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Deep Ellum Darkest Hour

Brewer: Deep Ellum Brewing Company (Monster Beverage Corp)
Style: Stout - Imperial
Alcohol Content: 11%
Seasonal: Winter

Brewed to mark the winter solstice, (the darkest and shortest day in the Northern Hemisphere), our Darkest Hour Imperial Stout is a fitting tribute. This behemoth of a stout is double mashed because it contains an ungodly amount of rich, dark malts. To this, our brewers add some Belgian Dark Candi Syrup and copious amounts of hops as a ballast. They feed the resulting wort to our house ale yeast and let the magic happen! Our Darkest Hour is an imperial stout of depth and complexity, much like our brewers. Brooding and moody, but nice to snuggle with in front of a fireplace on a cold evening. From DEBC to you, cheers to YOUR darkest hour!

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