RATINGS: 149   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.6/5   SEASONAL: Winter   IBU: 45   EST. CALORIES: 240   ABV: 8%
Sudwerk Doppel Bock is available throughout the Holidays and is reminiscent of traditional winter seasonal brews of Germany. Rich and complex, with a layered malt character. Brewed with generous amount of Munich malt. And a subtle addition of chocolate malt for a distinct roasted character, and a range of caramel malts for a full, rounded flavor with a silky creamy finish.

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jandd1983 (7629) - Wentzville, Missouri, USA - MAR 25, 2019
UPDATED: MAR 25, 2019 On tap at Friendship. It poured a dark brown color with a tan head. The aroma was of toffee, malts, dark fruits and bread. The taste was similar to the aroma with more toffee, malts, dark fruits, bread, brown sugar with medium carbonation and a nice chewy aftertaste. Nice.

BuckeyeBoy (17716) - Boise, Idaho, USA - MAR 20, 2017
12oz bottle thanks to Eric. Pours out a dark cola color topped with a sand head. Nose is toffee pit fruit rich malts and a little roast. Taste is more of nice rich pitfruit malts some caramel and toffee sweetness.

RedSox2004 (2053) - Pacific Palisades, California, USA - NOV 29, 2016
Dark ruby/mahogany with a half-finger off-white head and minimal lace. Aromas of toasted malt, yeasty bread, dark fruit and brown sugar. Flavors of fig and plums, with a touch of spice, warming alcohol and some bittering earthy hops. Medium body and carbonation, incredibly smooth mouthfeel and a long warm finish.

kambei70 (1201) - - JUN 21, 2016
Pours a clear brown color with a 3/4 finger thick light tan head. light lacing. Aroma is lightly roasted malt. Flavor is toasted malt, light chocolate, and herbal hops. Finish is a little harsh. Medium body. A decent beer. ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

thegreenrooster (6956) - St.louis, Missouri, USA - APR 30, 2016
Pour is a dark brown with a small tan head. Aroma is a mix of sugar and loads of dark fruit. Lots of plumbs and figs. Flavor is pure raison juice with a bit of treacle and toffee. This was such a dark fruit forward beer. One of the best dopple bocks I’ve had in a long time. This beer leaves so much raison on the tongue you may think you are eating a box of sun-maids.

beer_rookie (1126) - Arkansas, USA - APR 17, 2016
Pours a dark mahogany color. About one finger mocha colored head. Poor retention, okay lacing. It’s so dark, it’s hard to see it. But from what I see, it looks good.

Aroma is coffee, chocolate and malts. Lots of fruits. Raisins, cherry, figs,. Smells great.

Taste follows the nose. Very malty, no hops. Very fruity with cherries, raisins, figs. Sweet, no bitterness. A little alcohol burn, but can’t taste the alcohol. Chocolate and toffee.

Mouthfeel is full bodied. Creamy and rich, but has alcohol burn. Can’t taste the alcohol. Be careful, high ABV, sweet and easy drinking, could make for trouble. Drinkable yes, sessioinable...no.

Overall, it’s rather tasty and enjoyable. I don’t have much more to say about it. I would buy it again and I would recommend it. It’s mighty fine!

vyvvy (7776) - St. Louis, Missouri, USA - APR 3, 2016
The beer pours deep brown with a reddish hue with a beige head. The aroma has toffee, rich malt, some dark fruit/berries and lager smoothness. It has a medium body with some mild carbonation. The taste starts with dark toasty bread, lager smoothness and burnt toffee. The finish is pretty dry while maintaining the richness. Pretty good.

StudHammer (29) - - MAR 2, 2016
Rich and complex, with a layered malt character. Brewed with generous amount of Munich malt. And a subtle addition of chocolate malt for a distinct roasted character, and a range of caramel malts for a full, rounded flavor with a silky creamy finish. Chocolate, Coffee, Smooth. Nice Beer

Zymurgeist2 (4940) - Redwood City, California, USA - JAN 25, 2016
On tap at Harry’s Hofbrau during a Sudwerk event. Very rich caramel malt with slight chocolate. Alcohol burn.

theOptimator (387) - Sacramento, California, USA - DEC 22, 2015
Aroma is bright sweet caramel malt with hint of chocolate roast. Appearance is dark brown with redish tint, medium off white head. Taste is bright sweet malt followed by a light chocolate bread crust followed by a light herbal hop flavor/bitterness. Palate is medium. Crisp yet full, hides alcohol well. Overall a very nice beer. Not a world class example, but has some malt depth and very clean. Good example of the style

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