicht so stark ist.
Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Flamberger Chili
Hier hat man es mit den Chillys übertrieben. Dadurch wirkt es viel zu stark und von anderen Aromen merkt man nicht viel. Vielleicht als Mutprobe geeignet, aber für viel mehr nicht.
Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Flamberger Blue Max
Dieses Bier war ein mit Heidelbeeren eingebrautes Experiment. Dabei ist es weit von den wohlschmeckenden belgischen Krieks entfernt, aber einmal was anderes.
Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Flamberger Holunderbier
Bottle. Low white head on a yellow body. Elderflower, sweaty, catpiss. Light sweetness, a bit stale, light bitterness. Light body with too soft carbonation and a stale, short and sudden finish. Eh.
Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Lendbier Pils
Tap. Low white head on a cloudy golden body. Doughy grains, straw. Light sweetness, a bit tarty a bit bitter. Creamy medium body with natural carbonation. Absolute Zwickel.
Friday, March 16, 2018

Lendbier Pils
Tap. Hazy golden color with white head. Aroma is . Taste is straw, bready. Silky mouthfeel with natural carbonation. Solid Zwickl I'd say, but where's the Pils?
Friday, March 16, 2018

Yao Yao Kirschbier
Kupferrote Farbe, blank. Wenig, feinporiger, weißer Schaum, nicht stabil. Malzig, süßliche Aromen mit etwas Frucht. Im Antrunk malzig mit Frucht, dann säuerlich. Im Mund wässrig. 0,33l-Flasche am 31.12.17
Friday, February 9, 2018

Yao Yao Ingwer Bier
Hellgelbe Farbe, trüb. Wenig weißer Schaum, feinporig, schwach. Leichte Kräuteraromen. Im Antrunk säuerlich mit Ingwernote. Im Mund leicht und wässrig. Keine Bittere.
Friday, February 9, 2018

Yao Yao Chili-Bier
Orange Farbe, opal. Weißer Schaum, wenig, nicht sehr stabil. Hopfenaromen. Säuerlicher Geschmack mit etwas Frucht und deutlicher Chili-Schärfe. Keine Bittere. Wässrig im Mund.
Friday, February 9, 2018

Flamberger Scott's IPA
Bottle from Ottakringer Shop, Vienna: Hazy orange color, white head. Aroma is all in all quite shy, quite yeasty with hints of citrus. Flavor with light acid notes and nearly no maltiness/sweetness, only a hint of caramel. Mainly resin bitterness, hints of citrus peel, quite dry, herbal bitter end. Overall a quite tasteless IPA.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Flamberger Espresso Stout
Bottle, thanks Werckmeister! Opaque black liquid with small to medium light tan head. Aroma of coffee, red berries, licorice, light bell pepper, pumpernickel, espresso and toast. Taste is very light sweet and light bitter with notes of coffee, espresso, licorice, grain and light ash. Medium bodied with medium carbonation. This is pretty nice! Good body for the ABV. Nice coffee notes.
Monday, November 30, 2015

Flamberger Scott's IPA
Bottle. Quite yeasty. Otherwise is fine, light high bitterness and appropriate fruity hoppy flavour. Just cut the yeastiness pls.
Thursday, November 26, 2015

Flamberger Scott's IPA
Bottle, kindly shared by Gurthnar, many thanks. </I!Hazy Amber orange color with huge white head, gusher. Yeast, citrus hops, breads malt in aroma. Citrus hops, malt, yeast, harsh bitterness in finish.
Thursday, November 26, 2015

Flamberger Kürbis
Bottle: Quite typical pumkin aroma with grains and some acid. Hazy dark yellow color. Flavor is yeasty, fresh, grains, pumpkin, spices, some hops. Drinkable.
Thursday, November 19, 2015

Flamberger Hefeweizen
Bottle from Ottakringer Shop: Very hazy dark yellow color, creamy white head. Aroma is wheaty, spicy and fruity with some banana notes. Flavor has quite similar notes with mote clove and some pear flavor. Ok.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Flamberger Espresso Stout
Bottle from Ottakringer Shop, Vienna: Aroma is mainly strong coffee, coffee grounds. Very dark brown to black color, nearly no head. Flavor is also full of coffee, some maltiness and sweetness. Good.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Flamberger Schwarzbier
Bottle from Ottakringer Shop: Sourish (milk sour) nose, some roastiness. Brown color, brownish head. Flavor is light bodied, malty, roasty, light sourish, light roasty bitter end. Again an unclean brew Form this brewery.
Monday, November 16, 2015

