Bayfield Winery Reviews

Bayfield Golden Pear
Bottle courtesy of a trade a while back. Pours a clear golden yellow with a few bubbles that are purely from pouring, as the cider itself is rather still. Vinous pear and slight wood notes, sweet candied pears, but light. A bit of warming alcohol behind it all. Medium bodied, with not even faint carbonation, more of a suggestion really. Could just be my mind imagining that there is a touch of microscopic bubbles forming on my tongue. Big soft pear, slightly acidic and rubbery. Some fusel on the finish as well, but not overly detracting. Warming alcohol on the finish as well and a little lingering pear toned tang.
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Bayfield Sweet Apple Wine Cider
[Bottle] shared by skyview. Pours a clear copper gold with no head. Aroma is marshmallow, apple, and vanilla. Flavor matches with a sweet finish.
Sunday, October 26, 2008

Bayfield JD Hausers Grand Reserve
[Bottle] shared by skyview. Pours clear gold with no head. Aroma is apple butter and some grapes. Very smooth, but buttery flavor, drinkable, and slightly sweet.
Sunday, October 26, 2008

Bayfield Golden Pear
[Bottle] shared by skyview. Pours gold with a tiny head. Aroma is sweet pear, some maple syrup, and a touch of vinegar. Flavor is syrupy, pear, brown sugar, apricot, and a little alcohol. Silky smooth.
Saturday, October 18, 2008

Bayfield Dry Pear
[Bottle] shared by skyview. Pours gold with a tiny head. Aroma is buttery, sweet pears, and chardonnay. Flavor is sweet, buttered popcorn, figs, and a little alcohol on finish. Just a tad dry.
Saturday, October 18, 2008

Bayfield Sweet Apple Wine Cider
The last of Bayfield’s products I have not had. Nice sweet apple aroma. Still, with no carbonation. Sweet apple flavor with some yeast. No carbonation, and some oak. A one dimensional, but tasty cider.
Sunday, June 22, 2008

Bayfield JD Hausers Grand Reserve
Another from Skyview, thanks Bob. Sour green apple aroma. The flavor has an odd taste of water chestnuts and apple, along with butter. It smells good but I don’t like the flavor at all.
Sunday, June 22, 2008

Bayfield JD Hausers Grand Reserve
(bottle from Skyview) Pours light clear gold. Aroma of some tart apple and some buttery notes. Taste is lightly sweet with some tart apple, butter, and faint oak.
Saturday, June 7, 2008

Bayfield Sweet Apple Wine Cider
Thanks to Skyview for sharing and clearing me out on this winery. Copper color. Aroma and taste are both cleanly of sweet apples. Light maple and oak. A little winey. Quite good.
Thursday, June 5, 2008

Bayfield JD Hausers Grand Reserve
Thanks to Skyview for sharing. Yellow color. Light marshmallowy aroma with some tart apple. More in the taste. Very light oak. A bit of butter. Pretty solid.
Thursday, June 5, 2008

Bayfield Sweet Apple Wine Cider
Sampled at Cellar’s Wine & Spirits in St Paul, Minnesota. From a 750 ml bottle pours a clear golden amber still cider with a light bubbled ring. Aroma of sweet apples, perfume flowers, and a touch of marshmallow. Taste is full bodied, quite sweet with flavors of sweet apples with just a hint of caramel. Finish retains the sweet apple wine/cider character with a mild metallic texture. A simple one dimensional sweet apple cider with no complex flavors.
Thursday, June 5, 2008

Bayfield JD Hausers Grand Reserve
Sampled at Cellar’s Wine & Spirits in St Paul, Minnesota. From a 750 ml bottle pours a clear light golden yellow, still cider with no bubbles of foam. Aroma is very light sweet apples, a touch of creme tartar and cinnamon. Taste is light, slightly crisp with a mild apple cider and some oak character. Finish is semi-dry with a slight butter aftertaste is slowly disappears after the finish. A little dry and light character that I prefer but would make an excellent cider to pair with dry turkey or roast duck.
Thursday, June 5, 2008

Bayfield Golden Pear
Sweet pear aroma with a hint of brown sugar. Similar flavor but with a well balanced sweetness. Gold color. Thanks to Skyview for sharing.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Bayfield Dry Pear
Thanks to skyview for sharing this. Light firot aroma with a vaguely buttery pear flavor. very clear color.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Bayfield Golden Pear
Much better than the dry pear. Sweet aroma with a little yeast and abundant pear. Flavor is sweet but there is a bite from the carbonation. Gold in color and very smooth, and the sweet flavor with sugar and pears makes this very drinkable. I would drink this again. Thanks to Skyview for sharing.
Monday, May 26, 2008

