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S:t Eriks Pale Ale

Brewer: S:t Eriks Bryggeri (Galatea)
Style: Pale Ale - American (APA)
Alcohol Content: 4.5%
Seasonal: No

An innovative and fresh session ale in the American style, brewed with the modern hop variety Citra. Pale Ale is a shining amber example of Jessica Heidrich’s signature "Love and Hops" - easy to drink and rich with plenty of hop aromas and character. Aroma and taste - Large aroma and citrusy scent from the Citra hops with hints of elderflower, gooseberry and rhubarb reminiscent of a Sauvignon Blanc wine. Well-balanced and complex taste with distinct citrus floral bitterness. Long, fresh and aromatic bitter finish. Ingredients: Pale ale malt and Citra hops

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