Cerveza Artesanal de Pirque Reviews

Cerveza Artesanal de Pirque Miel
Appearance: Turbid golden colour. Excessive head (high carbonated), some rocky and few dense. Aroma: pale malts and yeast smells; some honey and vanilla reminiscences. Flavour: problems with yeast, rancid and unpleasant taste. Some very light honey touch. Palate: ? Filthy beer.
Sunday, January 6, 2008

Cerveza Artesanal de Pirque Lager
Has an aroma to malty, softly and agreeably. The head is yellow, brief and rapid. The flavor is a soft caramel, with a slight acidity. Is not bad to be a light beer.
Monday, December 24, 2007

Cerveza Artesanal de Pirque Bock
Has an aroma to sweet berries, well. Has a dark brown color and head beige, regularly. The flavor reminds something to the chocolate, but acid. It does not have good bitterness and ultimately is a bit astringent.
Monday, December 24, 2007

Cerveza Artesanal de Pirque Barley Wine
Has an aroma well malty, to caramel. Has a mahogany color, with a small and persistent head. The flavor is the typical acid caramel. Always I have doubts, it is an infection or is a bad beer?.
Monday, December 24, 2007

Cerveza Artesanal de Pirque Barley Wine
Appearance: mahogany color. Medium head, beige, persistent and good adherence at glass. Aroma: malty and candy mainly; but exists a strange smells like plastic and acid, maybe for infection. Flavor: too much sweet, absolutely unbalanced. Malty, candy, sugar and honey touches. Citric and rancid finish. Warming. Palate: medium body and light carbonation. Unbalanced and infected.
Monday, December 3, 2007

Cerveza Artesanal de Pirque Bock
Appearance: dark brown color. Medium head, not much persistent, beige color. Aroma: toasty, sweet chocolate, candy, honey and yeasty. Sour-fruity tones like plums and blackberries. Flavor: sweet start from toast malts (some excessive). Yeasty. Chocolate, toast sugar and candy tones. Low hoppy, toast aftertaste. Palate: light to medium body, medium carbonation. Some unbalanced. Mediocre.
Saturday, December 1, 2007

Cerveza Artesanal de Pirque Bock
Bottled Muddy dark brown, average sized beige head. Lingonberry aroma. Tart with medium body and rounded mouthfeel. Some light cohocolate and acid, notes of minerals. Very low hop rate - low bitterness.
Thursday, December 28, 2006

Cerveza Artesanal de Pirque Lager
Bottled. Muddy dark yellow, brief head. Pleasantly papery malt aroma. Sweet with extremely soft maltiness. Spun sugar wrapped in cotton. Light bodied, but feels thick and buttery in the mouth. Very low hop rfate. A good, malty lager.
Thursday, December 28, 2006

Cerveza Artesanal de Pirque Lager
Bright orange color, white medium head. Hoppy aroma of flowers, bread and fruit. Flavor is sweet, too, nothing special. Medium body, lively carbonated.

Sampled at the "2° Festival de la Cerveza", in Malloco (4th November, 2006)

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Cerveza Artesanal de Pirque Bock
Dark brown color, medium off-white head. Sweet aroma of over-riped berries, prunes and subtle red wine and burnt sugar notes. Sweet, malty flavor, light carbonation. Finish is weak and almost unnoticeable except from some alcoholic hints.

Sampled at the "2° Festival de la Cerveza", in Malloco (4th November, 2006)

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Cerveza Artesanal de Pirque Bock
Deep hazy dark brown color with crimson undertones. Head is beige, small and fully diminishing. It leaves a small lacing. Aroma is malty/fruity and very alcoholic. It has notes of chocolate, capuccino coffee and diacetyl. There is a very eau de toilette/perfumy character. Very weird....i don’t know. Malty sweet flavor, and I mean SWEET! It tastes like an unfinished wort with notes of cherry, chocolate liquor. Decent but not totally ripe and too much alcohol is present. Body is small to medium. Low carbonation. Finish is short and alcoholic. Aftertaste is weak and unexciting. I hope the next batch has a longer fermentation process. I’ll stick with Kunstmann Bock for now.

Sampled at the "2° Festival de la Cerveza", in Malloco (4th November, 2006)

Friday, November 10, 2006

Cerveza Artesanal de Pirque Lager
Color is orange/golden, hazy and brilliant. Head is medium, white and mostly diminishing. It leaves a marginal lacing. Aroma is hoppy/yeasty with a decent malty balance. It has notes of flowers, bread, gains and fruits like mellon and tuna fruit. Some citric hints too with a slightly honey touch. Flavor is sweet, fruity with no bitterness. Pretty much a reflection of the aroma in the tastebuds. But a little too sweet for my taste. Finish is sweet and honey-ish with a fruity sensation as a complement. Body is medium with a juicy texture. High carbonation, medium finish and subtle aftertaste. A very drinkable, decent lager.

Sampled at the "2° Festival de la Cerveza", in Malloco (4th November, 2006)

Friday, November 10, 2006