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Against the Grain Galangal Action

Brewer: Against the Grain Brewery
Style: Flavored - Fruit
Alcohol Content: 4.8%
Seasonal: No

The second installment of the chef collaboration series. We were happy to partner with Chef Levon Wallace from Proof on Main. Chef Wallace brought his culinary expertise and homebrewing experience to the table and came up with a incredibly refreshing and unusual brew. Pilsner malt, spelt and torrified wheat make up the grain bill, balanced with the fruity and resinous New Zealand hop Pacific Gem. Then we added galangal, a tropical herbaceous plant rhizome imparting a spicy, floral and earthy flavor and aroma. Then kaffir lime leaves were steeped to provide a perfumed citrusy aroma. Both galangal and kaffer limes leaves are used in traditional Asian cuisine. And if that wasn’t weird enough, post fermentation we added the juice of several yellow midget watermelons straight off the Proof farm. The resulting beer is fresh, flavorful and interesting.

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