Bayfield Dry Pear
Light apple and fruit aroma. Flavor of butter with some pear. Just a little sugar. I didn’t care for this, but thanks to Skyview for the chance to try it.
Sunday, May 25, 2008

Bayfield Golden Pear
(bottle, thanks Skyview!) Pours dark gold. Aroma is a nice mix of caramel, butter, brown sugar, and some light alcohol. Taste is brown sugar, honey, and raisin, I didn’t taste any pear though. Mouthfeel is medium and very smooth. This is probably the best perry I’ve ever tasted.
Monday, May 19, 2008

Bayfield Dry Pear
(bottle, thanks Skyview) Pours gold. The smell is quite odd, with some cheese, funk, and vanilla. A pretty unpleasant combination. The taste is fruity sweet to begin with, but did have quite a dry finish. The taste wasn’t really offensive at all, but the aroma was pretty off-putting.
Monday, May 19, 2008

Bayfield Golden Pear
Picked up a 750 ml bottle from the winery near Bayfield, Wisconsin. Pours a clear golden caramel perry/cider with a clean top. Aroma of lots of sweet tropical fruit, pineapple, pears, and even a touch of passion fruit. Taste is smooth and silky, with flavors of sweet pear, creme of tartar, light pineapple and some apricot. Finish is just as smooth and silk with a sweet finish at first and then immediate disappear act. Alcohol is very well hidden throughout this perry. Wow! If I could pick one sweet perry as a standard to compare all others I would definitely use this one. I would also like to see this winery make an ice perry with this style. Most excellent!
Friday, May 16, 2008

Bayfield Dry Pear
Picked up a 750 ml bottle from the winery near Bayfield, Wisconsin. Pours a clear golden amber perry/cider with some small splash bubble on the top. Aroma has a character almost like a typical Chardonnay white wine, some dried flowers and a touch of oak. Taste is semi-dry with some green pear, dried figs and some butter. Finish has a mild buttery aftertaste that slowly disappears to a faint dried fruit flavor. Definitely and dry perry throughout with a creamy butter flavor is the best to describe this.
Friday, May 16, 2008

Bayfield Golden Pear
Another thanks to Skyview. Gold color. Lots of pear aroma. The taste is something like lightly sugared pear, then cooked and slightly caramelized. Touch of honey. Best Perry for sure.
Thursday, May 15, 2008

Bayfield Dry Pear
Thanks to Skyview for sharing. Gold color. Solid pear aroma with a bit of oaky dryness. Taste is of slightly over-ripened pear. Not bad, but not something I could consume a glass or two of.
Thursday, May 15, 2008

Bayfield Golden Pear
Poured from a 750 ml bottle. Clear robust amber. Crystal clean aroma of crisp pear and pineapple. Acidic, bright. Some green fruitiness about it on the fringes, very earthy and soft. Floral honey and powdered sugar and pastry crusts; sweetness is the whole show, though it renders itself with care and practiced ease. Flavor a simple montage of pear and honey, hinting toward citrusy touches of lemon and apricot and leaning on this very subtle but vibrant body of lush tropical fruitiness. White grapes and some easygoing heat in the mid palate. Syrupy, sprightly palate with a softly reticent show of alcohol; complexities prevalent but streamlined. Lemon acidity and juicy pear finish with some warmth and giving sweetness. Lovely. Thanks for sharing, Bob!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Bayfield Hausers Colonial Cider
Thanks to Skyview for sharing. A still gold pour with sweet apple aroma and a similarly sweet apple flavor. Very drinkable.
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Bayfield Schneewittchen
Thanks to skyview for sharing. Light cider nose with some woodiness. Light apple flavor with a dry mouthfeel.
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Bayfield Hausers Colonial Cider
A nice sweet cider shared by Skyview. Gold in color. Sweet like a riesling, but with an apple cripsness. Some apple flavor, and it is there in the aroma as well. Not on the level of Niege or Givre, but good in its own right. The high abv is well hidden, not like their dry cider which is a little hot.
Saturday, March 22, 2008

