Centro de Desarollo Apícola Reviews

Vino de Miel y Mangle Rojo
(750ml bottle) Courtesy of Oakes. Nose is greatly rounded with a honey and cider vinegar aroma. Flavour is slick with honey and white wine. Delicious stuff.
Monday, January 1, 2007

Vino de Miel y Mangle Rojo
Bright amber colour. Big alcoholic nose with light balsa wood and bland honey. Smooth honey, balsa flavour with a light unidentifiable berry nose (it’s the red mangrove berries, but I’m not familiar with those). After that upfront alcoholic note it becomes mellow and subtle, the fruitiness accenting the almost Lowland-like mead. Bottle, found at the largest Tienda Panamericana in Remedios, and that was the only place I found it.
Sunday, December 31, 2006