Tourcoing Reviews

Duc d'Havré (Seigneur de Tourcoing) Bière Blonde Artisanale
Bottle a golden yellow colored beer with a white head aroma malts citrus spicy and hops flavor malts citrus spicy and hops
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Duc d'Havré (Seigneur de Tourcoing) Bière Blonde Artisanale
Bottled, 0.33l. Clear deep golden color with small creamy white head, soft visible carbonation and lots of floating yeast particles. Aroma of caramel malt, yeast, grassy hops, fruits and mild alcohol. Taste starts thick malty, then followed by strong alcohol note and lager-like bitterness. Mouthfeel is quite astringent, while finish is spiced malty with moderate bitter aftertaste. Medium body, thick texture and soft carbonation in palate. Pretty much average biere de garde...
Friday, March 29, 2013

Duc d'Havré (Seigneur de Tourcoing) Bière Blonde Artisanale
Une blonde relativement sympa mais qui manque de corps. Des arômes de pêche et de céréales. Bonne attaque mais bien trop courte en bouche, les saveurs n’ont pas le temps de s’exprimer. Un retour sur le beurre frais. Pas une bière d’apéro mais très bien pour accompagner un plat.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Duc d'Havré (Seigneur de Tourcoing) Bière Blonde Artisanale
Golden colour, with a medium nice foam head. Nose is powerfull, a lot of esters. Medium palate, medium finish. Medium bodied belgian beer. Not so bad and refreshing actually.
Friday, September 21, 2012

Duc d'Havré (Seigneur de Tourcoing) Bière Blonde Artisanale
shared by ungstrup. clear yellow, small white head sweet flowery yellow fruity aroma. flavor is sweet fruty, yeast. nice
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Duc d'Havré (Seigneur de Tourcoing) Bière Blonde Artisanale
33 cL bottle, courtesy of Ungstrup. Pours clear and golden orange with a small white head. Aroma is cornish and slight grassy dry. Bitter, roasted and slight yeasty flavoured. Dry malty and bitter into the finish.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Duc d'Havré (Seigneur de Tourcoing) Bière Blonde Artisanale
Bottled. A dark golden beer with a lazing off-white head. The aroma has notes of malt. The flavor is sweet with notes of malt, caramel, and alcohol, leading to a dry alcoholic finish.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Duc d'Havré (Seigneur de Tourcoing) Bière Blonde Artisanale
Bottled. Golden coloured. Unclear. Dense off white head. aroma of yeast, sweetness, fruits and light yeast. flavour of yeast, sweetness, fruits and light caramel. medium bodied. fruity and spiced end.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Duc d'Havré (Seigneur de Tourcoing) Bière Blonde Artisanale
Bottle 33 cl. Courtesy of Ungstrup. Pours a clear amber with a lacing off-white head. Odd, fruity nose. Medium body, skewed fruitiness with some Belgian yeast. 161209
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Duc d'Havré (Seigneur de Tourcoing) Bière Blonde Artisanale
Pours a nice golden color with a nice stable white head. Average strength aroma that smells of yeast. Tastes like a mix of sweet fruits and bitter hops; the latter of which lingers on in the aftertaste. A decent and drinkable dry beer, but nothing out of the ordinary when looking at a Belgian beer.
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Duc d'Havré (Seigneur de Tourcoing) Bière Blonde Artisanale
clear golden-bronze colour with a little persistent white foam; nice lace, aroma of orange, pear and alcohol; sweet and sticky; slightly dry and fruity finish
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Duc d'Havré (Seigneur de Tourcoing) Bière Blonde Artisanale
Bottle. Fruity aroma, nice vanilla taste, some alcohol in taste too. Not bad but not nothing exceptional.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Duc d'Havré (Seigneur de Tourcoing) Bière Blonde Artisanale
bottle, bought in France. Seems to be brewed for a town near Lille. Golden colour, fruity aroma. Malty with a pleasant fruity sourness.
Saturday, July 28, 2007