Bayfield Schneewittchen
From Skyview. Apple aroma. Light gold, not much else to say about the appearance. Some heat from alcohol. Just a little sugar with a thin palate. Dry.
Friday, March 21, 2008

Bayfield Hausers Colonial Cider
[Bottle, thanks Skyview] Pours somewhat pale golden. Light honey and a lot of apple with a little grape. Medium mouthfeel and very smooth. I’m certainly not the best at reviewing ciders, but I did enjoy this. Of the two Bayfield ciders I think this was the better one.
Friday, March 7, 2008

Bayfield Hausers Colonial Cider
Thanks to Skyview. Gold color with no head. Both the aroma and taste are heavy on slightly sweet, yet tart apples. Very full body, but not syrupy. A bit of apple pie spiciness.
Thursday, March 6, 2008

Bayfield Schneewittchen
Thanks to Skyview for sharing. Light yellow color with no head. A slightly sour apple aroma and a bit of white wine (pinot gris?). Mainly tart apple flaovr. A little sugary, but not overly so. The grape flavor is more like Gewertztraminer than anything else. Quite smooth and delicious.
Thursday, March 6, 2008

Bayfield Hausers Colonial Cider
Poured from a 750 ml bottle. Clear, light blonde appearance; glassy. Aroma of golden apples on french toast with maple and cinnamon; happiness on a chilled october morning. Pears, apples, honey, and white grapes in the flavor; pastry like doughiness in the mid palate interacts well with the fruity, acidic sweetness that’s highlighted here. Palate is punchy and rich, but very smooth; finish is very juicy and again giving a distinct white grape balance of sweetness and tartness. Deeper in complexity than the fully dry example; very nice and highly drinkable. Thanks for sharing, Bob!
Thursday, March 6, 2008

Bayfield Schneewittchen
Poured from a 750 ml bottle. Clear, oily blonde appearance. Foremost aroma is of black licorice and peppery raw anise; tart apple skins and pears with some honey sweetness and an increase of warmth as it breathes. Flavors of white grapes, Gewertztraminer possibly, juicy apples, honey, and a satisfying dry spiciness that whisks away the moisture in the mid palate. Palate is smooth and delicate, showing no alcohol; wet and tart toward the finish, which dries out in a refreshing, quenching finale. A well done, evocative example with a good balance of complexity and simplicity. Thanks for sharing, Bob!
Thursday, March 6, 2008

Bayfield Hausers Colonial Cider
Picked up a 750 ml bottle at the Washburn IGA in Washburn, Wisconsin (north of Ashland). Beverage pours a clear golden apple cider with some thin viscosity tears inside the glass sides. Aroma of light sweet apples, a touch of honey, with some chardonnay grape character. Taste is slightly sweet, smooth with a semi-sweet apple and pear flavor. Finish is light, crisp apple with a faint white grape aftertaste. This cider has slight white wine character and is quite refreshing.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Bayfield Schneewittchen
Picked up a 750 ml bottle at the Washburn IGA in Washburn, Wisconsin (north of Ashland). Beverage pours a clear light golden apple cider with some thin viscosity tears inside the glass sides. Aroma of dry apples in an oak wooden bushel basket, a touch of tried maple leaves with some light vanilla. Taste is dry apple fruity flavor, not watery but a decent apple flavor that shouts "Wisconsin autumn!" (one has to be there to understand this). Finish has a dry apple and smooth oak aftertaste that has a some nice refreshing flavors.
Sunday, March 2, 2008

Bayfield Schneewittchen
Brought back by my daughter from the Bayfield Apple Festival. Still, golden color. Farmyard, musty aroma. Oaky and fairly dry. Refreshing with lots of character.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Bayfield Schneewittchen
750 ml bottle purchased from the winery/ciderhouse in Bayfield, WI (August 2006), served just above fridge temperature in a Gouden Carolus glass. Pours still, clear and faintly oily gold with thin legs showing shortly on the glass....old, musty dry apples and a rustic decaying barnyard, faint oaky vanilla in the pungent aroma....the body is dry, vinous, quite still, just lightly alcoholic, nicely warming but never boozy, somewhat hard grassy-herbal qualities at the front but smoothing out midpalate, becoming warmer and mellow though it remains quite dry, lightly funky/mineralic and tart to the finish. I was told this was a "traditional German"-style cider but have no idea what that means, no German ciders being available to me; in any case, it’s a solid dry-tart strong cider and recommended to those who can get it.
Sunday, December 3, 2006