Eldorado Reviews

Eldorado Passion Fruit Ale
Draught at Knights Cellar in Haifa. Hazy yellow-colored. Aroma is fruity with some malty hints and light passion fruit. Sourish flavor with some passion fruit, citrus and faint maltiness. Light-bodied. Not good but drinkable.
Friday, August 29, 2008

Eldorado Sherry Ale
Draught at Knights Cellar in Haifa. Muddy reddish color. Aroma some cherries and rubber or plastic notes. Sweet sacchariny flavor of artificial cherry juice with some yeasty acidity. Light-bodied. Quite horrible.
Friday, August 29, 2008

Eldorado Porter Ale
Draught at Knights Cellar in Haifa. Murky dark brown color with a beige head, maybe even slightly pinkish. Aroma has some very light maltiness and mostly odd yeasty fruitiness (smells like an infected homebrew). Sweetish-sourish flavor with some yeast, light roasted hints and some fruitiness. Finishes drier with some acidity. Medium-bodied. Strange and probably infected. Besides the color and the faint roastiness there are no signs of Porter character.
Friday, August 29, 2008

Eldorado Real Ale
Draught at Knights Cellar in Haifa. Amber color with a white head. Aroma has some yeast, fruits, some malt and some hoppiness (a bit subdued, but still adds a nice dry-hopped aspect to the beer). Sweetish flavor, slightly malty, with bready notes, faint toastiness, some yeasty fruitiness and light hoppiness in the finish. Medium-bodied. A bit too yeasty.
Friday, August 29, 2008

Eldorado Golden Ale
Draught at Knights Cellar in Haifa. Golden color with a small white head. Aroma has yeast, decent hoppiness, somewhat floral with some fruits and some maltiness. Sweetish spicy flavor with yeast, malt, caramel notes, faint honey hints, a dry finish with mild hoppiness, hints of alcohol and faint acidity. Medium-bodied. Not bad.
Friday, August 29, 2008