Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Reviews

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Oppl Zoigl
Draught @ Oppl, Mitterteich. Pours unclear Golden with a small White foam. Fresh bready malty notes, a touch of grass and grains. Very smooth, soft and gentle overall. Perhaps almost too clean for its own good but Lovely yes.
Friday, March 31, 2023

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Oppl Zoigl
Eingeschenkt finde ich ein leicht trübes helleres Bernstein vor, die streikende Blume spielt in Sachen Optik leider nicht ganz mit. Im komplex ausgerichteten Duft lassen sich eine fruchtige Süße, eine beherzte Würze und sogar etwas Hopfen ausmachen. Äußerst vielversprechend! Weich und malzbetont steigt der Oppl Zoigl sortenüblich und gefällig ein. Neben einer feinen Süße und einer schönen Quittenfruchtigkeit findet sich geschmacklich auch eine durchaus angenehme Hefigkeit wieder. Trotz zurückhaltender Spundung wirkt der Oppl Zoigl herrlich erfrischend. Durchaus vollmundig (Hefe rules!) präsentiert sich der Körper zur Mitte hin. Der Hopfen agiert mit toller Quittenfruchtigkeit, während das Malz neben Waldhonig-Einflüssen vor allem in die brotige Ecke zielt. Schließlich folgt der sanft hopfigherbe Abgang mit einem passenden gerstigen Nachgang. Himmlisch! Dieser Zoigl läuft, und wie!!
Saturday, December 31, 2022

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Zoiglbauer
Archival bottle at ČP, BB November 2016! So, obviously, to be re-rated as soon as possible, and the rating is slightly generous so as to be more fair. Misty dark amber-red body, off-white head. Honeyish aroma, some red apples, old. Clean, if oxidized maltiness, retaining some herbal touches. All in all, decent, it aged fairly gracefully.
Monday, May 10, 2021

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Lugert Zoigl (Boozhaus)
Tap @ Boozhaus. Golden color, hazy. Orange and soft yeasty notes in the bready aroma. Bready, slightly herbal, grassy flavor with licorice and tea. Low on carbon. Peppermint. Very tasty and drinkable.
Sunday, September 13, 2020

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Lugert Zoigl (Boozhaus)
Sampled at the place. Shady golden. Bready fruity, herbal hops. Dry, medium to high bitterness.
Saturday, September 14, 2019

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Oppl Zoigl
Oppl Zoigl, vom Faß in Mitterteich. - Helles Goldbraun, trüb. - Nase stark hefig, mild herbal hopfig. - Antrunk satt und lebhaft brotig-karamelmalzig mit schöner Süße. Milde aber aromatische Hopfenherbe, zitronige Orangenschale, Kräuter. Milder rezent, hefeweich doch mineralisch hart. Im Abgang milde fränkische Hopfenherbe mit kühlender Minze. - Weniger kernig als erwartet aber schön rund, frisch und süffig. Und das Krautfleisch war auch richtig gut. (23.8.2019.)
Friday, August 23, 2019

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Oppl Zoigl
My Bottom Line:
Full of hay and straw, this blond Zoiglbier delivers plenty of malt flavors in a rich and bubbly mouthfeel.

Further Personal Perceptions:
-A tuft of white foam decorates the blond mist.
-This is beautifully süffig.
-A touch of sulphur is found in the aroma.
-This zoiglstube has salient barn aromas all around the biergarten, so it’s to know if the beer itself has rustic notes. Nonetheless, this makes for a superbly authentic countryside pint.

On tap at the zoiglstube.

Thursday, October 18, 2018


Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Zoiglbauer
Bottle on the train from Schwandorf, 14/07/17. Slightly unclear golden with I assume a decent white to off white head. Nose is malt forward, straw, grains, bready notes. Taste comprises cereals, grains, moderate sweet notes, light bread, mellow fruit, light almond. Medium bodied, fine carbonation, semi drying close. Decent.
Friday, July 14, 2017

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Zoiglbauer
500ml bottle [A "guildy" thank-you to bartlebier for this preciosity!]. Milky, pale amber colour with late awakening, small to average, thick, creamy, moderately lasting and lacing, white head. Restricted, yeasty, bready-doughy aroma with some husk and a cautious herbal-floral touch, a touch of nettle, apricot in homoeopathic dosis. Taste is minimally sweet, bready malty and doughy yeasty, a slightly diluted touch of apricot, herbal-spicy, hoppy hints of nettle; oily texture, soft carbonation. Not that bad, but maybe disappointing if you have had some Zoigl highlights immediately beforehand.
Monday, May 15, 2017

