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Little Creatures Single Batch Shepherd's Delight

Brewer: Little Creatures Brewing Australia (Lion Co. - Kirin Holdings)
Style: Red Ale / International Amber Ale
Alcohol Content: 6.2%
Seasonal: Special

According to well versed folklore, a red sky at night was a reassuring vision for those that spent their days toiling at the mercy of Mother Nature’s whims. Today, a stunning sunset serves more as the perfect accompaniment to a day’s end ale than a guide to fair weather ahead. With that in mind, this hop mad Red IPA is as captivating as the night sky, with our most lavish hopping regime to date. The resulting heady spice citrus aromas and lasting dry bitterness is balanced with a malt bill delivering depth of flavour and a distinct copper-orange hue that would provide any weary shepherd with plenty of delight.

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