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Holy City New Year's Resolution Doppelbock

Brewer: Holy City Brewing
Style: Bock - Doppelbock
Alcohol Content: 10.5%
Seasonal: Winter

When the weather outside gets frightful, beer gets stronger, and while every brewery seems to have a winter seasonal, every brewery and their brother seems to have a Christmas beer. Meanwhile, everyone’s favorite, debaucherous follow-up to Christmas is left out in the craft beer cold, so to speak. So what better way to honor that reset button of holidays, and buck the Christmas beer trend, than to brew a beer for New Year’s Eve? Ours is a massive doppelbock, loaded with malt sweetness and deep dark fruit notes, and sporting a hot 10% ABV.

IBUs: 40
Notable hops: Vanguard
Notable malts: Bohemian Pilsner, Munich II, Caramunich II, Carafa II

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