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Carton Decoy

Brewer: Carton Brewing
Style: Flavored - Other
Alcohol Content: 12%
Seasonal: Winter

At his restaurant, Eleven Madison Park, Chef Daniel Humm makes an extraordinary five spice roast duck. The genesis of Decoy is our notion that those spices would affectionate the fig notes of a Belgian Strong malt bill in the direction of a winter warmer. Cumin, coriander, lavender flowers, Sichuan red peppercorns and honey are added to Special B malts and Belgian candi sugars, with American ale yeast chosen because its esters enhance rather than dominate as would a Belgian. A strong, gently-spiced ale, Decoy is intended to sit next to or in place of a fire during the bracing cold of winter. Drink Decoy because life and spice...

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