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Sonoma Cider The Hatchet

Brewer: Sonoma Cider (Full Circle Brewing)
Style: Apple Cider
Alcohol Content: 6%
Seasonal: No

AH, A PARADOXICAL CASE of small = large. After decades of tinker, tweak, improvise and analyze, David honed in on a surprising insight: size matters. Smaller organic apples simply yield bigger, more intense flavors. And so, The Hatchet was born. Intensity behind us, the subtle work of balance and nuance began.

Using a unique blend of native organic apples, we handcraft each batch to bring out fresh, ripe apple aromas, carefully pairing sweet and tart varietals to ideal effect. The result is a clean, refreshing hard cider with noticeable complexity and a lively finish. All hail the little things. To our tastes, there’s simply more going on in here. Cheers.

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