Sajacher Schlößl Bräu Reviews

Sajacher Märzen
Bottle: Golden color, low head. Caramelic, buttery nose, malty. Malty flavor, fruity. OK.
Monday, January 27, 2014

Sajacher Wiesen
Dark orange/golden coloured, medium sized off-white head, dry mild peppery nose. Lively carbonation. Moderate malty, strong dry barnyard and slight spicy with harsh bitter finish. Both Sajacher beers were quite odd but in other hand not so pleasant
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sajacher Märzen
Draught at the Sajacher. Slight hazy yellow coloured, small white head, odd nose; something between meat and sausages. The kitchen was closed at the time but the taps were near. Nice malty and weak hoppy aroma with some herbal grassy notes. So-so beer.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010