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Zoiglbauer
Tap Seidlas inter festas 2016, 50cl bottles (MHD 10/2017). A semi-industrial bandwagon Zoigl of sorts, brewed outside of Mitterteich and served in their polished new Zoiglstube. Great food, beer not a draw in itself compared to neighbour Oppl. - Tame amber pour, clean and barley husk-bitter with wallpaper glue nose from older bottle, with a literal grassy bitterness and even some metallic sulphurs. Minimal toffee on draught, maximal nut husk and vegetal bitterness that builds, especially bottled, towards unsessionability. Mainly though: it lacks character, not just rustic. - Locals’ advise: if it comes pre-bottled, it’s no longer Kommunbrau Zoigl...
Monday, February 20, 2017

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Oppl Zoigl
5L minikeg bb02/2017 from source, mit Dank an die Falkenberger locals for recommending this to me as their favourite and the "Champagne of Zoigls". Shared in Neu-Ulm at Silvester. - Pours, and sets, as an annunciation of the unfiltered goodness it holds: heavy with trub, golden with yeast-suffused hayish malts, uncarbonised and thick as nectar. Aroma of damp rural pastures, sweet blossom honey with an alluring fresh citrus note and a whiff of cultivated wildness, even an apple juice going on cider tartness. - Pillowy mouthfeel, working in accord with the all-natural micro-bubbles, to create the promise that pulling the plug on this tin is equal to downing it within the same 24hrs, less in good company. A lovely citrus tartness in flavour woven into the bready buttermilk texture of pure terroir nectar....
Thursday, January 5, 2017

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Zoiglbauer
500ml bottle (whatever marduk puts, Prague)
Apple, milky aroma, some pastry too. Pale orange, brief head. Taste similar to aroma, back to apple pastry. Palate a bit flat, a bit dead. Finish has a gentle dusty bitterness. Pleasant, but doesn’t excite. Very drinkable.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Zoiglbauer
500ml bottle (Dno Pytle, Prague). Clear amber color. Tiny size, bubbly head, stays as a ring. Minerals, grainy, fruity, yeasty in aroma. Quite weak aroma. Grainy, sweet, some caramel, dough, faint minerals in taste. Thin and watery. Not sure about this. Drinkable brew.
Saturday, August 6, 2016

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Zoiglbauer
Bottle (shared by philduk, thanks). Pours dark orange-amber with whiteish head. Aroma is sweet, grainy, malty, some fruits. Flavor is sweet and bitter, malt, some grains, some carrots. Drinkability is good. Overall: good.
Saturday, August 6, 2016

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Zoiglbauer

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Zoiglbauer
50cl bottle. Pours almost clear amber colour with a mid-sized beige head. Aroma of toasted malt, caramel, sugar, mild hops. Taste of mild roasted malt, caramel, intense malty and hoppy, nuts, interesting!
Friday, February 5, 2016

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Hartwich Zoigl
Served via gravity barrel at the adorably warm and quaint Stromhais Zoiglstube in Flossenburg: Hazy orange with golden highlights. Tight, broken white foam. Soft and very pleasant aroma of flowers, zesty hops, dusty yeast, minerals, toasted bread, hay dust, and expressive malt. Soft, relaxed carbonation. Notably soft body is infused with a refined base of fluffy pils malt and a delicate kiss of Hallertau-derived flower petals. The body’s texture is just as juicy as it is soft. Saliva-inducing floral notes are joined by a pleasing contrast of scratchy minerals and palate-gripping hay dust. Understated orange marmalade fruitiness adds a sturdiness as does a welcome punch of chewy melanoidins. Edgeless, silky Cara-malt boasts a plentitude of cookie and shortbread flavors. Quite "gamey" in character. Yeast puts its signature all over this with an earthy, zesty, and dusty bite. Finishes cleanly with a flourish of dryness which is enhanced by robust minerals and a profoundly soft mixture of vivid pils malt and lightly scorched toast, sans any harshness whatsoever. Quite the nectar bomb this is. I’d put this right up there with Schoilmichl and Eslarn Zoigl as being the most rustic and singular zoiglbiers out there. Wonderful beer!
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Hartwich Zoigl
Gravity barrel at Stromhais Zoiglstube in Flossenburg. Lightly hazed honey amber with a medium-sized tan head of average retention. Aroma is minerals, honey, floral hops, apricot / orange, glazed pastries. Medium bodied, suffig and lip smacking sugars balanced by spicy hops; bitterness is restrained and carbonation is low, and mid-palate it seems like it is about to fall apart but there’s enough savoriness and richness from the malt to save it. Finishes juicy and sweet and succulent and sticky with lingering notes of herbs / flowers to go with the honey-glazed pastry maltiness. Prototypical clean, sweet, malty and rustic Oberpfalz Zoiglbier.
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Lugert Zoigl (Boozhaus)
Draft at Zoiglstube Lugert in Mitterteich: Golden orange with some haze. Lathery fringe of white foam. Very "gamey" nose of sulfur, cookie, poundcake, breadcrust, and orange marmalade. Fairly vegetal, lactic, and metallic, however. Souring fruit is present, as well. Soft, low-gas mouthfeel. Peppery and complexly malty, though far from clean. Flabby vegetal notes collide with an unrefined hop bitterness which evokes oversteeped tealeaves and wet grass. Yogurty/meaty yeast emerges and exacerbates the brash bitterness. Very heavily mineral-laden, which is welcome, though a gummy slickness abounds and obscures much of the beautiful water character. Herbaceous, woody hops lend good pungency in the rustic, well-malted finish, though strong vegetal notes are ongoing. A seemingly very young zoiglbier that exchanges much of its cleanliness for gamey youth. Meh.
Monday, November 9, 2015

