RATINGS: 13   MEAN: 3.95/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.57/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 180   ABV: 6%
A saison style ale fermented with 100% brettanomyces.

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jcwattsrugger (13468) - Florida and, New Jersey, USA - DEC 7, 2009
on tap-pours an off white head and gold color. Aroma is tart/sour, woody/herbal. Taste is tart/sour/vinegar, light malt, woody/herbal. Not my taste but it is sour.

argo0 (14125) - Washington DC, USA - SEP 17, 2009
(draft) Off-white head atop cloudy apple cider body. Aroma is medium sweet, wood, sour cherry, straw, light pepper. Taste is medium sweet, wood, wome cherry, sourness, light floral. Medium body.

ClarkVV (13614) - Boston, Massachusetts, USA - DEC 12, 2006
UPDATED: JAN 17, 2007 2006 draught samples at Kennett Fest on 10/07/06 and Belgian Beer Fest on 10/27/06
Medium to medium-high clarity in this brilliant hay-golden yellow beer. Lots of pale gold tints and a very dense, though small amount of white head, with proper lacing as it recedes.
Magnificent amounts of brett in the nose bring on full images of Orval, Redemption, et al....Great attenuation, with only dry honey and light biscuity malt notes remaining. Dry fruitiness that you would expect from Brett. The BBF version I believe was 100% brett primary, whereas the cooperstown and Kennett had saccharomyces in primary. Think that’s what Shaun said anyway. Very strong nose, anyhow, with no alcohol and no flaws noted. Just pure brett goodness as it should be, with some raw acids and a light horsey funk
The flavor was crisp, dry and deliciously fruity, showing off pear skins, light apples, nectarines and some lilacy hops. Tart brett all the way to the end, lingering nicely on the finish. Very lacking on doughiness, thankfully and no trace of the water problems the Shed often has. Some white pepper and definite acidity as well, on the finish. I could taste just a hint of diacetyl on the very end, but it was minimal and nothing I havent found in many other brett saisons. Very engaging, tight carbonation, crisp, drying, refreshing texture, unfitered of course. A hell of a good drinkin’ beer.

hophead75 (2013) - Largo, Florida, USA - OCT 30, 2006
BA BBF 06. Hazy golden. Aroma is tangy citrus, funky/tart brett, and spicy. Taste is tangy citrus, tartness, spices, tart/lightly sour finish. wow, this was a great beer feremented completely with brett.

weeare138 (936) - Collegeville, Pennsylvania, USA - OCT 9, 2006
UPDATED: JAN 6, 2007 On tap at KSBF ’06... Appears a hazy orange with a small array of white bubbles that quickly dissolves out. Tiny speckles of lace around the glass. Smell is of funky horse blanket, citrus, and spices. Taste is simmered slightly from the aroma but the signs of greatness of there, emulating true farmhouse style wild ales with a funky, mildly infected fruity, citrus blend that is what the brewer shot for. Mouthfeel is medium bodied with a slight thinness. Age seems to have gotten the better of the kegged carbonation in here. The brett may have had something to do with it but overall, it’s darn nice.

hopdog (25100) - Lansdale, Pennsylvania, USA - OCT 9, 2006
On tap at the KSBF ’06. Poured a deep orange / golden color with a small sized white head. Aromas of citrus, brett, and spices.Tastes follow the same. Body a little on the thin side.

beerbuzzmontreal (3486) - Montreal, Quebec, CANADA - OCT 2, 2006
BCTC 06 The pour reveals a hazy blonde color with a thin white head. Very good aroma and flavor of brett, fruits, spices and hay. The body has a light to medium thickness with an oily texture and soft carbonation. A very solid saison.

willblake (2654) - Bel Air, Maryland, USA - AUG 27, 2006
UPDATED: APR 22, 2008 20060715 BCTC If I learned nothing else during the most recent BCTC, besides Clark’s affinity for cuddling with Texans, it’s that these guys know how to make some kickin saisons. Golden color, cloudy, with ample white head. First aroma is all funk and I’m in love. The beer is a real menagerie of sharp and herbal hops, racetrack funk, cheese shop, and mild sourness. Medium sweet body of firm pale malts hold up to the astringency that battles for ending position. The result is a wildly drinkable brew that could be quaffed by the bucketload if it were only somewhat available. Kudos.

revisited 20061007 at Kennett. Still excellent, no change to scoring. Woo!

Walt (2449) - Austin, Texas, USA - JUL 31, 2006
Pour is dark hazy golden with a thin white head...smell is funky and yeasty with brett and cheese rind...taste is dry and spicy with pepper, brett, and hay...finish is quick, but appropriate still...

Dickinsonbeer (5073) - Hoboken, New Jersey, USA - JUL 24, 2006
BCTC 06. This stuff was awesome, as was everything that the Shed brought. Pours a hazy gold with a cloud-like fluffy white head. Great lacing too. Horseblanket and funky barnyard aroms, lots of spicy phenols, some clove and herbal hops. Lightly sour mouthfeel in the end, but the beginning and middle were smooth lightly sweet, funky cheese-like and bready. Finishes dry and is very refreshing. Damn good saison.

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