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McMenamins Terminator Stout

Brewer: McMenamins Pubs and Breweries
Style: Stout
Alcohol Content: 6.5%
Seasonal: No

Black as the darkest night, rich as the most decadent dessert, Terminator is for the true stout lover. This is a full bodied and flavor packed ale which draws it's robust complexity from kiln-baked specialty grains. Look for a wide array of toasted, chocolate, nutty and coffee-like flavors in every pint! The devoted swear by it, and it remains one of our top selling ales year after year. Malts: Pale Malt; Munich Malt; 40L Crystal; Black Barley Hops: Cascades Specifications: Original Gravity: 1.065; Terminal Gravity: 1.015; Alcohol by Weight: 5.1% Calories/pint: 282

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