Bruge Cervejaria Ltda. Reviews

Sandro Mosque
Cerveja Bruge Ale

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Sandro Mosque
Cerveja Bruge Stout

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Sandro Mosque
Cerveja Bruge Bitter Ale

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Cerveja Bruge Ale
600 ml bottle at Lapa café, Rio de Janeiro. I am pretty sure that this bottle had been stored in less than ideal conditions. The beer had a funky, annoying plastic taste. Aside from that, it poured golden yellow, hazy, with very little head formation. Texture was almost watery. Aroma and taste are fruity like any belgian-style pale ale would be. I will have to try this one again and re-rate it.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Cerveja Bruge Ale
Bottled 600ml. An amber beer with a small white head. Aroma is yeasty and fruity. Taste is caramel and very sweet. Very low bitterness. A little unbalanced.
Saturday, January 9, 2010

Cerveja Bruge Bitter Ale
Abril/2008. Garrafa. Coloração marrom turva, com creme que desaparece totalmente. O aroma é bom, enquanto que o sabor é mais fraco. Presença de algo doce, madeira e torrefação. Não há amargor. Razoável.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Cerveja Bruge Bitter Ale
Bottled. A dark amber beer with a small white head. Aroma is sweet and caramel. Taste is malty and also caramel. Too sweet.
Friday, November 2, 2007

Cerveja Bruge Stout
A redish brown beer with a small beige head. Aroma is caramel, grainy and red fruits. Taste is also caramel and very, very sweet. No bitterness. Too sweet and watery for my taste
Saturday, October 6, 2007

Cerveja Bruge Stout
It tastes like partially fermented wort. Very sweet with no signal of beer behind it. I think I had a bad bottle. Very bad.
Thursday, October 4, 2007

Cerveja Bruge Stout
Bottled. Black beer, beige foamy, aroma is sweety and toffee, flavor is sweet a lot! no bitterness!!!! Mouthfeel is sweet too..

Português: Cerveja preta com espuma bege, aroma doce com notas de caramelo, sabor doce de mais, sem um amargor presente, retorgosto pra varia, doce! Parece remédio;;

Friday, September 21, 2007

Cerveja Bruge Bitter Ale
Bottled. Not Bitter at all!!! Brown color like some tea, no creamy at all. Aroma is sweety notes of toasted malt. Flavor is like some beer juice; Mouthfeel is sweet like a juice. A lot of Sediments in there.

Português: Cerveja sem amargor, Coloração marrom com bastante resíduo, sem espuma alguma, aroma adocicado com notas de malte torrado. Sabor doce, parece suco de cerveja. retrogosto doce!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Cerveja Bruge Ale
Bottled. Clear Amber color, Weak foamy, sweety and fruity aroma, same to the flavor. Mouthfeel is sweet, no bitterness...

Português : Cerveja de cor âmbar clara, meio turva. Espuma fraquíssima, aroma frutado e doce o mesmo para o sabor. Retrogosto doce.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Cerveja Bruge Stout
Cerveja Stout. De Águas de Lindóia.Bem escura, tons avermelhados. Espuma caramelo, some rápido. Cheiro caramelado, remete a uma vitamina de frutas. Gosto suave de grãos torrados, leve sabor de caramelo, um pouco adocicada. Um pouco enjoativa, senti falta de um amargor característico, talves tenha sido encoberto pelo caramelo.
Sunday, September 9, 2007