Headford Ridge Reviews

Headford Ridge Bin 5 Medium Dry Cider
Bottle. Clear amber colour, light visible carbonation. Aroma of dry apples and a touch of barnyard. Flavours are apples, sweet/tart well balanced, quite sweet at first, dryish at the end. Low carbonation. Very nice.
Friday, April 28, 2006

Headford Ridge Bin 5 Medium Dry Cider
One of the best bottled ciders I have tasted since discovering Weston’s Organic.
Saturday, June 5, 2004

Headford Ridge Bin 5 Medium Dry Cider
[bottle] Pours a clear amber with lots of carbonation and no head. Musty and dry aroma of apples, other citrus and toffee with a certain comfortable home smell. Initial sweet and apple taste that dries out and fades into a slightly bitter, tart finish with a dry mouthfeel and a lingering taste of apples and sugar. The first true cider I’ve ever had and I definitely enjoyed it.
Wednesday, May 5, 2004

Headford Ridge Bin 5 Medium Dry Cider
Bottled. This has to be one of the worst things i have tasted. NEver again!
Wednesday, October 1, 2003