Landgasthof König von Preußen Frauenalb Reviews

Frauenalber Rathsbräu Bernstein
Clear amber colour, small short lasting off-white head. Caramel toasty aroma, maltish, light stable.
Sunday, July 5, 2015

Frauenalber Rathsbräu Hell
Light yellow beer, white head. Malty aroma, dough, somewhat sweet nose. Malty sweetish flavour, light hops.
Sunday, July 5, 2015

Frauenalber Rathsbräu Bernstein
Draught at the brauhaus
Hazy dull light amber color. Dull would also be good to describe the aroma, just some caramel. The light caramel flavor is a slight improvement compared to the Hell, but as well this one doesn’t have noticeable characteristics. Simple.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Frauenalber Rathsbräu Hell
Draught at the brauhaus
Hazy blond color. The aroma of hop is mild but quite nice, they used some quality hop. The very dry mouthfeel is appreciated in this beer; unfortunately the malt doesn’t give enough support, the flavor is quite simple, a bit of cereals; it has a correct bitterness, but without aromatic hop qualities. Simple. I can picture myself enjoying a couple of glasses of this in the summer while admiring the nice surrounding of the kloster, but not really being impressed.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Frauenalber Rathsbräu Dunkel
Draught at the brewpub. Hazy pale amber coloured. Probably the palest Dunkel I have seen so far. Apricot aroma. Very light flavour. Slightly sweet with malty notes. Light bodied. Bland.
Saturday, February 4, 2006

Frauenalber Rathsbräu Hell
Draught at the brewpub. Hazy very pale coloured. Very light aroma and flavour. Some grassy notes. Light bodied. Bland.
Saturday, February 4, 2006