Flamberger Pils
Bottle from Ottakringer Shop Vienna: Hazy yellow honey color, white head. Aroma is grainy, malty, honey notes, Flavor also with a complex grain/malt notes, honey, some sweetness, grassy hops. Character with not much of a pils but otherwise tasty.
Sunday, November 15, 2015

Flamberger Whisky
Bottle: Munky brownish color, off-white head. Aroma is mainly (milk) sour, some malt notes and shy hints of fruits. Flavor is light malty, light milk acid notes, shy notes of dark fruits and dark malts. All in all unclean and uncomplex.
Sunday, November 15, 2015

Flamberger Schwarzbier
0,5l bottle at home shared with gf. BB 24.11.2015. black color, small tan head. smells of light sweetness, bread, grains, tobacco, a bit cardboardish. OK smell. light to medium body, soft carbonation, slick mouthfeel. tastes malty sweet, but quickly switches to some off-flavors, cardboardish, sourish, some roast, some fruits, a bit acidic, a bit metallic. finishes bitter / sourish. not a fan.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Flamberger Whisky
0,5l bottle at home shared with gf. BB 13.11.2015. redish / brown light hazy color, looks quite creamy. small off-white head. smells smoky, light roast, plums, creamy, biscuits, light coffee. light to medium body, light carbonation, slick mouthfeel. tastes citric, light buttery, light fruit notes, plums, grains, quite astringent. finishes a bit harsh with grains and some bitterness. quite liked the smell, but taste has a harsh bitter note I dont like at all.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Flamberger Espresso Stout
330 ml bottle from Ottakringer Shop, Vienna.
Dark brown to black body, with a small, creamy, lacing, beige head.
Aroma of intense espresso and coffee beans, also dark chocolate and other roast notes.
Taste is a bit watery, with coffee beans, espresso, cocoa powder, dark fruits, some dark bread.
Medium, a it oily mouthfeel, with a moderate carbonation.
Finishes moderate, mainly with coffee.

Good. The nose is pretty lovely, with a straight, intense coffee aroma. The taste is too light for my liking though, otherwise this could have been a much tastier Coffee Stout.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Flamberger Scott's IPA
0,5l bottle at home shared with gf, bought at Ottakringer Shop. BB 03.12.2015. amber quite hazy color, small white head. smells spices, grains, flour, yeast, grass. medium body, soft carbonation, slick mouthfeel. tastes of spices, light currant notes, some yeast, bread, grass, herbs. finishes with light bitter herbs and some bread. for me has a bit of an unclean taste to it, its not very disturbing, but slightly noticeable, overall OKish and drinkable, but not too exciting.
Monday, September 28, 2015

Flamberger Espresso Stout
Bottle at Ottakringer shop. Aroma strong coffee, spent coffee. Clear very dark colour. Quickly disappearing head. Taste mostly spent coffee as well. Strong coffee element and not the kind that I am looking for in a beer. Not a bad beer, just not the kind of flavouring I like. Also dry, thin bodied, seems empty and straightforward. I would like more richness and complexity.
Saturday, September 26, 2015

Flamberger Espresso Stout
Bottle at Ottakringer Beer shop. Dark brown color with medium beige head. Roasted malt, coffee in aroma. Strong coffee in taste together with roasted malt, grain, light licorice.
Saturday, September 26, 2015

Flamberger Whisky
Tap at Ottakringer shop. Aroma caramel, burnt sugar, dried fruits. Clear reddish amber colour. Quickly disappearing. Taste is thin, watery, lightly metallic. Almost flavourless. Lacks more body and character in flavour. Not very drinkable.
Saturday, September 26, 2015

Flamberger Whisky
Bottle at Ottakringer Beer shop. Red amber color with small white head. Yeast, caramel malt, red fruits in aroma. Taste, red fruits, caramel malt, very light hops.
Saturday, September 26, 2015

Flamberger Schwarzbier
Bottle at Ottakringer shop. Clear very dark colour. Stable offwhite head. Aroma dry, roasted. Slightly coffeeish. Taste is also quite dry, thin bodied, malt centered. Roasted and toasty notes. Quite easily drinkable.
Saturday, September 26, 2015

