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Upright Reggae Junkie Gruit

Brewer: Upright Brewing
Style: Gruit
Alcohol Content: 5.5%
Seasonal: Spring

Reggae Junkie Gruit was made for the 2009 North American Organic Brewers Festival and is a farmhouse version of a hop-less beer using a variety of herbs and spices in their place. To formulate the recipe we took a trip to the local herb shop and stuck our noses in a whole lot of jars until we settled on lemongrass, hyssop, bitter orange peel and Sichuan peppercorns. We added a bit of spelt to the grist to make this a true adventure for ourselves as we had never used these ingredients. The beer came out wonderfully dry and tart with a tonic-like quality. Expect this invigorating brew to become our spring seasonal in the future.

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