Dundalk (Diageo) Reviews

Harp Strong

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Harp Strong

Monday, February 5, 2018

Harp Strong

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Harp Super
Decisamente migliore della sorella lager. Forse troppo alcolica rispetto alla buona beveribilità. Tocca stare attenti
Monday, November 10, 2014

Harp Strong
On tap at the scholars lounge. Not really bad but not my thing. I may drink it again if nothing else
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Harp Strong
On tap, half pint. Golden clear beer with a bubbly white head. Sparkling look, in fact this is a gassy one. Strange nose, not inviting. Aroma has some malts, corn and syrup, but lots of cork, chemical stuff and alcohol. Watery and carbonated body, poor stuff but and the booze came up incredibly quick.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Harp Strong
Bevuta una sera in compagnia in un irish pub in Italia. E’ solamente una versione un pò più alcolica della tradizionale, io l’ho anche trovata molto annacquata...
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Smithwicks Barley Wine
Transferred from an old tasting notebook from years ago, during one of my big Irish import kicks: Tasted from bottle into standard pint glass. Poured a mostly clear, reddish brown color with moderate beige foam which subsided quickly but left some lace. Aroma was complex blend of flowery hops, brown bread, toast, toffee, caramelized sugar, and profoundly fruity yeast esters: apricot, plums, black currants, dried cranberries, sweet oranges, some pine/cedar notes as well. The flavor was somewhat different from aroma: hops bitterness detracted from what I suspect was a complex malt bill. More citrus tartness and fruitiness from specialty dark malts, roasted barley, and interesting fermentation. Medium body, well-rounded mouthfeel, fruity but too puckering aftertaste. If not for the hops, it slightly resembed a port-wine. Alcohol, which was initially hidden, appeared more as it warmed, melding with the fruit and hops into a strong perfume. Not nearly as high-gravity as typical barleywines, but an intriguing dark Irish ale. This brew would never have been a top-seller in the U.S. but it’s still a bummer it was retired.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Harp Super
Draft at a cafe on Via Nazionale in Rome. Rich, honey lager. Sweet malty honey lager. not offensive up front, heavy rich alc body, bit better than typical euro heavy. I guess ok, but still bad.
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Harp Super
Amber coulored, fine head, good aroma and delicious aftertaste. One of the best pub beer drunken in Italy. Imo, better than the Harp Lager. A bit similar to Pauwel Kwak.
Friday, October 2, 2009

Harp Super
Draught @ Friends, Firenze. Not a massive fan of the original Harp, though slightly more of a ’fan’ of this one. Pours golden with durable pristine white head. The elevated alcohol content contributes to a decent enough lager overall.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Harp Strong
Draught, Firenze. Not a massive fan of the original Harp, and only slightly more of a ’fan’ of this one. Rather run-of-the-mill lager, with that little extra something due to the elevated alcohol content, but not great overall.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Harp Strong
The tagline says it has that little bit of extra taste. Well, it doesn’t, unless you count bitter (in a bad way) a taste.
Thursday, July 10, 2008

Harp Super
Tap at Devil’s Forest Pub in Venice, Italy: Red coloured beer with an load of sweetness in an reasonble quantity, and have high alcohol volume.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Smithwicks Barley Wine
botella 284 Ml. de 1994.....................................................
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Harp Strong
A Cà du Dria, vicino a Piazza Soziglia; avevo una sete tremenda con sto caldo soffocante e allora mi sono gettato dentro con l’intenzione di pigliarmi una Guinness, ma poi ho visto che avevano questa roba qua che non l’ho mai assaggiata e ho detto... vabeh tanto tra il marcio e la muffa, ci esce un voto su Ratebeer. Voto non ottimo, come era prevedibile: è la versione "strong" della Harp (pessima macrolager irlandese), somiglia ad una Carlsberg Elephant meno spiccatamente alcolica e senza la cacca dell’elefante. Comunque riesce lo stesso a mantenere un discreto aroma di disinfettante, corpo acquosissimo e sentori cerealicoli da zuppa stata lì/pop corn.
Friday, April 4, 2008

Smithwick's AFB
More like a cola than a beer. Malty sweet. Similar to kvass in that it is bready sweet with hints of black treacle. Because of the carbonation it’s more like the commercial soft drink versions of kvass than the homebrewed alcoholic versions. If you can call 0.5% abv "alcoholic". This is a 330ml bottle from Shropshire.
Friday, February 29, 2008

Harp Strong
had this on tap loads of places in a few different countries. tastes a bit chemical/alcoholic. relatively unattractive and with a bitter finish
Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Harp Strong
on tap at O’Brien’s Pub, Rome. they listed it as 9% and it was so weak I thought they ripped me off, but alas, it’s only 6.3%. mostly clear golden yellow color, aroma is earthy and grainy. flavor is grainy malt, slightly earthy and bitter finish.
Sunday, November 12, 2006

Smithwicks Barley Wine
[Bottle from around 1975. Multiple sources indicates that this beer is still occasionally brewed] Very dark brown, some surprising carbonation helps forming a smallish head. Coffee aroma. Medium sweet. Nicely malty. Dryish and dominated by really dark chocolate. Some oxidation is there, but the beer is surprisingly alive and really good after all these years.
Saturday, July 29, 2006

Harp Strong
[Draught at Connolly Station Irish Pub, Subiaco, Roma, Italy] Clear golden, creamy head. Sweetish with mellow mouthfeel and plenty of fruit alcohol. Syrupy finish with a touch of chemical bitterness.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Harp Strong
Had this in Florence Italy, and its not too much different from Harp Lager in my opinion. The head is medium in size, and the beer pours out a yellowish color. Its okay for a lager...ugh lager...I’d rather just have a regular harp I guess.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Harp Strong
Draught. ABV 6,3%. Limpid yellow color, lightly amber and little loads. A lot little bubbly. Foam of medium persistence. Light and discreetly evanescent. Light wood and malt notes, dry scent. Fresh and enough dry taste, not particularly lives. Escaping and little bitter finish.
Sunday, April 24, 2005

Harp Strong
Keg at Johnny Flyns, Banbury. Pale gold with carboanted head. Sweet, sugary lager with forced alcohol note. Very poor indeed.
Monday, April 11, 2005

Harp Strong
Well, a little bit tastier and sweeter than the original Harp, but not really much better.
Monday, February 3, 2003

Harp Strong
Not much to say that hasn''t been said already..............................
Saturday, November 30, 2002

Harp Strong
Mmmm this one seems to be a "no comment" beer. I agree ;-)........
Thursday, November 7, 2002

Harp Strong
Somewhat lackluster brew. Not bad bu tther are better ones around. One to drink but not a favorite.
Thursday, August 8, 2002

Harp Strong
Wednesday, August 1, 2001

Harp Strong
Tuesday, June 19, 2001