Piltri Reviews

Piltri Stout
Interesting. Had it at the side of the road in the very town where they brew it. Nice dark and creamy aroma and taste.
Saturday, February 7, 2015

Piltri Roja
A decent light hops taste gives this beer complexity and a medium body. Soft carbonation, though not a lot of aftertaste. A decent lighter beer. ON tap at the El Bolson craft fair.
Monday, January 9, 2012

Piltri Golden Strong Ale
Stronger hops and remarkably little alcohol taste despite its strong alc. content. One of the best blonds in the craft market in Argentina. Very drinkable. Had on tap at the Feria Artesanal in El Bolson from the brewers.
Monday, January 9, 2012

Piltri Stout
Very bitter and oaky. A faint touch of sourness. Quite a good beer, another one from Piltri. The first bottle I had was a little flat, though the taste was otherwise good but I went back and had a draft at the Feria Artesanal in El Bolson and it was fine. Must have had bad luck with the bottle.
Monday, January 9, 2012

Piltri Rubia
Tastes of light cascade hops siwht some bitterness . A little bit of soda. A good light beer to sip on the market on a hot day. Got on tap from the Piltri stall at the Artesanal market on a thursday in El Bolson.
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Piltri Porter Robust
A heavy, potent smell and taste. Strong chocolate and bitter coffee. One of the best beers I had in Bolson, and in the craft market on a Thursday when I was there. Would highly recommend - a good product. On tap from the brewers stall.
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Piltri Rubia
Appearance: pale blond color. Little head, white color without persistency. Aroma: mainly yeasty and citric. Reminiscences of green apples, pineapple and lemon. Light hoppy with citric touch. Mineralized smells. Flavor: too much insipid. Very light notes of pale malts, yeast and citric-fruity. Mineralized taste. Palate: light body and watery. Medium carbonation. As insipid, mineralized and light like mineral water. Worse than many common industrial lagers.
Sunday, September 30, 2007

Piltri Porter Robust
Appearance: dark brown with reddish tones. Medium head, of beige color, but few persistent. Aroma: sweet toasty malty, chocolate and coffee tones. Fruitiness of dark olives, berries and peaches. Spicy, like clove, nutmeg and aniseed. Not hoppy. Flavor: intensive toasty. Sourness out of style beer. Grain coffee and handcrafted bitter chocolate. Fruitiness of berries, figs, dark olives and dry-sour grapefruits. Sweet-toasty start, acid progress; and dry-toasty final. Very low hoppy. Reminiscences of vanilla, aniseed, clove and ginger. Liquory, like Fernet and vintage wine. Palate: light body for a porter, watery texture. Medium carbonation, something artificial. Nice beer, very drinkable, relatively complex, with fresh toasty; but very light body for the style and sourness some excessive.
Friday, August 3, 2007

Piltri Roja
Appearance: amber reddish color. Not foam. Aroma: caramel malts, soft toasty and dark sugar. Fruitiness of peaches, quinces, berries and nuts. Slight liquory. Floral hoppyness. Flavor: unfortunately slightly excessive acidity. However, high and nice, intensively of caramels malts. Sweet-fruitiness of peaches, pears, quince and blond-raisins. Citric-fruitiness of mango and green apples. Liquory, , reminiscences of whisky and gold rum. Finish with slight, but persistent, floral-herby-hoppyness. Palate: medium body, watery texture. Medium carbonation. Discrete, with nice hoppy and candy. (sorry for my english)
Thursday, July 26, 2007