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Baird The Professor Munchner Dunkel

Brewer: Baird Brewing Co.
Style: Dark Lager - Dunkel / Tmavý
Alcohol Content: 4.9%
Seasonal: Winter

This classic dark lager is brewed in the tradition of Munich Dunkel lager beers and is inspired by a Professor of German history who loves passionately the city of Munich. Much like the Professor himself, Munchner Dunkels are beers of great nuance and balance that display an unpretentious sophistication that only grows with age. The Professor Munchner Dunkel is brewed with German Munich, Pilsner, Vienna, Carared and Melanoidan malts. The clean malty flavor is balanced sublimely with just the right touch of hop bitterness and punch. A quiet yeast-derived fruitiness lingers pleasingly in the background. If you enjoy this classic Munich dark brew with a plate of veal and German potatoes and close your eyes you may imagine yourself somehow transported to the Augustiner Brauhaus -- the Professor’s favorite Munich beer hall. Prost to the Professor!

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