Flamberger Schwarzbier
Bottle at Ottakringer Beer shop. Dark brown color with huge light beige head. Light roasted malt in aroma. Taste, caramel malt, dark malt, light coffee.
Saturday, September 26, 2015

Flamberger Hefeweizen
Bottle at Ottakringer shop. Aroma clove, banana, lightly basementy. Hazy golden colour. Moderately stable head. Taste has clove and banana as well but also the weird basementy note as often found in lager beers. Easily drinkable and overall a good one, even though obscuring the style a bit.
Saturday, September 26, 2015

Flamberger Hefeweizen
Bottle at Ottakringer shop. Yellow golden color with huge white head. Wheat, yeast, banana in aroma. Taste, wheat, yeast, banana, clove. OK.
Saturday, September 26, 2015

Flamberger Scott's IPA
Bottled 500ml. -Hazy orange/golden coloured, medium sized white head that stays for a while, fruity and mild hoppy nose. Sweet malty, fruity, slightly bready and mild herbal hoppy with bitterish fruity finish. Quite simple but good IPA.
Friday, September 25, 2015

Flamberger Scott's IPA
500 ml bottle from Ottakringer Shop, Vienna.
Amber, cloudy body, with a big, stable, frothy, lacing, off-white head.
Sweet aroma of bubblegum, sweet berries, sweet bread, citrus, some grass.
Tastes of caramel, citrus, some passion fruit, sweet berries, grass, some bread, subtle herbs.
Quite light, slick mouthfeel, with an average carbonation.
Finishes bitter-sweet, fruity, zesty, a bit grassy, a bit bready.

Nice one. The nose is too sweet for my taste, a bit like lemonade. Taste is also quite sweet, but better, with a good clean balance and nice fruit notes. Easy drinkable, the slightly higher ABV isn’t noticeable.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Flamberger Espresso Stout
bottle at home, bought at Ottakringer Shop. dark brown color, medium coffee colored head, aroma of coffee, roast, mulberry, toffee, bitter chocolate. light to medium body, good mouthfeel, good carbonation, coffee, some caramel, roast note, some dried fruits, very light roasty bitterness on the finish. overall quite light for a stout, probably also because of low ABV, but still good & good drinkability.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Flamberger Schwarzbier

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Flamberger Kürbis
Shared a 50cl bottel thanks to a friend. Pours a pale yellow colour with almost no head. Aroma is malty, a bit roasted and lightly caramel. Soft cartbonation and light body. Taste is light bitter and light sweet. Overall, an average beer.
Sunday, May 25, 2014

Flamberger Kürbis Schwarz
Shared a 50cl bottle from a friend. Pours a hazy dark brown colour with a thin small off-white head. Aroma is roasted, malty and berries. Average carbonation and medium body. Taste is medium bitter and light sweet. Overall, a good beer.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Flamberger Hefeweizen
Poured into a weizen glass, murky orange color. Small head for a hefeweizen. Smell is also a bit weird. Besides the standard wheat and some faint banana, I also get some kind of funky smell, like that of a sour ale. Taste is a bit off but still in the hefeweizen "zone" just a bit more sour. There is a cardboard type taste and the finish and aftertaste is not very pleasant. Medium body with good carbonation, nothing to complain here. Overall this wasn’t one of the best examples of a hefeweizen.
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Flamberger Chili
Clear copper color with a good head that stays quite long. Looks like a Vienna Lager. Aroma isn’t very strong but pretty interesting. Roasted malt, caramel and some honey. It gets better as it warms. No chili here just a generic sweetness. At first it tastes like a typical helles with less malt character and some hop bitterness. In the aftertaste you get a light tingle from the chili. Medium, soft body light to medium carbonation. After you have a few sips, the chili starts to tingle more and more but it doesn’t really get hot. Interesting beer overall. At first there isn’t much in the taste but as you drink it, the chili comes through. If the taste had more malt character and sweetness it would have been way better.
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Flamberger Espresso Stout
Dark brown color, not quite black. Medium creamy head that goes down slowly. Nice aroma of fresh grounded coffee and dark malts. Taste is not that great. It follows the nose with coffee and it’s specific bitterness but it lacks some malt character and sweetness. Body is a bit watery for a stout and also a bit over-carbonated. Overall it’s a decent beer but lacks some basic stout characteristics. Some better malt backbone would make it really good.
Thursday, April 24, 2014