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Belgh Brasse Mons Abbey Blonde

Brewer: Belgh Brasse (Groupe Geloso)
Style: Belgian Ale - Pale / Golden / Single
Alcohol Content: 7%
Seasonal: No

Starting with naturally-pure esker water, Mons Abbey Blonde is brewed from Pilsen and Pale Ale malt, hopped with Styrian Gold hops, and Saaz hops give it aroma, with a classic yeast from Belgium. Before you open a bottle, chill it to around 43°, and then tilt the glass and pour, allowing a nice head to form. Reserve the final ounce and pour it into a shot glass, yeast and all… and decide if you or your guest gets the flavorful brewer’s yeast. Mons Abbey Blonde is delicious with lighter foods, such as chicken, salmon, salads, and Monterey Jack cheese. For dessert, try it with apricot or orange cake, or any citrus custard tart. Salut!

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