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Oud Beersel Jonge Lambik

Brewer: Brouwerij Oud Beersel
Style: Lambic - Unblended Jonge / Oude
Alcohol Content: 5%
Seasonal: No

Please note the age of the sample you are reviewing when entering your rating. While many factors determine whether you have had "Jonge" or "Oude" Lambik, a general rule of thumb is to enter 1 year-old or older lambik under "Oud Beersel Oude Lambik" and anything less than 6 months-old under "Oud Beersel Jonge Lambik".

For those between 6 and 12 months of age, you should take in to consideration the character of the lambik. Samples presenting themselves as hazy/cloudy, with some head-formation and residual sugar should be entered as "Jonge Lambik", while those that are drier, higher in clarity and with little/no head formation should be entered as "Oude Lambik".

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