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Oppl Zoigl
Draught at Beim Roidl in Aug, 2014: Hazed orangish golden. Creamy halo of foam. Subtle but pleasant and clean aroma of nectar, lemon, minerals, toasted bread and haylike pils malt. Soft pinpricks of carbonation. Flavorsome splash of floral Hallertauer and ripe peach marmalade esters are cradled by the dry grip of piecrusty pils malt. Bright minerals vivify the delicate but well-structured toasty malt. Vibrant and full fruitiness supplies the mineral-laden core with sufficient weight. Clean and floral finish displays a flash of hop oils and nectar entwined with a slippery peach-candylike fruitiness and a cleansing hay dusty dryness. Well, it’s far from dynamic or complex, and my main quibble is that you must reach for its understated-to-a-fault flavors and aromas. But it’s quite an easy quaffer with very nice balance. Not excellent, but not at all shabby either.
Friday, November 14, 2014

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Zoiglbauer

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Oppl Zoigl
Partyfass at Ølbaren - Thanks. Clear amber/golden - white head. Hay. Sweetness. Grainy. Ok bitter notes. Citrus notes. Breadish. Lovely.
Thursday, October 9, 2014

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Oppl Zoigl
Draft at Beim Roidl in Neualbenreuth. Hazed gold-orange body with a foamy off-white head.
Mild aroma of toasted grains, honey malt, faint plastic candle wax. Hops are pepper, dried grass, seeds. Medium body, fizzy carbonation, sweet and simple, a little papery in the mouth with a moderately bitter but short finish. Nothing too disagreeable, but nothing intriguing either.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Lugert Zoigl (Boozhaus)
Draft at Zoiglstube Lugert in Mitterteich. Lightly hazed amber gold with large white head.
For me the nose is strong diacetyl, wort, honey malt, rotting apples, raw. Medium body, sweet, low bitterness, oily and buttery and syrupy. Hints of leaf vegetables and yogurt. Bad shape in my opinion, but the locals were throwing it back.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Zoiglbauer
5 litre party keg picked up at the delicatessen on mitterteich main square. pale golden with a faint haze and unenthusiastic head; chalky aroma, hay; low carbonation; light grassy bitterness; not particularly exciting for a kommun zoigl but perhaps the party keg wasn’t super-fresh since bauer weren’t serving that week
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Oppl Zoigl
on tap at the oppl zoiglstube in mitterteich - smart planning, jacob. pale golden with a lingering, fluffy white head; aroma of chalk, wet hay and white grape; relatively dry for the style, minerals, medium bitterness, damp cloth. tasted better with every half litre
Monday, August 25, 2014

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Oppl Zoigl
Partyfass. A golden beer with a beige head. The aroma has notes of caramel and straw. The flavor is sweet with notes of caramel, and straw, leading to a dry finish.
Monday, August 25, 2014


Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Hartwich Zoigl
Tap @ Hartwich, Mitterteich. Pours cloudy golden with a small white head. Grass, bread, mild citrus. Crisp and clean. Lovely!
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Hartwich Zoigl
Hazy golden with a lasting white head. Inviting aroma of malt and herbal hops with a fruity hint. Sweetish, clean malty and herbal flavour with a mild bitter finish. Easy drinking, but a bit light in flavour
Sunday, July 14, 2013