Duc d'Havré (Seigneur de Tourcoing) Bière Blonde Artisanale
Picked up somewhere in Lille, France, 29-06-07 Clear golden beer with white bubbly head, nice vanilla notes and taste, gentle smooth and restrained, carbonation not too bad. Low overall bitterness but there seemed to be a hint of hoppiness in there, tasty!
Sunday, July 15, 2007

Duc d'Havré (Seigneur de Tourcoing) Bière Blonde Artisanale
750 ml. bottle. Pale brown, caramel in color. Steady but thin head. Citrus, lightly malty floral notes. Tangy, almost barleywine like in taste . . . too grassy and wheaty for my tastes.
Friday, December 22, 2006

Duc d'Havré (Seigneur de Tourcoing) Cuvée Prestige
Bottle during the Graveyard Session, London Drinker Beer Festival, March 2006. BBE December 2007. Hazy amber colour. Comes over as a decent spicy beer with some yeasty elements in the aroma. Lemony fruit in the flavour. Maybe a touch sweet with a sort of confectionery vibe but, overall, a decent enough beer.
Saturday, December 16, 2006

Duc d'Havré (Seigneur de Tourcoing) Bière Blonde Artisanale
Bottle. Golden with white head. Aroma: Yeast, jasmine. Flavor: Sweet and fruity. Yeast. Good with blinis.
Saturday, October 28, 2006

Duc d'Havré (Seigneur de Tourcoing) Cuvée Prestige
75 cl bottle with a champagne cork that was hard to get off. But finally it poured deep orangey golden with a white head. Grassy hoppy nose combinedspices and sugar. Flavours are sweet though with lots of grassy hops. Feel spiced and a bit sticky. Warming alcohol. Drinkable.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Duc d'Havré (Seigneur de Tourcoing) Bière Blonde Artisanale
Blind tasting: Belgian yeast / wheat aroma. Corriander spice and orange zest. Unfiltered. Spiky citric sharp with spikes in the jaw bones. Chalky taste with orange notes. Strong - 8%? A juicy, restrained sweetness. Not my thing. Sort of average.
There is a distinctive flavour about Belgian pale ales. This is a well attentuated beer, with a certain yeasty quality and wheat notes. Drinking it after the blind tasting revealed nothing different. A drinkable, though unexciting beer.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Duc d'Havré (Seigneur de Tourcoing) Cuvée Prestige
Bottled. Aroma is sweet citrus, several spices and malty. Hazy, yellow color, small white irregular head, fair lace. Light sweet, very spicy, bitter, quite full and sticky.
Saturday, May 13, 2006

Duc d'Havré (Seigneur de Tourcoing) Cuvée Prestige
Bottle. I guess being brewed by Huyghe explains a lot, but is it brewed by Huyghe? whatever.... this was OK, but a little sugary, sticky, and showed too much yeasty alcohol burn in the finish, lightly spicey clovey flavours come through aswell. Not too bad.
Tuesday, May 2, 2006

Duc d'Havré (Seigneur de Tourcoing) Cuvée Prestige
Bottle at the St George’s Graveyard Beerfest, March 2006. I’m not sure who brought this one, but thanks to whoever it was. Aroma is spiced fruit. To taste this is fruity and malty, slightly spiced and some banana in there also. Interesting.
Thursday, April 20, 2006

Duc d'Havré (Seigneur de Tourcoing) Cuvée Prestige
Bottle (St Georges Park Bottle Fest): Funky, farmy with a nice fruity edge. Some mild spice and fresh fruits. Hazy darker gold, with a lasting white head. Tasty.
Thursday, April 20, 2006

Duc d'Havré (Seigneur de Tourcoing) Cuvée Prestige
75cl bottle at St George’s Cemetary Bottle Fest 2006. Cloudy golden colour with lasting white head. Nice hoppy/yeasty/citrus beer with a bit of toffee. Nice enough. Bit of sticky toffee on the end. Didn’t get the same farmyard like aroma that some others did.
Thursday, April 20, 2006

Duc d'Havré (Seigneur de Tourcoing) Bière Blonde Artisanale
Bottle. Golden beer with a light head. The aroma is fruity, mulled and slightly musty, and the flavour is very dry, mulled and quite fruity. Overall a slightly poor Belgian style beer.
Friday, April 14, 2006