Harpoon 100 Barrel Series #02 - Wit Beer

Serve in Tumbler, Weizen


on tap


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RATINGS: 21   MEAN: 3.38/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.33/5   IBU: 20   EST. CALORIES: 135   ABV: 4.5%
Our Wit features a cloudy yellow body with a rich white head. The nose is simply beautiful: curacao, orange peel, and coriander dominate. Light bodied with a soft yeast and spice mix, it finishes smooth with a slight tartness and spice. The perfect beer for a summer afternoon.

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tomthompson89 (1983) - Toronto, Ontario, CANADA - FEB 3, 2007
nice yellow cloudy colour, spicy nice citrus fruits, nice dry refreshing finish, very crisp . perfect summer refresher

Cletus (6349) - Connecticut, USA - OCT 3, 2005
Bottle obtained in a trade (if whoever sent me this drops me a beermail to let me know, I’ll credit you). Pours cloudy orange with a thin white head. Smells very orangey and there’s a bit of coriander there, but otherwise lacking. Tastes caramelly with some minor coriander notes present. Some banana and spice. A bit on the bitter side.

lachesis (757) - St Idesbald, BELGIUM - FEB 20, 2005
Light yellow color with faint orange hazy shine and with big white head. Aroma’s of dry spices and some vegetal (herbal) accents in the nose. Touch of banana and white pepper. Smooth taste with a peppery dryness, some wheat on the pallet and also hints of citrus-candys. Peppery aftertaste with watery finish. Thanks Bello for this beer.

spikee (96) - Providence, Rhode Island, USA - OCT 24, 2004
A decent Belgian. Aroma is replete with coriander of which I’m a fan yet there’s such a thing as too much. Harpoon’s Wit straddles the line. Fairly light bodied with a silky smooth, refreshing finish.

Pigfoot (2268) - Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA - OCT 14, 2004
Hazy, straw-yellow color, full, fresh, lush head of chalk-white foam. Aroma, full of requisite coriander and orange zest, fresh, lively, airy, a fruity tingle in the nose. Taste: smooth, full of citric flavor, bright and alive, sunny and satisfying. A perfect thirst-quencher for when the palate is parched, or just when you need to make your tastebuds happy. I unapologetically admire the witbier style, and this version fits the bill nicely. Light/medium bodied, with a slick, even oily mouthfeel that washes flavor over the palate, before fading back, to swiftly return. A zesty, tasty brew, and a good stab at the style.

mrkimchee (1414) - Toronto, Ontario, CANADA - JAN 7, 2004
hazy deep yellow, big lacy white head. spicy coriander, lemongrass, orange and yeasty aroma. soft and smooth mouthfeel. whaety malt flavour with some mixed fruit and pithy orange ans spice coming through int he finish. nice white.

muzzlehatch (4975) - Beloit, Wisconsin, USA - JAN 1, 2004
Bottled, 22 oz. POWERfull clove/banana/coriander/pepper nose, really hits you in the back of the nose. Letter-perfect bright luminous cloudy orange, giant cumulous head. Flavor very good, quite low on the sweetness, peppery tart slightly orangey; strong pepper finish. Good, but not as good as the promise of eye and nose.

Schroppfy (2362) - Łódż, Warsaw, Poland; Michigan, Ohio, USA - DEC 29, 2003
I'm very happy with the extra pepper in here! Thinnish, clear, almost no clove and lots of (slightly artificial) banana. Very nice.

ClarkVV (13546) - Boston, Massachusetts, USA - DEC 29, 2003
Light yellow, slight rusty oranges. Moderately cloudy. Big foamy white head. Huge coriander smell. Begins light and spicy. Coriander, wheat and other various spices. Very low sugar, flavor of light lemon, wheat and coriander linger on. Not much citrus/curacao in this one, if any. Not terribly complex, just good. Hops are detectable, which is nice; tettnang or hallertauer? maybe saaz?

Oakes (30774) - Richmond, British Columbia, CANADA - DEC 28, 2003
Cloudy beige colour. Malty aroma, lightly spicy and phenolic (band-aid). Very spicy palate (odd stuff like star of anise and grains of paradise). Creamy maltiness lies underneath. Pleasant, if a little odd.

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