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Zoiglbauer
Oak barrel draught at Zoiglbauer in Mitterteich, November 2012: Hazy pumpkin orange. Quick, nonuniform voluminous white foam. Solid nose of flowers, peach jam, browned biscuit, cookie. Hints of lemon and grain husks. Soft and fluffy carbonation. Lightly metallic, initially, with a puttylike yeast bite which is engulfed by residual sugars akin to a marmalade-sweet zestiness. Appetizing spicy hop bitterness ensues. Very quenching with some mineralic pep atop a peppered melon slickness. Sturdy malt buttress is dry yet substantial and beefy with biscuity notions dabbed with slick peach puree. Chalky yeast supplies moderate sharpness late, though the finish remains predominantly fruity and slippery with crisply defined cookie and toasted bread accents. Comes off as being a bit unfinished and ordinary, but nevertheless it’s quaffable enough.
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Zoiglbauer
draft from oak barrel at Zoiglbauer in Mitterteich
heavily hazed orange amber body with a creamy off-white head. juicy chew fruit flavor with musty and gamey yeast heavy in the nose. nicely frothy with a rich and chewy texture and a full body. sticky and almost sluggish texture. tart and musty yeast accented by fruit chew and spice / peppercorn German hops. full, heavy roundness with magically low carbonation. a decent zoigl that starts out as fresh and juicy but as it breathes becomes more musty and BO-like and slightly sour.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Oppl Zoigl
Party keg, thanks Matthias! Cloudy orange golden, nice lacing offwhite head. Minerally, salty, light grain, herbal bitternes, orangepeel. Mellow chewy mouthfeel. Salty herbal aftertaste.
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Oppl Zoigl

Draught @ Zoiglstube Oppl, Oberer Marktplatz 11, Mitterteich, Bavaria Germany 95666.

Unclear medium yellow orange colour with a average, frothy, good lacing, mostly to fully lasting, white head. Aroma is moderate malty, grain, toasted, moderate hoppy, fruity yeast notes. Flavour is moderate sweet and bitter with a average to long duration, malty. Very easy drinkable. Body is medium, texture is oily, carbonation is soft. [20120405]

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Hartwich Zoigl
Wässrig süßer Antrunk. Erst im Mittelteil würziger, nur leicht hopfig, mir zu mild. Erst spät wird das Bier ansprechend intensiv, als ein dunkles Getreidearoma aufkommt. Nicht übermäßig gut. 10/9/9/10//9
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Oppl Zoigl
Würziger Antrunk, sehr süffig. Passend herb, der Hopfen ist dagegen eher rar und zeigt sich weniger. Süßlich, sehr leicht grasig, zum Ende wenig rauh, die Würzigkeit stiegt. Gleichzeitig süßer, stark süffig. Gelungen! 10/11/12/11//11
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Zoiglbauer

Bottle 500ml.

Unclear medium amber orange color with a average, frothy, good lacing, mostly lasting, off-white head. Aroma is moderate malty, hay, caramel - toffee, light butter. Flavor is moderate sweet and light bitter with a average to long duration. Body is medium, texture is oily, carbonation is soft. [20100917]

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Zoiglbauer
Bottle 50 cl. Courtesy of fonefan. Pours a cloudy amber with hardly any head. The nose is toffeeish with a buttery touch. Medium body, some caramel and diacetyl with a vague underlying tartness. Good hoppy finish. 170910
Friday, September 17, 2010

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Zoiglbauer
Bottle. Nice head with good duration. Color is amber. Aroma and taste are butter, malt, hops, citrus and fruits.
Friday, September 17, 2010

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Zoiglbauer
Clear golden with a medium off white head. Aroma had butter, toasted malt and floral hops. Semi sweet flavour with toasted malt, caramel, diacetyl and floral hops.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Zoiglbauer
Bottle, 5.2% bought in Mitterteich. Buttery aroma. Hazy amber colour. Very small off-white. The flavour starts sweetish, turning malty, caramelly. Finishes with a good clean bitterness and slightly spicy hops.
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Hartwich Zoigl
Draught at Stromhias in Flossenbürg. Cloudy dark golden colour. Very small white head. The flavour is OK hoppy. Has a mildly grassy hoppiness. Medium bitterness, quite rough, but rough. Very low carbonation.
Saturday, August 7, 2010

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Hartwich Zoigl
Cloudy amber with a tiny white short lasting head. Aroma had hints of malt and floral hops. Flavour was fresh and dry with notes of grassy and floral hops. Finished dry and bitter.
Friday, July 9, 2010

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Hartwich Zoigl
@ Zoiglfest
Unfortunately, they were pouring the Mitterteich zoigls one at a time, so we have to go back. Golden colour. Low head. Minerally, slightly fruity aroma. A fruitier example, with some mineral character, especially in the finish. Fairly well-hopped, so it is quite dry.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Hartwich Zoigl
At Zoiglfest, Mitterteich. Bright gold with lasting white cap. Aroma is sweet grain, less hoppy than expected and also less rustic. Quite a bit like a straightforward clean helles. The body has nice minerally character. The finish is quite bitter with excellent metallic hops.
Monday, July 20, 2009

Kommunbrauerei Mitterteich Oppl Zoigl
On draught (@ Oppl Zoigl Stubn, Mitterteich): Hazy, golden, quite stable white foamy layer; distinctive fruity (yeasty) and grainy nose with a solid herbal (Hallertau) hoppy background; moderate to solid dryish bitter-sweet flavour, malty body detectable; lingering , dry again, bitter-hoppy and light malty finish. Great, well balanced moreish stuff.............
Sunday, October 5, 2008