Magic Hat Thumbsucker Imperial Stout

RATINGS: 160   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.78/5   SEASONAL: Winter   EST. CALORIES: 234   ABV: 7.8%
Aged in bourbon-barrels.

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mabel (12966) - Toronto, Ontario, CANADA - DEC 21, 2014
[6632-20140815] Bottle. Soya sauce and roasted grains aroma. Black brown body with a quick bubbly head. Roasted soya sauce flavour. Full body. Good. (7/3-/8/4/15) 3.7
(Vintage 2004 @ Campground Brewdown 2014, Millmont, PA)

MadIndian (2743) - Levittown, Pennsylvania, USA - AUG 20, 2012
Gift from S.J. Nice notes of choclate, roast, spice and moleasses. I would have liked it to be a bit more fuller in the body, but this was a solid brew.

Dunt (321) - Illinois, USA - JUN 23, 2012
Masterski and his love of obscure ticks. Thanks a bunch Alex! It’s getting to that point in the night when my reviews go to shit. Dark brown/black in color with some reddish brown hues around the edges of the glass. Nose is comprised of mellow bourbon, chocolate, malt, and oak. Taste follows the nose, bourbon, chocolate, and oak. Mouthfeel is smooth, with light carbonation, and a short to medium finish. Better than I thought it would be, what happened to Magic Hat?

Thorpe429 (5032) - , Illinois, USA - APR 9, 2012
Bottle from Max’s in Baltimore. Shared with Masterski. Pours near-black with a thin head of tan-ish bubbles that doesn’t hang around for too long. Perhaps a thin collar for at least a bit. The nose is really nice, bringing some oak and vanilla along with some roasted malt. Some chocolate in the background as well. Really nice and integrated, though no real bourbon character; instead, just the oak. The flavor adds in a good bit of booze. There’s roast and chocolate there as well. The oak and vanilla aren’t as prevalent as in the nose. The heat certainly takes it down a notch from where the nose was, which is surprising given the age and the fact that this is fairly-low in alcohol. Body is medium with light carbonation and a bit of booze through the finish. Overall, pretty good and I’m very glad I finally got to try this one.

DocLock (11541) - Lower Pottsgrove, Pennsylvania, USA - MAR 28, 2012
Bottle from notes. The pour is dark brownish black with tan head. Nose is patent malt, cacao,oaky bourbony dark fruit. Tastes as it smells, with a medium palate heft, patent malt up front and cacao and oaky figgy notes at mid-palate.

GRM (7411) - Aylmer, Quebec, CANADA - NOV 14, 2011
Frosty black bottle, 1 pint 9 ounces, from Luc Bourbonnière, savoured on October 21 2011; eye: black, opaque, no effervescence, no lacing; nose: roasted malt, vanilla, dark chocolate, alcohol, candied fruits, alcohol; mouth: roasted malt, rich dark chocolate, candied fruits, finale in dark chocolate with roasted malt, medium body, not much carbonation, lightly sweet, slick texture; overall: fine FRANÇAIS Bouteille givrée noire, 1 pinte 9 onces, 7,8 %, de Luc Bourbonnière, savourée le 21 octobre 2011; œil : noire, opaque, pas d’effervescence, pas de mousse, pas de dentelle; nez : malt torréfié, vanille, chocolat noir, alcool, fruits confits, alcool; bouche : malt torréfié, chocolat noir riche, fruits confits, finale en chocolat noir avec malt torréfié, corps moyen, peu carbonatée, légèrement sucrée, texture coulante; en résumé : bien

Boutip (9388) - Gatineau, Quebec, CANADA - OCT 31, 2011
Bottle courtesy of Lubiere: Poured a pitch-black color stout with a small dark brown foamy head with good retention and some light lacing. Aroma of fruit cake with light port notes. Taste has probably lost some of the characteristics related to an imperial stout due to aging which have been replaced with nice notes of port and fruit cake with light dry roasted malt notes still perceptible. Description mentions bourbon aging though I can’t say that I could taste any notes of bourbon. Body is about average with good carbonation and no apparent alcohol. Still good after all those years but I have to wonder what I fresh version would taste like.

Lubiere (22940) - Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA - OCT 25, 2011
Bottled in 2004: A deep dark stout with a thin mocha brown head. In aroma, a smooth maderized chocolate, with dark fruits, maraschino, light tannins. In mouth, a smooth sweet chocolate with roasted coffee, light maderization, soy, nice and smoth, light corky notes, very nice for a 7 year old beer. Tasted Oct. 21 2011 with GRM and Boutip.

johnnnniee (7217) - Bedford, New Hampshire, USA - JAN 22, 2011
From Notes sampled 11/11/2007 I bought a growler or two from the brewery. Pours an opaque brown/black with a very minimal tan head, very low carbonation here. Aroma comes through with strong bourbon and alcohol and some dried fruits. Tastes almost port like with some roasted malt bitterness. Raisins and bourbon come through as well. Mouthfeel is thinnner than I expected, but leaves a roasty figgy aftertaste. A great RIS very complex beer. I’m not sure I believe that this beer is 7.8% abv might be artificially low to get around Vermont’s ancient beer laws. I wish they would bottle this again so I could see how it ages.

Rciesla (5497) - Exit 15W, New Jersey, USA - DEC 25, 2008
UPDATED: MAR 8, 2011 Draft and growler serving some time in 2007 when i day tripped up to the brewery. I was told the etoh was closer to 11-12% and what i was drinking was in the barrel close to 4 years. One beer not to be taken lightly. This colossal imperial stout poured like black ink with a tin dark brown lacing that quickly dissipated. Huge dark chocolate malt and bourbon in the nose. Even more so in the taste with a big warming alcohol character and some light vanilla. Viscous on the boarder of syrupy. This beer is awesome. We had a sick time camping out in the woods for Reuben’s birthday with this brew.

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