Captain’s Corner

Taps: 6 | Bottles: 40
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  • AMBIANCE 2/5
  • SERVICE 8/10
  • SELECTION 6/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • OVERALL 6/20
jookos  (138) , Finland | November 7, 2012
The only even slightly beer-friendly place on that god forsaken ship. The feeling is like in a cheesy american 80:ies english-style sports bar. A limited selection of beers, which does not change much except for the Stallhagen beer-of-the-month which they pick up while passing by Åland, where it is made (plus for that). Another obvious plus is that they sell pretty much all of their beers in sixpacks or cases (24) at tax-free prices, meaning a 1-2 eur per bottle of Duvel, Sierra nevada or whatever. No food though, you have to walk about 0.5 meters to get to the tapas place that deals in that stuff.
  • AMBIANCE 2/5
  • SERVICE 4/10
  • SELECTION 5/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • OVERALL 8/20
sayravai  (107) Helsinki, Finland | April 30, 2006
A place quite similar to the Pub Pamir. The bottle selection is a bit larger, but it’s harder to flee from smoke than in the Pamir. Last time I visited, the glass selection was also better here. Anyway, the place to be when cruising on this ship. Decent selection at pretty cheap (tax-free) prices.

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