Heavyweight Perkunos Hammer Imperial Porter

RATINGS: 544   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.79/5   EST. CALORIES: 240   ABV: 8%
A Baltic porter brewed in collaboration with Lew Bryson. This style is difficult to find outside of the Baltics. What a shame! The grist consists of lots of Munich malt and some chocolate and other specialty malts. A Bavarian lager yeast is used to create this. Dark and mysterious, subtle and well, it is called the Hammer. For those who care, Perkuno was the Baltic thunder god.

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DrnkMcDermott (4258) - Downers Grove, Illinois, USA - JUN 18, 2022
UPDATED: JUN 18, 2022 A 2005 trade from Dorwart, finally opened. Some raisin and plum in the nose, a bit of oxidized sherry, but nothing I wouldn't expect of a 17 year old beer that's been through 2 moves. The look in the glass is a bit thin. Not much on bubbles, just a few of them along the edge. Taste is pretty dry, but still a bit of plum brandy, slight sour cherry. Some sludge in the bottom that I'll decant out in a bit. Resolves to a dry red wine note. The only thing I'm disappointed in is my holding on to these vintage beers, and should go through more of them while I still can.

djd07 (28706) - Houston, Texas, USA - JAN 25, 2016
Bottle. Pours a very dark brown with medium tan head that lasts. The aroma is roasted malt, chocolate, prunes. Slick mouth, light roast, caramel, dark chocolate, nice sweetness and light booze finish, very nice.

ChainGangGuy (5803) - Woodstock, Georgia, USA - JAN 1, 2013
Join me, as I enjoy a Taste of History!

Appearance: Cautiously poured a very dark-brown body with no real head formation, just some bubbles, a few there, and light beige in color.

Smell: Lightly scented brew these days, just hinting of dark chocolate, some distant plum, a hint of alcohol.

Taste: Chocolate malts, some expired toast, and sweetness mingled with some oxidative cardboard tones. Slight black licorice jellybean. Dark fruitiness and a subtle sourness. Some roastiness and smoke remains, a bit of alcoholic warmth lingers on.

Mouthfeel: Medium body. Very, very little remaining carbonation (almost none, really).

Overall: This had been another installment of... a Taste of History!

marcus (12952) - Sacramento, California, USA - JUN 17, 2012
Bottle shared by IrishBoy. Pours dark brown with a tiny beige head and a treacle aroma. There is a rich chocolate and plum flavor with a slight sourness, perhaps from the aging. Very nice.

bhensonb (22069) - Woodland, California, USA - JUN 17, 2012
Bottle shared by IrishBoy. Pours dark brown with a transient tan head. Aromas of slightly sour dark fruits and chocolate with dark malt. Full bodied. Flavor is pretty much the aroma. It’s extremely delicious. Aged marvelously.

zdk (1917) - New York, New York, USA - JUL 20, 2011
bottle shared at 5000 tasting - sour darkness, chocolate, a touch of bile. Bready malts, grass and some must, some wine. Some oxidation, but this held up surprisingly well anyway.

italarican (1548) - Indiana, Pennsylvania, USA - JUN 6, 2011
Bottle generously shared during RBSG. Dark pour. Aroma is smoky with a thick dark chocolate quality. Flavor is full of dark chocolate with a surprising tartness. Fizzy mouthfeel with a tart-dark chocolate finish. Unique and enjoyable.

corby112 (2804) - philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA - JUN 5, 2011
2004 Heavyweight Perkuno’s Hammer Imperial Porter. Pours a very dark chestnut brown that appears black and completely opaque in the glass with a thin mocha colored head that quickly fades into a thin ring. Small spots of lacing left behind. Slightly smokey sweet malt aroma with some boozy sweetness and dark fruit notes. Roasty but not acrid smelling with hints of chocolate, molasses, licorice, oatmeal, and toast. Slightly oxidized with a sweet, boozy dark malt flavor. Pretty smokey with hints of charcoal, burnt toast, bbq and bacon countered by bittersweet dark chocolate, boozy sweetness, toffee and oatmeal. Lingering dry finish.

Koelschtrinker (28835) - Brewver-Town, GERMANY - MAY 21, 2011
Malzig-prickelnder Antrunk, zu Beginn noch recht mild. Durchgehend mittelherb, das ab dem Mittelteil durchschimmernde Malz wird im Nachgeschmack würziger und klebriger, wirkt aber auch wässrig und beschert so einen milden Abgang mit verhaltener Süße. Danke an den Doppelbock! 10/8/9/10/8/9

wedgie9 (2703) - Nashville, Tennessee, USA - APR 3, 2011
Tasted on 3/27/11 from a 12oz bottle, 2004 vintage. Pours opaque and oily black with a thick light brown head that quickly recedes to nothing more than a thin collar of lace. The nose is quite oxidized with tons of toasted hazelnut and hints of dark malt and coffee. The flavor is not quite as oxidized, but still features toasted hazelnut with more lively molasses, dark chocolate, and coffee. The body is full with lively carbonation and a long nutty and dark chocolate finish.

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